

单词 dispose of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OWN〕Householders and tradesmen both use the refuse dump to dispose of their garbage. 住户和商贩都把垃圾扔在垃圾场。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Most of the big downtown stores have rolled back their prices to dispose of winter stock. 为了处理冬季库存,城里大部分大商店都降低了价格。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕Please dispose of this wrapper carefully. 请小心地把这包装纸处理掉。朗文写作活用〔asset〕The business disposed of all its capital assets.这家公司处理了所有的资本资产。牛津搭配〔close〕To dispose of (a line of merchandise) at reduced prices.降价清出:降价处理(一系列商品)美国传统〔dispatch〕To complete, transact, or dispose of promptly.迅速处理:迅速地完成、处理或分配美国传统〔dispose of sb/sth〕How did they dispose of the body? 他们是如何处理尸体的?剑桥高阶〔dispose of sb/sth〕It took only five minutes for the world champion to dispose of (= defeat) his opponent.世界冠军只用5分钟就击败了对手。剑桥高阶〔dispose of〕Dispose of these old newspapers.把这些旧报纸处理掉。21世纪英汉〔dispose of〕Engine oil cannot be disposed of down drains.发动机油不能被清理到下水道中。柯林斯高阶〔dispose of〕Father has disposed of a title to property.父亲已转让了财产所有权。21世纪英汉〔dispose of〕He disposed of stock for the benefit of the company.为了公司的利益, 他转让了股票。外研社新世纪〔dispose of〕He disposed of the murder weapon.他销毁了杀人凶器。外研社新世纪〔dispose of〕He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.他宣称他们已雇了刺客来除掉他。柯林斯高阶〔dispose of〕He was glad he had disposed of the first question.他很高兴解答完了第一个问题。外研社新世纪〔dispose of〕His property holdings will be disposed of in his will.他所拥有的财产将在他的遗嘱中被转让。21世纪英汉〔dispose of〕I disposed of the dictionaries in convenient and quickly accessible places .我把字典整齐地放在便于迅速拿到的地方。21世纪英汉〔dispose of〕Just fold up the nappy and dispose of it in the normal manner.把尿布叠起,像平常扔东西一样扔掉即可。柯林斯高阶〔dispose of〕Please dispose of your cigarette butts in one of the ashtrays available.请把烟头扔进附近的烟灰缸里。韦氏高阶〔dispose of〕She easily disposed of her opponent.她轻松地淘汰了对手。韦氏高阶〔dispose of〕The article includes a list of the weapons the soldiers used to dispose of their enemies.这篇文章中包含了一份士兵用来消灭敌人的武器清单。韦氏高阶〔dispose of〕The owner disposed of his house for $200 000.房主以20万美金的价钱把他的房子卖掉了。21世纪英汉〔dispose of〕They disposed of all the food for the banquet.他们把宴会上的食物全部吃光了。21世纪英汉〔dispose of〕They had to dispose of the opposition.他们得对付反对派。21世纪英汉〔dispose of〕Three enemy planes were disposed of by us .我们击落了三架敌机。21世纪英汉〔dispose〕A few years of effort could dispose of the housing shortage.几年的努力当可解决住房缺乏。英汉大词典〔dispose〕Can you dispose of all these old newspapers? 你能把这些旧报纸都处理掉吗?英汉大词典〔dispose〕I can dispose of his argument easily.我能轻而易举地驳倒他的论点。英汉大词典〔dispose〕I shall dispose of this clothing to the Salvation Army.我将把这批衣物送给救世军。英汉大词典〔dispose〕It took her a mere 20 minutes to dispose of her opponent.她仅用了 20 分钟就击败了对手。牛津高阶〔dispose〕Most complaints can be disposed of pretty quickly.大多数投诉可以相当快地得到处理。麦克米伦高阶〔dispose〕Please dispose of your litter thoughtfully.请把废弃物仔细清理干净。麦克米伦高阶〔dispose〕They dispose of the city's waste in the sea.他们把城市垃圾倒在海里处理掉。英汉大词典〔dispose〕Those children disposed of all the food that I prepared for the evening party! 那些孩子把我为晚会准备的食物全吃光了!英汉大词典〔dispose〕Your idea at least disposes of the immediate problem.你的主意至少解决了最迫切的问题。朗文当代〔flushless toilet〕A toilet that disposes of waste without using water, especially one that utilizes bacteria to break down waste matter.免冲马桶:不用水即可除去废物的马桶,尤指用细菌分解废弃物的马桶美国传统〔forthwith〕The property is to be disposed of forthwith.财产必须立即处置。麦克米伦高阶〔hazardous〕They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.他们没有办法处理掉自己产生的有害废料。柯林斯高阶〔hazardous〕They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.他们无法处理掉自己制造出来的有害废物。外研社新世纪〔landfill〕To dispose of refuse or reclaim land by filling in low-lying ground.用在低地上填筑的办法处理废物或开垦土地美国传统〔manner〕Chemical waste must be disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.处理化学废料切不可危害环境。牛津搭配〔polish〕To finish or dispose of quickly and easily.迅速地完成:很快且轻易地做完或抛掉美国传统〔property〕The market was known as a place where people disposed of stolen property.大家都知道那个市场是个销赃的地方。牛津搭配〔refinance〕The farmer will have to refinance his loans or dispose of some assets to pay off loans.那农场主将不得不为清偿债款而再筹措信贷,要不就得变卖若干资产以清偿债款。英汉大词典〔safely〕The bomb has been safely disposed of.炸弹已安全处理。牛津高阶〔sail〕They sailed into the large stack of mail and disposed of it before noon.他们劲头十足地着手处理那一大堆信件,在中午前就全部处理完毕了。英汉大词典〔sanitation worker〕A person employed, as by a municipality or private company, to collect and dispose of garbage.垃圾工:市政或私人公司雇用的收集处理垃圾的人员美国传统〔unload〕To dispose of, especially by selling in great quantity; dump.处理;倾销:处理,尤其通过大量地予以销售;倾销美国传统〔waste〕All household waste should be disposed of in strong garbage bags.所有的生活垃圾都应放到结实的垃圾袋里进行处理。牛津搭配Nuclear waste is often disposed of under the sea.核废料经常用放入深海的方法来处理。剑桥国际




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