

单词 disposal
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕A limousine and driver were put at her disposal for the entire week. 一辆豪华轿车,一个司机,整个星期都供她随意支使。朗文写作活用〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕We have ample money at our disposal to do this job right. 我们有足够的钱可支配来把这工作做好。朗文写作活用〔BD〕Bomb disposal.未爆炸弹清除美国传统〔GET RID OF〕We need new legislation to ensure the safe disposal of nuclear waste. 我们需要新的法规来保证核废料的安全处置。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕We need more installations for the disposal of toxic waste. 我们需要更多的设备来处理有毒废料。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕A Greenpeace spokesperson described the official report on nuclear waste disposal as a whitewash. 绿色和平组织发言人称官方有关核废料处置的报告是隐瞒事实,粉饰太平。朗文写作活用〔RUBBISH/GARBAGE〕The costs of waste disposal are rising all the time. 处理废料的成本在不断上升。朗文写作活用〔RUBBISH/GARBAGE〕We are gradually developing safer and more effective methods of refuse disposal. 我们在慢慢地发展更为安全有效的垃圾处理方法。朗文写作活用〔SOLVE〕The disposal of toxic wastes is one of the most intractable problems facing industrialized societies. 有毒废料的处理是工业化社会所面临的最棘手的问题之一。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕They forwarded a list of proposals for the safe disposal of nuclear waste. 他们就核废料的安全处置问题提出了一系列建议。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕This is an incinerator for the disposal of hospital waste, such as used syringes. 这是焚化炉,用来销毁医院里的废弃物,如用过的注射器等。朗文写作活用〔ademption〕The disposal by a testator of specific property bequeathed in his or her will so as to invalidate the bequest.撤销遗赠:立遗嘱者对他或她遗嘱中遗赠的特定财产所做的使遗赠无效的处理美国传统〔administration〕Law Management and disposal of a trust or an estate.【法律】 地产管理:财产或地产的管理或处理美国传统〔applicable〕It should include a review of energy usage and, where applicable, the production and disposal of waste.它应该包括对能耗的检查结果,适当时还应包括对垃圾的产生和处理的审查结果。柯林斯高阶〔at someone's disposal〕They are using every legal tool at their disposal to prevent the bridge from being built.他们正在使用所有可用的法律手段来阻止大桥的建设。韦氏高阶〔at someone's disposal〕We had plenty of money at our disposal.我们有很多钱可以自行支配。韦氏高阶〔bag〕The slogan for waste disposal was 'bag it and bin it'.垃圾处理的口号是“装袋入箱”。外研社新世纪〔bomb disposal〕A few hours later bomb disposal experts defused the devices.几小时以后拆弹专家拆除了该爆炸装置的引信。柯林斯高阶〔bomb disposal〕The device, which contained 400lbs of explosive, was made safe by army bomb disposal experts.这个炸弹装置里装有 400 磅的炸药,已被军队的拆弹专家安全拆除。朗文当代〔compactor〕An apparatus that compresses refuse into relatively small packs for handy disposal.压实机,压缩机:代替手工处理将废物压缩成比较小的包的设备美国传统〔controlled〕Bomb disposal experts have carried out a series of controlled explosions.炸弹拆除专家们实施了一系列控制性爆炸。麦克米伦高阶〔convince〕The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to convince the public that its operations are safe.垃圾处理业发现很难让公众相信其操作是安全的。外研社新世纪〔convince〕The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to convince the public that its operations are safe.废物处理行业发现很难让公众相信其操作是安全的。柯林斯高阶〔defuse〕Bomb disposal experts have defused a 110-pound bomb at a subway station this afternoon.今天下午,排弹专家在一个地铁站拆除了一枚110磅的炸弹。剑桥高阶〔discharge〕All discharges and disposals of radioactive waste from Springfields were within relevant limits.斯普林菲尔兹所有放射性废物的排放和处理都在限定的范围之内。外研社新世纪〔discharge〕All discharges and disposals of radioactive waste from Springfields were within relevant limits.斯普林菲尔德所有放射性废料的排放和处理都在限定的范围之内。柯林斯高阶〔disposal〕A car and driver were placed at my disposal.有辆配司机的车子供我随意支配。麦克米伦高阶〔disposal〕Germany's 8-0 disposal of Saudi Arabia 德国队8比0狂胜沙特阿拉伯队的战绩英汉大词典〔disposal〕Having sold the house she had a large sum of money at her disposal (= to spend as she wanted).卖掉房子后,她手头有一大笔钱可用。剑桥高阶〔disposal〕He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal.他放出话说他将使出十八般武艺。