

单词 divorce
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔acrimonious〕an acrimonious divorce 争吵激烈的离婚麦克米伦高阶〔action〕file a divorce action 提出离婚诉讼英汉大词典〔allow〕a religion that does not allow divorce 不允许离婚的宗教韦氏高阶〔bereavement〕depression caused by bereavement or divorce 丧亲或离婚导致的忧伤朗文当代〔church〕the church's attitude toward divorce 教会对离婚的态度韦氏高阶〔comment〕a divorce that caused much comment.引起许多闲话的离婚事件美国传统〔consent〕divorce by mutual consent (=by agreement between both the people involved) 双方均同意的离婚朗文当代〔contest〕divorce actions, mutual or contested 双方一起提出或由一方提出另一方予以辩驳的离婚诉讼英汉大词典〔dispensation〕a papal dispensation for divorce 教皇给予的离婚特许状英汉大词典〔divorce〕a divorce between theory and practice 理论与实践的脱离韦氏高阶〔divorce〕a divorce lawyer/court 离婚律师/法庭韦氏高阶〔divorce〕a divorce of (或between) word and deed 言行的不一致英汉大词典〔divorce〕a high divorce rate 高离婚率韦氏高阶〔divorce〕a total divorce of fiscal from monetary policy 财政政策与货币政策的完全脱离英汉大词典〔divorce〕her divorce from the star 她与该明星的离婚牛津搭配〔divorce〕sue for a divorce 请求离婚英汉大词典〔divorce〕take (或start) divorce proceedings 提出离婚诉讼英汉大词典〔divorce〕the divorce between theory and method 理论与方法的脱离朗文当代〔divorce〕the rise in the divorce rate 离婚率的上升朗文当代〔divorce〕this divorce of Christian culture from the roots of faith.基督教文化和信仰根基的脱离柯林斯高阶〔divorce〕this divorce of Christian culture from the roots of faith基督教文化从信仰根基上的脱离外研社新世纪〔divorce〕to divorce one's parents与父母脱离关系21世纪英汉〔file〕file a divorce suit against ...针对…提出离婚诉讼文馨英汉〔file〕file for divorce 起诉要求离婚英汉大词典〔file〕to file for divorce 提交离婚申请书牛津高阶〔file〕to file for bankruptcy / divorce 申请破产/离婚牛津搭配〔hard〕took the divorce hard.痛苦地接受离婚美国传统〔heartache〕after suffering the heartache of her divorce from her first husband.经过和第一任丈夫离婚的伤心经历后柯林斯高阶〔incompatibility〕divorce on the grounds of mental cruelty or mutual incompatibility以精神虐待或夫妻双方不合为理由的离婚外研社新世纪〔institution〕the institution of divorce proceedings 离婚诉讼的制定朗文当代〔liberalization〕the liberalization of divorce laws in the late 1960s.20世纪60年代后期对离婚法规的放宽柯林斯高阶〔loss〕the deep sense of loss I felt after my divorce 我离婚后感觉到的深深的失落感朗文当代〔loyalty〕the agony of divided loyalties (=loyalty to two different or opposing people) for the children in a divorce 父母离婚过程中孩子两面都要依顺的痛苦朗文当代〔nightmare〕the nightmare of going through divorce 经历离婚过程的痛苦朗文当代〔no-fault〕a no-fault divorce 无责任离婚剑桥高阶〔partner〕reasons for divorce such as having an abusive partner 诸如有一个性虐待伴侣之类的离婚原因牛津搭配〔petition〕a divorce petition on behalf of Terri Jones 代表特里・琼斯提出的离婚申请牛津搭配〔petition〕file a petition for divorce 提出离婚申请英汉大词典〔petition〕to petition for divorce 申请离婚牛津高阶〔present-day〕present-day attitude to divorce 现代人对离婚的态度文馨英汉〔proceeding〕bring divorce proceedings against one's wife 诉请与妻子离婚英汉大词典〔quickie〕a quickie divorce 闪电离婚朗文当代〔rate〕a rapid increase in the divorce rate 离婚率的迅速攀升朗文当代〔rate〕anxiety over rising divorce rates 对离婚率上升的担忧牛津搭配〔receive〕receive a petition for divorce 受理离婚申请英汉大词典〔reform〕call for the reform of divorce laws 呼吁修订离婚法英汉大词典〔relation〕a breakdown of marital relations leading to divorce 导致离婚的婚姻不和牛津搭配〔remarriage〕the high rate of remarriage after divorce 离婚后再婚的高比率英汉大词典〔seamy〕a seamy divorce case 不体面的离婚案件英汉大词典〔separation〕the effects on children of separation and divorce 分居和离婚对孩子的影响麦克米伦高阶〔settlement〕a divorce settlement.离婚协议美国传统〔slipperyslope_〕a slippery slope to divorce 濒临离婚的危险牛津搭配〔surround〕publicity surrounding the divorce 媒体围绕这桩离婚事件的报道牛津高阶〔taboo〕taboos about divorce in society 社会上关于离婚的禁忌牛津搭配〔tackle〕tackle sb. about (或over) a divorce 与某人交涉离婚问题英汉大词典〔terminate〕terminate a marriage by divorce 通过离婚结束婚姻关系英汉大词典〔towards〕the Church's attitude towards divorce 教会对离婚的态度麦克米伦高阶〔trauma〕traumas such as death or divorce 死亡或离婚等痛苦的经历朗文当代〔upheaval〕the emotional upheaval of divorce 离婚造成的情绪波动韦氏高阶〔viewpoint〕the Church's viewpoint on divorce 教会对离婚的看法朗文当代




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