

单词 footsteps
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BECOME〕The sound of footsteps grew louder. 脚步声变得越来越响。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕We kept quiet and very still until the footsteps had passed. 我们不作声,一动不动,直到脚步声远去。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕My father was always disappointed that Joey didn't follow in his footsteps and take over the farm. 我父亲一直感到失望,因为乔伊没有继承他的事业接管农场。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕We will watch with interest what happens to these two women officers and to the young women who wish to follow in their footsteps. 我们将饶有兴趣地观察两位女军官以及想步她们后尘的年轻女子会怎样。朗文写作活用〔DIRECTION〕Frightened by the sound of footsteps, the rabbits ran off in all directions. 兔子被脚步声惊吓得四处窜逃。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPEAR〕The sound of his footsteps grew fainter and eventually died away. 他的脚步声渐渐变弱,最后消失了。朗文写作活用〔EMPTY〕My footsteps echoed across the empty room. 我的脚步声在空房间里回响。朗文写作活用〔LISTEN〕We hid behind the door, listening for the sound of the guard's footsteps. 我们躲在门后,留心听着有没有警卫的脚步声。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Suddenly we heard footsteps close behind us. 突然,我们听到身后有脚步声靠近。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕We could hear footsteps approaching down the corridor. 我们听到走廊上的脚步声越来越近。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕She listened to Zach's footsteps fade away, as he walked down the staircase. 扎克从楼梯上走下去的时候,她听着他的脚步声渐渐消失。朗文写作活用〔SHUT〕She heard a door slam shut and the sound of footsteps on the path. 她听到门砰的一声关上了,随后就是小路上响起了脚步声。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕I heard footsteps echoing down the corridor. 我听到脚步声在走廊里回响。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Then I heard the clanking of the metal gates outside, followed by footsteps on the path. 接着我听到外面铁门当啷一声,随后小路上响起了脚步声。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Then I heard the creak of someone's footsteps on the stairs. 接着我听到有人走在楼梯上嘎吱嘎吱的脚步声。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕I could always recognise my mother's footsteps as she scurried up the stairs. 我总能听得出母亲匆匆跑上楼的脚步声。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕Suddenly Rachel heard footsteps behind her in the dark street. 突然,在黑漆漆的街上,雷切尔听到身后有脚步声。朗文写作活用〔announce〕Footsteps announced her return.听见脚步声,知道她回来了。21世纪英汉〔announce〕Footsteps announced his return.听见脚步声,知道他回来了。英汉大词典〔annoy〕The sound of footsteps on the bare floor annoyed the downstairs neighbors.楼上地板的脚步声吵得楼下住户心烦。美国传统〔approach〕Footsteps signalled their approach.脚步声响,表示他们靠近了。牛津同义词〔approach〕She heard footsteps approaching from behind.她听见有人从后面走近的脚步声。麦克米伦高阶〔approach〕She heard footsteps approaching.她听到有脚步声走过来。朗文当代〔arousability〕The footsteps aroused the dog.脚步声唤醒了那条狗。21世纪英汉〔aware〕He came awake with a start, aware of footsteps in the passageway.他突然惊醒, 听到走廊上有脚步声。外研社新世纪〔beyond〕They heard footsteps in the main room, beyond a door.他们听见门外的大厅里有脚步声。柯林斯高阶〔close〕James heard footsteps close behind him.詹姆斯听到身后有很近的脚步声。朗文当代〔clump〕I could hear the clump of his footsteps as he came down the stairs.他下楼时,我能听到他沉重的脚步声。韦氏高阶〔clump〕She heard the clump of heavy footsteps on the stairs.她听到楼梯上笨重的脚步声。