柯林斯高阶〔disposal〕He has said he will use all the weapons at his disposal.他说他会使用能动用的所有武器。外研社新世纪〔disposal〕He placed (或 put, left) his house at my disposal during my holidays.在我度假期间他把房子让给我随意使用。英汉大词典〔disposal〕He will have a car at his disposal for the whole month.他将有一辆汽车归他使用一个月。牛津高阶〔disposal〕I am entirely at your disposal.我完全听候你的吩咐。英汉大词典〔disposal〕I had a car permanently at my disposal.我有一辆车归我永久使用。外研社新世纪〔disposal〕I have the full disposal of my own money.我对自己的钱有自由处分权。文馨英汉〔disposal〕I would take you if I could, but I don't have a car at my disposal this week.我会尽可能带上你,但是这周我没汽车可用。剑桥高阶〔disposal〕If I can be of service, I am at your disposal.如果我可以效劳的话,敬请吩咐。柯林斯高阶〔disposal〕If I can be of service, I am at your disposal.有用得着我的地方, 我听候你的吩咐。外研社新世纪〔disposal〕She arranged the disposal of their unwanted property by sale.她廉价出售了他们不需要的财产。英汉大词典〔disposal〕Tanner had a lot of cash at his disposal .坦纳手头有很多现金可以支配。朗文当代〔disposal〕The building has been put at our disposal.这幢大楼归我们使用。外研社新世纪〔disposal〕The cost per household for the collection and disposal of household rubbish is £50 a year.每个家庭每年收集和处理生活垃圾的花费是50英镑。外研社新世纪〔disposal〕The device was defused by army bomb disposal experts.军队拆弹专家拆除了装置的引信。牛津搭配〔disposal〕The profit or loss on the disposal of an asset must be accounted for.资产变卖的赢亏情况必须说明。朗文当代〔disposal〕The waste must be taken to an approved disposal facility.废弃物必须运到经批准的处理场所。牛津搭配〔disposal〕They had complete control over the disposal of the funds.他们对这笔资金的使用拥有完全的控制权。朗文当代〔disposal〕Viewers now have sixty channels at their disposal.电视观众现在可使用60个频道。英汉大词典〔dispose〕Disposal.排列,布置美国传统〔dust〕Chiefly British Rubbish readied for disposal.【多用于英国】 要被弃置的废物美国传统〔earmark〕Their support meant that he was not forced to sell the business which was earmarked for disposal last year.他们的支持意味着他不必被迫出售去年已决定要卖掉的公司。柯林斯高阶〔explode〕Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions.炸弹销毁专家在受控条件下引爆了这个装置。牛津高阶〔explosion〕Bomb disposal experts blew up the bag in a controlled explosion.拆弹专家对那个袋子进行了控制爆破。柯林斯高阶〔explosion〕Bomb disposal experts carried out a controlled explosion on the suspect package.炸弹处理专家对可疑包裹实施了受控引爆。牛津搭配〔facility〕The kitchen has a garbage disposal and other modern facilities.厨房装有泔脚捣碎机和其他现代化设备。英汉大词典〔instruction〕The government has issued specific instructions on reducing waste disposal.政府已经发布了减少废物处理的具体指令。牛津搭配〔landfill〕A method of solid waste disposal in which refuse is buried between layers of dirt so as to fill in or reclaim low-lying ground.废渣埋填法:一种将废物埋于沙土层之间以填高或利用低地的处理固体废物的方法美国传统〔landfill〕A site used for or reclaimed by such disposal.垃圾填筑地:在上面使用这种方法的或用这种方法平整出来的地美国传统〔legal〕Safe disposal of industrial waste is a legal requirement.安全处置工业废弃物是一项法律规定。麦克米伦高阶〔litterbag〕A bag used, as in an automobile, for disposal of trash.垃圾袋:用于处理垃圾的袋子,如汽车内备置的美国传统〔means〕We need to use every means at our disposal.我们必须把我们所能采用的各种方法都用上。剑桥高阶〔nerve〕It takes a lot of nerve to be a bomb disposal expert.当拆弹专家需要极大的勇气。剑桥高阶〔neutralize〕Discarded acid should be neutralized with alkali before disposal.废酸在丢弃前应该用碱来中和。牛津搭配〔nomination〕I have a nomination at your disposal.我可以提名你。英汉大词典〔pen〕Pens with more time and fluency at their disposal than mine must essay that task.比我闲空又比我会写的几根笔杆子一定要试试这件差使。英汉大词典〔puny〕The resources at the central banks' disposal are simply too puny.中央银行掌握的资金实在太少了。柯林斯高阶〔puny〕The resources at the central banks' disposal are simply too puny.中央银行能够动用的资金实在太少了。外研社新世纪〔restriction〕The second restriction upon the president's power is the limited time at his disposal.对总统权力的第二个限制是供其支配的时间有限。外研社新世纪〔restriction〕The second restriction upon the president's power is the limited time at his disposal.总统权力受到的第二项限制就是可以自由支配的时间有限。柯林斯高阶〔sanitation〕Disposal of sewage.清除下水道污物美国传统〔scrap〕To break down into parts for disposal or salvage.