

单词 elevation
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔commanding〕a commanding elevation 制高点英汉大词典〔elevation〕elevation of blood sugar levels 血糖升高牛津高阶〔elevation〕elevation of mind 思想的崇高英汉大词典〔elevation〕a front elevation of a temple 庙宇的正面(图)英汉大词典〔elevation〕a sudden elevation of blood pressure 血压的突然升高朗文当代〔elevation〕an elevation of the eyebrows 眉毛的扬起英汉大词典〔elevation〕an elevation of the ground 地面的隆起处英汉大词典〔elevation〕fly at an elevation of 8000 ft.飞在8000英尺高空英汉大词典〔elevation〕her sudden elevation to international stardom 她一跃而成为国际明星朗文当代〔elevation〕his elevation to the presidency 他提升到主席的职位牛津高阶〔elevation〕the elevation of Lhasa 拉萨的海拔位置英汉大词典〔elevation〕the elevation of feeling over reason 情感比理智更崇高麦克米伦高阶〔elevation〕the front elevation of a house 房子的正面外观朗文当代〔elevation〕the front/rear/side elevation of a house 房子的正面╱后面╱侧面立视图牛津高阶〔headship〕his brother's elevation to the Headship of State他兄弟升迁州长一职外研社新世纪




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