文馨英汉〔cock〕All ears were cocked for the footsteps on the stairs.所有的人都竖起耳朵听楼梯上传来的脚步声。外研社新世纪〔cock〕All ears were cocked for the footsteps on the stairs.所有的人都竖起耳朵听楼梯上传来的脚步声。柯林斯高阶〔crunch over〕Our footsteps crunched over the snow.我们的脚踩在雪上, 发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音。外研社新世纪〔crunch〕Footsteps crunched on the gravel.人们走在砾石上,发出嘎吱嘎吱的声响。牛津同义词〔daunting〕He's got the daunting task of following in Ferguson's footsteps.他面临继承弗格森事业的艰巨任务。朗文当代〔deaden〕The carpet deadened the sounds of his footsteps.地毯为他的脚步声消音。英汉大词典〔descend〕I heard his footsteps descending the stairs.我听到他下楼的脚步声。朗文当代〔die away〕The sound of his footsteps gradually died away.他的脚步声渐渐消失了。剑桥高阶〔die〕His footsteps died away in the darkness.他的脚步声在黑暗中渐渐远去。英汉大词典〔die〕She waited until the footsteps had died away.她一直等到脚步声渐渐消失。朗文当代〔disengage〕Hearing footsteps, Caroline and I disengage as if electrocuted.听见脚步声, 我和卡罗琳像触电般迅速地松开了对方。外研社新世纪〔dog〕A man dogged my footsteps.一个男人跟踪我。外研社新世纪〔dog〕He dogged my footsteps.他尾随着我。英汉大词典〔dull〕The carpet dulled the sound of their footsteps.地毯使他们的脚步声变得低沉。麦克米伦高阶〔echo〕Her footsteps echoed down the corridor.她的脚步声在走廊里回荡。牛津搭配〔echo〕Her footsteps echoed in the empty room.她的脚步声在空荡荡的屋子里回响着。牛津高阶〔echo〕The cobblestone alleyway echoed their footsteps.鹅卵石铺成的小巷里回响着他们的脚步声。英汉大词典〔echo〕The sound of footsteps echoed around the hall.脚步声在大厅里回荡。剑桥高阶〔echo〕Their footsteps on the bare boards sent out hollow echoes.他们的脚步声在没铺地毯的地板上发出空洞的回声。牛津搭配〔fade〕Her footsteps faded away down the staircase.她的脚步声向楼梯下移去,慢慢消失了。麦克米伦高阶〔fade〕They heard footsteps go past the room, then fade into the distance.他们听见有人经过房门的脚步声,后来声音逐渐在远处消失。麦克米伦高阶〔fancy〕She fancied (that) she could hear footsteps.她觉得好像听到了脚步声。牛津高阶〔father〕He followed in his father's footsteps and became a motor mechanic.他追随父亲成了汽车修理工。牛津搭配〔father〕He followed the footsteps of his famous father into the film industry.他追随大名鼎鼎的父亲,从事电影事业。牛津搭配〔follow in sb's footsteps〕She followed in her mother's footsteps, starting her own business.她效法母亲开办了自己的公司。剑桥高阶〔follow in someone's footsteps〕She followed in her father's footsteps by becoming a doctor.她继承父业,成了一名医生。韦氏高阶〔follow in〕I'm following in my father's footsteps.我正踏着父亲的脚步前进。21世纪英汉〔follow〕He is a doctor and expects his son to follow in his footsteps.他是医生,期盼儿子继承他的事业。朗文当代〔follow〕He wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and be a ballroom dancer.他想像他母亲那样,以跳交际舞为业。牛津搭配〔follow〕She works in television, following in her father's footsteps.她步父亲的后尘,在电视台工作。牛津高阶〔footstep〕At the sound of her footsteps, he stopped what he was doing.听到她的脚步声, 他停下了自己手头的事。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕He heard someone's footsteps in the hall.他听见门厅里有脚步声。朗文当代〔footstep〕He heard the sound of heavy, dragging footsteps in the corridor.他听到从走廊上传来拖沓沉重的脚步声。牛津搭配〔footstep〕He is following in his father's footsteps and studying to be a doctor.他准备继承父业,正在学医。英汉大词典〔footstep〕He takes short, feline, footsteps.他迈着悄无声息的小碎步。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕Her footsteps died away as she walked down the path.她沿着小路一直走,脚步声渐行渐远。牛津搭配〔footstep〕His footsteps were clearly marked in the sand.他的脚印清晰地留在沙地上。英汉大词典〔footstep〕Hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs.楼梯上传来急促的脚步声。牛津搭配〔footstep〕I am retracing the footsteps of the lost expedition.