打碎:打碎以处置或拯救美国传统〔selloff〕The sale or disposal of a relatively large number of stocks, bonds, or commodities that often causes a sharp decline in prices.抛售,大量出售:出售数量相对较大的股票、债券或商品,通常导致价格暴跌美国传统〔sewage〕Sewage should be treated in a proper disposal system.污水应通过合适的处理系统进行处理。牛津搭配〔sewage〕Some cities in the world do not have proper facilities for the disposal of sewage.世界上的某些城市没有合理的污水处理设施。剑桥高阶〔slough〕A filter used in sewage disposal sloughs.污水处理装置的过滤器会结上硬垢而脱落。英汉大词典〔solve〕Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal.正在想办法解决废物处理的问题。牛津高阶〔stooping〕They've stooped to using any and every weapon at their disposal.他们已经无耻到把能用的武器都用上了。柯林斯高阶〔unlocated〕The disposal of the unlocated lands will be a valuable source of revenue.出售那些未勘定的土地将是宝贵的税收来源。英汉大词典〔utilize〕The res ources at our disposal could have been better utilized.我们所掌握的资源本来可以利用得更好,获得更高的效益。牛津高阶〔waste〕Congress passed a law that regulates the disposal of waste.国会通过了一项规范废弃物处理的法律。柯林斯高阶〔waste〕The disposal of waste is a problem in big cities.在大城市,清除垃圾是个问题。牛津同义词〔waste〕The city oversees waste disposal contracts.市城府负责监督废弃物处理合约的履行。韦氏高阶〔yet〕We should not yet abandon this option for the disposal of highly radioactive waste.我们还不能放弃选择这种方式来处理高辐射废料。柯林斯高阶Disposal of industrial waste is a serious problem.工业废料的清理是一个严重的问题。牛津商务A huge supply of books is at your disposal in the library. 图书馆里有大量的图书任你学习使用。译典通Although the waste is highly radioactive, its potency declines rapidly, making its eventual disposal relatively easy.虽然这些废料具有高度的放射性,但其强度迅速降低,这使它最终的处理相对容易。剑桥国际Bins are provided for the disposal of (= to get rid of) litter.废物箱是用来处理垃圾的。剑桥国际Bomb disposal experts have defused a 110-pound bomb at Victoria Station.炸弹拆卸专家在维多利亚火车站排除了一个110磅的炸弹。剑桥国际Having sold the house she had a large sum of money at her disposal (= to spend as she wanted).把房子卖掉后,她有一大笔钱任自己支配。剑桥国际He has put his car at my disposal. 他已把车子让给我随意使用。译典通I would take you if I could but I don't have a car at my disposal this week.我要是能带,就带你去了,可这个星期没有我能用的车子。剑桥国际If you want some help preparing for the party I can be at your disposal (= I am able to help) all day.如果你准备聚会需要些帮助,我整天都听候吩咐。剑桥国际It takes a lot of nerve to be a bomb disposal expert.作为排弹专家需要足够的勇气。剑桥国际Larger companies have larger resources at their disposal.大公司拥有更多可自己支配的资源牛津商务Locals are objecting to the land being used as a disposal site for household waste.当地人反对这块土地用作家庭垃圾的处理场。剑桥国际Rockville's mayor has promised to solve countywide trash disposal problems within the next few weeks.罗克维尔的市长答应下几个星期解决全县性的垃圾处理问题。剑桥国际Some cities in the world do not have proper facilities for the disposal of sewage (= waste matter such as water or human urine or excrement).世界上的某些城市没有合适的污物处理设施。剑桥国际The disposal is expected to raise around $50 m.出售这项资产预计可以筹集到约 5 000 万元。牛津商务The board of directors approved the dissolution of the company and the disposal of its assets.董事会批准解散公司并出售其资产。牛津商务The commission lays down strict guidelines for the disposal of hazardous waste.该委员会对危险废料的处理作了严格的规定。剑桥国际The sale is part of an asset disposal to shore up the company's finances.这项拍卖是出售资产的一部分,用以支撑公司旳财政。牛津商务The sanitation department is in charge of garbage disposal. 环境卫生部门负责处理垃圾。译典通They spent quite some time on the disposal of furniture in their new house. 他们在新居的家具布置上花了相当多的时间。译典通We bought a lot of camping equipment at an army surplus store/(Am usually) army-navy store/(Aus) army disposals store.我们在军用物资处理商店买了很多野营设备。剑桥国际We must use all/every means at our disposal.我们必须尝试力所能及的各种方法。剑桥国际We will collect bulk goods for disposal on Wednesday mornings.我们于每周三早晨收集要发运的大件货物。牛津商务Without a licensed waste disposal site, toxic wastes now must be shipped out of state or stored.由于没有一个经过批准的废料处理场所,有毒废料现在都要运出州外,或储存起来。剑桥国际




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