

单词 displacement
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔angular velocity〕The rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time.角速度:角位移随时间变化的变化率美国传统〔bunion〕A painful, inflamed swelling of the bursa at the first joint of the big toe, characterized by enlargement of the joint and lateral displacement of the toe.拇趾囊肿胀:大拇趾第一关节处疼痛的,发炎的囊肿,特征是关节肿大,然后拇趾移位美国传统〔compliance〕Extension or displacement of a loaded structure per unit load.柔量:每单位加载的伸张或变形美国传统〔cubage〕Cubic content, volume, or displacement.体积,容器,排水量美国传统〔dislocation〕Displacement of a body part, especially the temporary displacement of a bone from its normal position.脱位,脱臼:身体某一部分的脱位,尤指骨头从它正常的位置暂时的脱臼美国传统〔displacement activity〕When I was studying for my exams I used to clean the house as a displacement activity.我在准备考试时常常会通过打扫房间来拖延学习时间。剑桥高阶〔displacement〕She suffered a great deal of pain from the displacement of a joint.她关节脱臼,疼痛难禁。英汉大词典〔displacement〕The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.这些地区最近的饥荒迫使数万人逃往他乡。剑桥高阶〔displacement〕The ship has a very large displacement.这艘轮船的排水量很大。韦氏高阶〔displacement〕The war has caused the displacement of thousands of people.那场战争使成千上万的人背井离乡。韦氏高阶〔fetishism〕The displacement of sexual arousal or gratification to a fetish.恋物癖:把性唤起或性满足转移到物体上美国传统〔formula〕Formula Sports A set of specifications, including engine displacement, fuel capacity, and weight, that determine a class of racing car. Formula 【体育运动】 训练课程:一套规程,包括发排机排量、燃料容量和重量,决定着赛车的级别美国传统〔gentrification〕The restoration and upgrading of deteriorated urban property by the middle classes, often resulting in displacement of lower-income people.中产阶级造成恶果:由中产阶级造成的恶化的城市所有权的兴起和升级,其结果是低收入人民的流离失所美国传统〔heterotopia〕Displacement of an organ or other body part to an abnormal location.异位:某一器官或其它身体部位位移到不正常的位置美国传统〔mechanoreceptor〕A specialized sensory end organ that responds to mechanical stimuli such as tension, pressure, or displacement.机械性刺激感受器:对机械性刺激,如抗力、压力或位移作出反应的神经末梢器官美国传统〔proptosis〕Forward displacement of an organ, especially an eyeball.前垂脱出:器官的向前的脱位,尤指眼球美国传统〔relaxation〕Physics The return or adjustment of a system to equilibrium following displacement or abrupt change.【物理学】 张驰:在位移或突然的变化之后一个系统回到或调整到平衡美国传统〔slip〕The relative displacement of formerly adjacent points on opposite sides of a fault.位移:以前相邻的两个点在一个断层的两侧的相对错位美国传统〔spondylolisthesis〕Forward displacement of one of the lower lumbar vertebrae over the vertebra below it or on the sacrum.脊椎脱位症,椎体滑脱:下腰椎骨中的一块向前移位,处于该块椎骨下的椎骨上方或在𦗒骨上面美国传统〔stability〕Resistance to change, deterioration, or displacement.稳定性:防止变化、恶化或移位的稳定性美国传统〔temperature gradient〕The rate of change of temperature with displacement in a given direction from a given reference point.温度梯度:从一给定的参考点,伴随着在给定方向上温度变化的速率美国传统〔throw〕Geology The amount of vertical displacement of a fault.【地质学】 落差:断层垂直位移的量美国传统〔throw〕The maximum displacement of a machine part moved by another part, such as a crank or cam.行程,摆度:被如曲柄或凸轮等另一机器部件移动的机器部件移位的最大程度美国传统〔transform fault〕A strike-slip fault, common in mid-ocean ridge regions, in which there has been a sudden change in the form or direction of displacement.变形断层:通常发生于海中山脊区域的挤滑断层,断层位移的形式或方向会突然改变美国传统〔translation〕Physics Motion of a body in which every point of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point of the body; nonrotational displacement.【物理学】 平移:一个物体的运动,指该物体的每个点都平行于另一个物体每一个点的移动,并且距离相同;非旋转性位移美国传统〔upthrow〕Geology An upward displacement of rock on one side of a fault.【地质学】 上投距,隆起:断层一侧的岩石上升移动美国传统The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.最近这些地方的饥荒已经使成千上万的人离开家乡。剑桥国际When I was studying for my exams I used to clean the house as a sort of displacement activity.过去我复习迎考的时候,总是打扫屋子,拖延时间,不想去看书。剑桥国际




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