我顺着失踪的探险队的足迹走。牛津搭配〔footstep〕I heard footsteps outside.我听见了外面的脚步声。柯林斯高阶〔footstep〕I heard footsteps outside.我听见外面有脚步声。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕I heard my husband's footsteps coming up the stairs.我听到丈夫上楼梯的脚步声。麦克米伦高阶〔footstep〕It's five footsteps from the bedroom to the bathroom.从卧室到卫生间有五步的距离。韦氏高阶〔footstep〕My father is extremely proud that I followed in his footsteps and became a doctor.我的父亲非常自豪,因为我继承他的事业,成为了一名医生。柯林斯高阶〔footstep〕My father is proud that I followed in his footsteps and became a doctor.我继承父业成为医生, 这是父亲引以为豪的事情。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕My men walk close behind me, in my footsteps, almost stepping on my heels.我的人紧跟在我后面, 沿着我的足迹走, 几乎踩到了我的脚后跟。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕She followed in her mother's footsteps and became a doctor.她继承母亲的事业当了一名医生。麦克米伦高阶〔footstep〕She listened for her mother's footsteps.她留心听妈妈的脚步声。牛津搭配〔footstep〕The footsteps came closer as she listened.她听到脚步声越来越近了。牛津搭配〔footstep〕The footsteps halted in the doorway.脚步声在门口停住了。牛津搭配〔footstep〕The footsteps passed on, receding down the corridor.脚步声过去了,渐渐消失在走廊里。牛津搭配〔footstep〕The best place to bask in the sunshine is on the stretch of golden sand just a few footsteps away.晒太阳的最佳去处是离这里几步之遥的金色沙滩。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕The kids loved following the orange footsteps up Main Street.孩子们喜欢沿着橘黄色的脚印走到大街。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕The maid walked two or three footsteps behind her mistress.女仆在女主人身后跟着,相隔两三步。英汉大词典〔footstep〕They walked along in single file, following in each other's footsteps through the snow.他们排成一列纵队, 一个人踩着前一个人的脚印穿过雪地。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕Those footsteps she took at Bangor were the last she ever took.她在班戈走的那几步是她迈出的最后几步。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕Walking along the darkened street, he heard footsteps close behind him.走在黑漆漆的大街上,他听到有脚步声紧随其后。剑桥高阶〔footstep〕We could hear the approaching footsteps.我们可以听到越来越近的脚步声。韦氏高阶〔footstep〕We heard his footsteps on the stairs.我们听见楼梯上响起他的脚步声。英汉大词典〔footstep〕When he realized he'd lost his wallet, he retraced his footsteps (= went back the way he had come).他发现自己丢了钱包,于是沿原路返回寻找。剑桥高阶〔hammering〕My heart was hammering. The footsteps had stopped outside my door.我的心怦怦直跳。脚步声已停在我的门外。柯林斯高阶〔hammer〕My heart was hammering. The footsteps had stopped outside my door.我的心怦怦直跳。脚步声已停在我的门外。外研社新世纪〔hark〕Hark. I hear the returning footsteps of my love.听!我听到我爱人回来的脚步声了。外研社新世纪〔hark〕Hark. I hear the returning footsteps of my love.听!我听见我爱人回来的脚步声了。柯林斯高阶〔hear〕She heard footsteps behind her.她听到背后有脚步声。牛津高阶〔heavy〕She could hear Bill's heavy footsteps upstairs.她能听见比尔上楼时沉重的脚步声。麦克米伦高阶〔herald〕Voices and footsteps outside heralded their return.外面的说话声和脚步声预告了他们的归来。麦克米伦高阶〔hollowly〕Her footsteps echoed hollowly in the quiet streets.她那低沉的脚步声回荡在寂静的街道上。剑桥高阶〔imagine〕I always imagined him following in his father's footsteps.我一直以为他会子承父业。牛津搭配〔immediate〕My immediate neighbours reported hearing doors banging and footsteps on the landing.我的隔壁邻居说, 听到门砰砰作响, 楼梯平台上有脚步声。外研社新世纪〔jar〕His heavy footsteps jarred the floor.他沉重的脚步震动了地板。文馨英汉〔kill〕A carpet may kill the sound of the footsteps.地毯可以降低脚步声。