

单词 every bit
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bite〕I enjoyed every bite.我觉得每一口都好吃。外研社新世纪〔bite〕Look forward to eating the food and enjoy every bite.盼着吃东西,享受每一口食物。柯林斯高阶〔bit〕He has eaten every bit of his dinner.他把饭菜吃了个精光。英汉大词典〔bit〕He is every bit the high-powered businessman.他完全是那种劲头十足的商人。韦氏高阶〔bit〕He wants to get elected every bit as much as his brother does.他一心想当选,迫切程度和他兄弟一模一样。英汉大词典〔bit〕His latest film is every bit as interesting as his last one.他最新的一部电影和他上一部电影一样有趣。外研社新世纪〔bit〕Jodi plays every bit as well as the men.乔迪打得一点儿也不比男人差。朗文当代〔bit〕My dinner jacket is every bit as good as his.我的晚礼服和他的一样好。柯林斯高阶〔bit〕Rome is every bit as beautiful as Paris.罗马和巴黎一样美丽。牛津高阶〔bit〕The end was every bit as good as the beginning.结尾比之开头完全同样圆满。英汉大词典〔bit〕The newly developed medication is every bit as effective as the old one.新研制出的药物和以前的一样有效。麦克米伦高阶〔bit〕This new project seems every bit as ambitious as the first one.新计划似乎和第一个计划一样宏伟。韦氏高阶〔bit〕You are every bit as deserving as she is.你和她一样受之无愧。韦氏高阶〔by〕Every bit of lace is made by hand(=not using a machine).每一寸花边都是手工制作的。麦克米伦高阶〔coup de grâce〕As a final coup de grace, Lord Burghley created a roofscape every bit as impressive as the facades and interiors.作为点睛之笔, 伯利勋爵创造出了与外立面和内饰一样令人难忘的屋顶效果。外研社新世纪〔dust ... off〕He dusted every bit of dirt off his furniture.他把家具上的污物都擦掉了。21世纪英汉〔every〕He is every bit as mean as she is.他完全与她同样平庸美国传统〔every〕I loved him every bit as much as she did.我爱他的程度完全和她一样深。朗文当代〔every〕Opponents of the war are considered every bit as patriotic as supporters.在人们心目中,这场战争的反对者和支持者都是一样爱国的。剑桥高阶〔every〕Taking regular exercise is every bit as important as having a healthy diet.经常锻炼身体和健康饮食完全一样重要。朗文当代〔formidable〕She looked every bit as formidable as her mother.她看上去和她母亲一样,令人望而生畏。柯林斯高阶〔formidable〕She looked every bit as formidable as her mother.她看上去完全像她母亲一样令人生畏。外研社新世纪〔importantly〕This gold is every bit as important to me as it is to you.这块金牌对你很重要,对我也一样重要。柯林斯高阶〔important〕This gold is every bit as important to me as it is to you.这块金牌对我的重要性丝毫不亚于它对你的重要性。外研社新世纪〔morally〕The moral is that, once cooked, they look the same and taste every bit as good.由此可知,烹饪后,它们的味道和品相都别无二致。柯林斯高阶〔moral〕The moral is that, once cooked, they look the same and taste every bit as good.事实是, 煮过之后, 它们看起来一样, 吃起来也同样美味。外研社新世纪〔pit〕You will be pitted against people who are every bit as good as you are.你将和与你势均力敌的对手展开竞争。柯林斯高阶〔relish〕I ate with great relish , enjoying every bite.我吃得津津有味,享受每一口饭菜。朗文当代Opponents of the war are considered every bit as (= equally as) patriotic as supporters.反战者被认为和支持者同样爱国。剑桥国际




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