

单词 ejecting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ejection〕The act of ejecting or the condition of being ejected.喷出:喷出的动作或被喷出的状态美国传统〔jet engine〕An engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products.喷气式发动机:一种用喷射流体来产生推进力的发动机,尤其指燃烧气体的喷气式发动机美国传统〔ouster〕The act of ejecting, forcing out, or supplanting.驱逐:驱逐、赶走或取代的行为美国传统〔self-loading〕Automatically ejecting a shell and chambering the next round from the magazine; automatic or semiautomatic. Used of a firearm.自动装填的:自动发射一颗炮弹,并将下一颗炮弹从弹仓中填入膛中的;自动的或半自动的用于火器美国传统〔semiautomatic〕Ejecting a shell and loading the next round of ammunition automatically after each shot has been fired; autoloading. Used of a firearm.(枪、炮)半自动的:自动发射且在每次发射后自动将子弹或炮弹从弹仓中装填入膛;自动装填的用于火器美国传统〔spit〕To express contempt or animosity by or as if by ejecting matter from the mouth.口出恶语:通过或好象从嘴里喷射出物体以表示轻蔑或愤恨美国传统〔sting〕A sharp, piercing organ or part, often ejecting a venomous secretion, as the modified ovipositor of a bee or wasp or the spine of certain fishes.刺螫针:一种利而尖的器官或部分,常射出有毒分泌物,如蜜蜂或蜂发育了的产卵器官或某些鱼的刺美国传统〔vomit〕The act or an instance of ejecting matter from the stomach through the mouth.呕吐:通过嘴从胃中喷出物体的动作或行为美国传统




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