21世纪英汉〔leaden〕He heard the father's leaden footsteps move down the stairs.他听见父亲拖着沉重的脚步下楼。外研社新世纪〔leaden〕He heard the father's leaden footsteps move down the stairs.他听见父亲蹇步下楼。柯林斯高阶〔listen for〕We listen for footsteps approaching.我们留神听是不是有脚步声传来。外研社新世纪〔listen〕I was listening out for their footsteps.我在留神听他们的脚步声。麦克米伦高阶〔listen〕We listen for footsteps approaching.我们留神听是不是有脚步声传来。柯林斯高阶〔listen〕We listened anxiously for the sound of footsteps.我们焦躁地等着脚步声响起。牛津搭配〔loudly〕His footsteps echoed loudly in the tiled hall.他的脚步声响亮地回荡在铺着地砖的大厅里。外研社新世纪〔loudly〕His footsteps echoed loudly in the tiled hall.他的脚步声响亮地回荡在铺着地砖的走廊里。柯林斯高阶〔muffle〕The falling snow muffled the sound of our footsteps.飘落的雪减弱了我们的脚步声。朗文当代〔mute〕Carpets muted the sound of footsteps.地毯减轻了脚步声。英汉大词典〔pad〕A muffled sound resembling that of soft footsteps.低沉声音:象柔柔的脚步声的低沉的声音美国传统〔pair〕Two pairs of footsteps sounded from the hall.大厅里响起了两个人的脚步声。英汉大词典〔pass down〕I heard footsteps passing down the corridor outside.我听见外面走廊里的脚步声渐行渐远。外研社新世纪〔path〕Footsteps had scored a diagonal path through the snow.脚印在雪地上留下了一条对角线。牛津搭配〔patter〕Footsteps pattered across the floor.地板上有啪嗒啪嗒的脚步声跑过。牛津搭配〔pat〕The sound made by a light stroke or tap or by light footsteps.拍打声,轻轻的脚步声:轻轻的抚摸、拍打或轻轻的脚步所发出的声音美国传统〔pitter-patter〕The footsteps pitter-pattered down the hall.脚步声顺着走廊劈啪而去。21世纪英汉〔pitter-patter〕The footsteps pitter-pattered down the hall.脚步声顺着走廊劈啪而去。英汉大词典〔print〕Little footsteps lightly printed the ground.细碎的脚步在地上留下浅浅的印迹。英汉大词典〔recede〕His footsteps receded into the distance.他的脚步声渐渐远去。牛津搭配〔recede〕His footsteps receded into the night.他的脚步声在夜色中逐渐远去。外研社新世纪〔recede〕Luke's footsteps receded into the night.卢克在夜色中渐行渐远。柯林斯高阶〔redouble〕He redoubled his footsteps and found his lost book.他循着自己的脚印往回走,终于找到了遗失的书。21世纪英汉〔retrace〕We retraced our footsteps through the wood.我们顺着原路穿过树林返回。麦克米伦高阶〔retreat〕I heard her footsteps retreat down the hall.我听见她沿走廊渐渐走远的脚步声。牛津搭配〔run〕His footsteps quickened to a run.他加快脚步奔跑起来。英汉大词典〔scatter〕The rabbits scattered when they heard our footsteps.兔子一听见我们的脚步声便四散逃开。麦克米伦高阶〔shadow〕She shrank back into the shadows as the footsteps approached.脚步声逼近时,她缩回到暗处。牛津搭配〔shaft〕Shafts of fear ran through her as she heard footsteps behind her.她听见身后有脚步声,感到一阵毛骨悚然。牛津高阶〔sight〕I lost sight of him but could still hear his footsteps.我看不见他了,但还能够听到他的脚步声。麦克米伦高阶〔silence〕The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps in the hallway.走廊的脚步声打破了寂静。韦氏高阶〔silence〕Their footsteps echoed in the silence.他们的脚步声在一片寂静中回荡着。牛津高阶〔soundless〕Her footsteps were soundless.她的脚步悄无声息。韦氏高阶〔sound〕He turned around at the sound of footsteps behind him.听到身后传来脚步声,他转过身来。牛津搭配〔sound〕I could hear the sound of footsteps.我能听到脚步声。外研社新世纪〔sound〕She heard the sound of footsteps outside.她听见外面有脚步声。牛津高阶〔stair〕They heard footsteps on the stairs.他们听到楼梯上有脚步声。麦克米伦高阶〔start〕The footsteps came again, then started up the stairs.脚步声再次传来,然后是上楼的声音。麦克米伦高阶〔stealthily〕I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second-floor.我会偷偷溜进去,轻手轻脚地查看一下二楼。柯林斯高阶〔stealthy〕I crept in and with stealthy footsteps explored the second-floor.我偷偷溜进去, 轻手轻脚地查看了一下二楼。外研社新世纪〔stealthy〕I heard the landlady's stealthy footsteps on the stairs.我听到女房东在楼梯上那悄悄的脚步声。英汉大词典〔stiffen〕She stiffened as the footsteps came closer and closer.