

单词 duke of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAMILY〕She is descended from the Duke of Marlborough. 她是马尔伯勒公爵的后裔。朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕The house belonged to the Duke of Wellington, and his picture hangs in the hall. 这宅子属于威灵顿公爵,他的画像悬挂在大厅里。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The Duke of Ormond led a military rebellion against the new king. 奥蒙德公爵领导了反对新国王的军事叛乱。朗文写作活用〔Rollo〕Norse chieftain and the first duke of Normandy.罗洛:古斯堪的纳维亚海盗头子及诺曼底公国的第一位公爵美国传统〔attendance〕The Duke of York will be in attendance at tonight's gala concert.约克公爵将出席今晚的节日音乐会。麦克米伦高阶〔capitulate〕Lord Luce's capitulation to pressure from the Duke of Edinburgh has stored up huge problems for the future.卢斯勋爵迫于爱丁堡公爵的压力作了让步,为日后埋下了巨大隐患。柯林斯高阶〔capitulation〕Lord Luce's capitulation to pressure from the Duke of Edinburgh has stored up huge problems for the future.卢斯男爵屈服于爱丁堡公爵的压力, 为日后留下了严重的问题。外研社新世纪〔cousin〕The Duke of Kent is a cousin of the Queen.肯特公爵是女王的表兄。麦克米伦高阶〔create〕James I created him Duke of Buckingham.詹姆斯一世封他为白金汉公爵。朗文当代〔defeat〕Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中被惠灵顿公爵击败。剑桥高阶〔enterprising〕He invented the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards for enterprising youngsters.他为有进取心的年轻人创设了爱丁堡公爵奖。英汉大词典〔grand duke〕The Grand Duke of Tuscany 托斯卡纳大公牛津高阶〔grand〕The Duke of Clarence will be there, and many of your grander friends.克拉伦斯公爵将会到场,还有你许多牛不可及的朋友亦将出席。柯林斯高阶〔grand〕The Duke of Clarence will be there, and many of your grander friends.克拉伦斯公爵将会到场, 还有你很多更不可一世的朋友。外研社新世纪〔have〕Last year I had the honour of meeting the Duke of Edinburgh.去年我有幸见到了爱丁堡公爵。朗文当代〔hunt〕The hunt was held on land owned by the Duke of Marlborough.猎狐活动在马尔伯勒公爵的庄园举行。柯林斯高阶〔lead〕The Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners.爱丁堡公爵走在送葬队伍前列。外研社新世纪〔lieu〕The paintings were left to the nation by the Duke of Norfolk in lieu of inheritance taxes.诺福克公爵把这些画留给了国家,以代替交纳遗产税。剑桥高阶〔meet〕The Duke of Wellington met the French near the village of Waterloo.惠灵顿公爵在滑铁卢附近与法国人交锋。外研社新世纪〔press〕The young Duke of Normandy continued to press his claim to the English throne.年轻的诺曼底公爵继续坚持声称他是英国的国王。麦克米伦高阶〔style〕George VI styled his brother Duke of Windsor.乔治六世称他哥哥为温莎公爵美国传统He was the rightful heir to the Duke of Marlborough and a £100 million fortune.他是马尔伯勒公爵及其一亿英镑财产的合法继承人。剑桥国际Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中被威灵顿公爵打败。剑桥国际The Marquis of Blandford is the son and heir of the Duke of Marlborough.布兰特福特侯爵是马尔伯勒公爵的儿子,也是其继承人。剑桥国际The first known boxing match in Britain took place in 1681 between the Duke of Albemarle's butler and butcher.英国第一次闻名的拳击赛是于1681年在艾尔伯马尔公爵家的男管家和屠夫之间进行的。剑桥国际The independence ceremony was attended by the Queen and His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.女王和爱丁堡公爵菲力普亲王殿下参加了独立庆典。剑桥国际The paintings were left to the nation by the Duke of Norfolk in lieu of inheritance taxes.这些画被诺福克公爵作为继承税留给该国。剑桥国际The society's august patron, the Duke of Norfolk, gave a speech at the annual dinner.这个学会受人敬重的赞助人诺福克公爵在年度宴会上致了辞。剑桥国际




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