

单词 ethics
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔GOOD〕medical ethics 医德朗文写作活用〔book〕bring sb. to book for (或about) his poor work ethics 就某人恶劣的职业道德申斥他英汉大词典〔commercial〕commercial ethics 商业道德英汉大词典〔consultant〕a consultant on business ethics 商业道德顾问牛津搭配〔ethics〕breach the bounds of ethics 冲破道德规范的约束英汉大词典〔ethics〕medical ethics 医德英汉大词典〔ethics〕practical ethics 实践伦理学文馨英汉〔ethics〕professional ethics 职业道德文馨英汉〔ethics〕social ethics 社会道德准则英汉大词典〔ethic〕ethics (used with a sing. or pl. verb)The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession: ethics (与单数或复数动词连用)行为准则:支配个人或某一行业中人员的行为法则和行为标准:美国传统〔ethic〕ethics (used with a sing. verb)The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy. ethics (与单数动词连用)伦理学,道德学:研究人所决定的道德选择和道德普遍本质的学科;道德学美国传统〔ethic〕a code of ethics 道德准则朗文当代〔ethic〕a report on the ethics of gene therapy 关于基因疗法道德标准的报告朗文当代〔ethic〕business/medical/professional ethics 商业道德/医德/职业道德麦克米伦高阶〔ethic〕government/journalistic/professional ethics 政府人员/新闻从业人员/专业人员的行为准则韦氏高阶〔ethic〕legal/medical ethics 法律/医疗道德标准韦氏高阶〔ethic〕professional/business/medical ethics 职业╱商业道德;医德牛津高阶〔ethic〕public concern about medical ethics 公众对医德的关注朗文当代〔ethic〕the ethics of filming people without their permission 在未征得同意的情况下拍摄他人所涉及的伦理问题麦克米伦高阶〔ethic〕the teaching of ethics and moral philosophy.伦理学和道德哲学的教学柯林斯高阶〔ethic〕to draw up a code of ethics 拟定一份道德规范牛津高阶〔instruction〕give (receive) instruction in ethics 讲授(听讲)伦理学英汉大词典〔journalistic〕journalistic ethics 新闻道德文馨英汉〔legal〕legal ethics 律师的道德标准英汉大词典〔normative〕normative rules of ethics 道德准则韦氏高阶〔principium〕the principia of ethics 伦理学的基本原理英汉大词典〔road map〕wrote an ethics code as a road map for the behavior of elected officials.写出诸如交通地图的当选官员行为举止的道德准则美国传统〔shape〕shape up one's own ethics 形成自己的伦理观英汉大词典〔treatise〕a treatise on medical ethics 一部医学伦理专着朗文当代a consultant on business ethics 商业道德顾问牛津商务professional/business/corporate ethics 职业/商业/企业道德牛津商务




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