

单词 exhibition
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Latino〕an exhibition of artwork by local Latino artists当地拉美裔艺术家的作品展外研社新世纪〔MODERN〕an exhibition of work by avant-garde artists and sculptors 前卫艺术家和雕塑家的作品展览朗文写作活用〔PAINT〕an exhibition of works by Italian artists 意大利画家作品展朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕an exhibition of Irwin Penn's renowned fashion photography for Vogue magazine 欧文·佩恩的著名《时尚》杂志时装摄影展朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕an exhibition of paintings by French artists 法国艺术家绘画展朗文写作活用〔X-ray photo〕an exhibition of X-ray photos taken by airport security equipment机场安检设备拍摄的X光照片展示外研社新世纪〔artist〕an exhibition featuring wildlife artist Emma Gray 介绍野生生物画家埃玛・格雷的展览牛津搭配〔artist〕an exhibition of work by contemporary British artists 当代英国画家作品展牛津高阶〔art〕an exhibition of Peruvian arts and crafts 秘鲁工艺品展牛津搭配〔art〕an art exhibition 艺术作品展朗文当代〔bicentenary〕the bicentenary exhibition of David Octavius Hill纪念戴维·奥克塔维厄斯·希尔诞辰两百周年的(摄影)展览外研社新世纪〔birthday〕an exhibition to mark the artist's 70th birthday 为纪念这位艺术家 70 岁诞辰的展览牛津搭配〔book〕a special exhibition of children's books 儿童读物专展朗文当代〔centre〕an exhibition at the Community Arts Centre 在社区艺术中心举办的展览朗文当代〔cull〕an exhibition of paintings culled from regional art galleries 从各地区画廊中精选出来的绘画作品展牛津高阶〔devoted〕a major touring exhibition devoted to the work of disabled artists.专门展出残疾人艺术家作品的一个重要巡回展柯林斯高阶〔devoted〕an exhibition devoted to Rembrandt's etchings 伦勃朗蚀刻画专题展览麦克米伦高阶〔down〕an exhibition of paintings down the ages历代绘画展21世纪英汉〔exhibition〕a boxing (tennis) exhibition 拳击(网球)表演英汉大词典〔exhibition〕a major exhibition of the painter's work 这位画家作品的重要展览牛津搭配〔exhibition〕a remarkable exhibition of courage充分显示出的勇气外研社新世纪〔exhibition〕a touring exhibition of Impressionist drawings 印象派绘画作品巡回展牛津搭配〔exhibition〕an exhibition devoted to female painters 专门展出女画家作品的展览牛津搭配〔exhibition〕an exhibition of contemporary art 当代美术展牛津搭配〔exhibition〕an exhibition of expressionist art.表现派艺术展览会柯林斯高阶〔exhibition〕an exhibition of old photographs 老照片展牛津高阶〔exhibition〕an exhibition of paintings by Henri Matisse 亨利·马蒂斯的画展麦克米伦高阶〔exhibition〕an exhibition on the natural history of the area.该地区自然历史的展览会柯林斯高阶〔exhibition〕hold an exhibition on art 举办艺展英汉大词典〔exhibition〕the World Trade exhibition 世界贸易博览会麦克米伦高阶〔exhibition〕the international food trade exhibition in Cologne 在科隆举办的国际食品交易会牛津搭配〔explanatory〕an explanatory introduction to the exhibition 展览会的介绍性说明英汉大词典〔featured〕a featured painting at an exhibition 展览会上突出介绍的一幅画英汉大词典〔gallery〕an exhibition of African art at the Hayward Gallery 海沃德美术馆的非洲艺术展览朗文当代〔history〕an exhibition documenting the personal history of Anne Frank.安妮·弗兰克生平资料展柯林斯高阶〔interpretative〕an interpretative exhibition 演示牛津高阶〔introductory〕introductory remarks at the opening of the exhibition 展览会开幕式上的开场白英汉大词典〔jury〕a jury for the exhibition 展览会的评委会英汉大词典〔jury〕a jury for the exhibition 展览会的评审委员会文馨英汉〔landscape〕an exhibition of Paul Gunn's most recent landscapes 保罗·盖恩的风景画新作展麦克米伦高阶〔loan〕an exhibition of paintings on loan(= borrowed)from private collections 借用私人收藏品举办的画展牛津高阶〔mark〕be marked out for exhibition 被选送展览英汉大词典〔master〕an exhibition of work by the French master, Monet 法国著名画家莫奈的作品展牛津高阶〔money-spinning〕a money-spinning exhibition that attracted over 1.5 million visitors 吸引了150多万参观者,赚了大钱的展览麦克米伦高阶〔month〕an exhibition which opens this month at London's Design Museum.这个月在伦敦设计博物馆开办的展览柯林斯高阶〔oil〕an exhibition of watercolours and oils by Turner 透纳的水彩画和油画展览英汉大词典〔painter〕an exhibition of works by contemporary painters 当代画家作品展牛津搭配〔pavilion〕the United States pavilion at the Expo '70 exhibition in Japan.1970年日本世博会上的美国展馆柯林斯高阶〔petulance〕an exhibition of petulance and arrogance 任性和傲慢的表露英汉大词典〔poster〕the poster for the exhibition 展览的大幅广告朗文当代〔purpose-built〕a purpose-built exhibition centre 专门设计的展览中心麦克米伦高阶〔retrospective〕a retrospective exhibition of Qi Baishi's paintings 齐白石生平作品回顾画展 英汉大词典〔revolutionary〕an exhibition of Revolutionary weapons 独立战争时期兵器展览英汉大词典〔riotous〕a riotous exhibition of boogie-woogie piano playing欢闹的布吉乐钢琴演奏会外研社新世纪〔salvage〕an exhibition of the salvage from the wreck 沉船打捞物品展览牛津高阶〔scene〕an exhibition of Parisian street scenes 巴黎街景绘画作品展牛津高阶〔stand〕an exhibition stand 展台朗文当代〔take〕take sb. off to (see) the industrial exhibition 带某人去参观工业展览会 英汉大词典〔waxwork〕waxworks (used with a sing. or pl. verb)An exhibition of wax figures in a museum. waxworks (与单数或复数动词连用)蜡像展:蜡像馆中的蜡像展览美国传统an exhibition of photographs 摄影展牛津商务




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