越来越近的脚步声使她全身绷紧。麦克米伦高阶〔stillness〕The sound of footsteps on the path broke the stillness.小路上的脚步声打破了宁静。牛津高阶〔tread〕Countless footsteps have trodden a path to their door.无数的脚步已经踩出了一条到他们家门前的小径。韦氏高阶〔trigger〕Her finger tightened on the trigger as she heard footsteps approaching.她听到脚步越来越近,便用手指紧扣扳机。牛津搭配〔trip〕He tried to follow Jack's footsteps in the snow and tripped on a rock.他想要跟着杰克在雪中留下的脚印走,却让一块石头绊倒了。柯林斯高阶〔vaguely〕He was vaguely aware of footsteps behind him.他仿佛意识到背后有脚步声。牛津高阶〔vibrate〕His heavy footsteps upstairs made the old house vibrate.楼上他那沉重的脚步把这幢旧屋子都震动了。英汉大词典〔vibration〕He felt the vibration of footsteps.他感觉到脚步的震动。麦克米伦高阶〔wear〕The footsteps of thousands of visitors had worn away the steps of Mountain Tai.数以千计的游客的脚步磨损了泰山上的台阶。21世纪英汉At this moment his footsteps sounded on the stairs. 这时候传来了他走在楼梯上的脚步声。译典通Both the children followed in their mother's footsteps and became doctors.两位孩子继承了母业当起了医生。剑桥国际He heard the scrape of footsteps up the stairs. 他听到有人上楼的嚓嚓的脚步声。译典通Her footsteps echoed hollowly in the quiet streets.她的脚步声沉重地回荡在寂静的街上。剑桥国际I can distinguish my roommates by their footsteps. 我能根据室友的脚步声辨认出他们。译典通I heard a scurry of footsteps. 我听到一阵匆忙奔跑的脚步声。译典通I heard his footsteps in the hall. 我听见走廊里响起他的脚步声。译典通I thought I could hear footsteps on the stair.我想我能听见楼梯上的脚步声。剑桥国际I was woken up by the sound of footsteps in the passageway.我被走廊里的脚步声吵醒。剑桥国际If you walk lightly, your footsteps will not be heard. 如果你轻轻地走,别人就听不见你的脚步声了。译典通On hearing the soft footsteps outside her room, she was seized with panic. 一听到门外有轻轻的脚步声,她惊慌失措。译典通Our footsteps echoed through the empty building.我们的脚步声在空荡的大楼里回响。剑桥国际She followed in her mother's footsteps and started her own business.她继承母亲的事业,开办了自己的公司。剑桥国际She heard footsteps behind her, and spun around/round (= turned quickly) to see who was there.她听见后面有脚步声,急忙转过身去看是谁。剑桥国际She tensed at the approaching footsteps. 她听到越来越近的脚步声马上紧张了起来。译典通She went cold all over when she heard footsteps behind her in the darkness. 当她在黑暗中听到身后的脚步声,她全身战栗。译典通The camera crew dogged the pop group's footsteps (=followed and filmed them all the time) as they shopped, ate and relaxed.摄影组成员不管流行歌手们逛商店,吃饭,还是休息,都紧紧追随着他们的足迹。剑桥国际The quiet deliberate footsteps approaching my door really rattled me/got me rattled.故意轻轻地朝我房门过来的脚步声使我真地很紧张。剑桥国际The sound of footsteps coming closer sent shivers up/down her spine (= frightened her).走近的脚步声令她毛骨悚然。剑桥国际The sound of footsteps echoed round the hall.脚步声在大厅里回响。剑桥国际The sound of the footsteps faded away. 脚步声渐渐消失了。译典通These early campaigners were brave, and in their footsteps come a new generation which is equally determined.这些早期的活动家们英勇无畏,而沿着他们足迹走来的新一 代也同样意志坚定。剑桥国际Three years ago, in the footsteps of (=following the example of) another former government official, she took up writing detective stories.三年前,她效仿另一位政府官员的做法,开始撰写侦探故事。剑桥国际Walking along the darkened street, he heard footsteps close behind him.走在昏暗街道上,他听到紧贴他的背后有脚步声。剑桥国际We could hear the sound of receding (=going away) footsteps.我们能听到渐渐远去的脚步声。剑桥国际We heard footsteps on the tiled floor. 我们听到铺了地砖的地面上有脚步声。译典通When he realized he'd lost his wallet, he retraced his footsteps (=went back the way he'd come).他意识到掉了钱包后,就沿着自己的足迹往回搜寻。剑桥国际




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