

单词 aircraft
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕Kendrick had only a few minutes to immobilize the aircraft. 肯德里克只有几分钟时间破坏飞机。朗文写作活用〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕A complete safety check was performed on the aircraft prior to takeoff. 飞机起飞前作了彻底的安全检查。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Pilots have begun testing a prototype of the new aircraft. 飞行员已经开始试飞这种新式飞机的原型了。朗文写作活用〔LAND/GROUND〕Spectators watched in horror as the aircraft plunged to the ground. 旁观者惊恐地看着飞机栽到地面。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The factory makes aircraft engine components. 这家工厂制造飞机发动机部件。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕More than 200 aircraft will be based at Miramar Air Force Base. 200多架飞机将驻扎在米拉马尔空军基地。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕The explosion left nothing but small, unrecognizable pieces of the aircraft scattered over the field. 飞机爆炸后只有小块的、无法辨认的碎片散落在田野上。朗文写作活用〔WATER〕Many farmers use low-flying aircraft to water their crops. 许多农场主使用低空飞机给庄稼浇水。朗文写作活用〔aboard〕On board a ship, train, aircraft, or other passenger vehicle.在船上、火车上、飞机上或其他客运交通工具上美国传统〔account for〕In the first ten days of May our squadron accounted for at least seven enemy aircraft.五月的头十天, 我们中队至少摧毁了七架敌机。外研社新世纪〔actuate〕As the aircraft became airborne, the engines overheated, actuating the fire extinguishers.飞机起飞过程中, 引擎过热, 启动了灭火器。外研社新世纪〔aeropause〕The region of the atmosphere above which aircraft cannot fly.大气层外限:高于此气层飞机不能飞行的一大气层美国传统〔aerostatics〕The science of gases in equilibrium and of the equilibrium of balloons or aircraft under changing atmospheric flight conditions.空气静力学:关于平衡状态下气体以及不断变化的大气飞行条件下的气球或航空器平衡状态的科学美国传统〔aircraft carrier〕A large naval vessel designed as a mobile air base, having a long flat deck on which aircraft can take off and land at sea.航空母舰:作为可移动航空基地的大型海军舰艇,有一长的平台,飞机可利用它在海面上起飞和降落美国传统〔aircraft〕The passengers boarded the aircraft.乘客上了那架飞机。牛津搭配〔aircraft〕There are approximately 6 700 commercial aircraft operating in the United States.美国正在运营的商用飞机大约有 6,700 架。牛津搭配〔aircraft〕To be an ace you had to shoot down five enemy aircraft.要成为王牌飞行员,你得击落 5 架敌机。牛津搭配〔airframe〕The structure of an aircraft, such as an airplane, a helicopter, or a rocket, exclusive of its power plant.机体,弹体,构架:航空器的构架,如飞机、直升机、火箭,不包括发电机美国传统〔airmail〕The system of conveying mail by aircraft.航空邮政:用飞机运送邮件的系统美国传统〔airworthiness〕All our aircraft have certificates of airworthiness.我们所有的飞机都有适航证书。柯林斯高阶〔all〕Parts for the aircraft will be made all round the world.这架飞机的部件将在世界各地制造。柯林斯高阶〔altogether〕Altogether, about 50 NATO aircraft took part in the attack.总共大约50架北约飞机参加了这次袭击。麦克米伦高阶〔answer〕The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description.日本人从未制造过与此描述有丝毫相近的飞机。柯林斯高阶〔astrodome〕A transparent dome on the top of an aircraft, through which celestial observations are made for navigation.天文观测舱,领航舱:飞机顶部的一个透明圆顶形结构,航行时可通过它作天文观测美国传统〔backwash〕A backward flow of air, as from the propeller of an aircraft.喷气流:向后流动的空气,如由飞机的螺旋桨引起美国传统〔bandit〕Slang A hostile aircraft, especially a fighter aircraft.【俚语】 敌方战斗机:敌方的飞机,尤指战斗机美国传统〔bank〕The lateral inward tilting, as of a motor vehicle or an aircraft, in turning or negotiating a curve.向内斜:机动车或飞机等转弯或越过障碍时向内侧倾斜美国传统〔barrage balloon〕A balloon anchored singly or in a series over a military objective to support nets that hinder the passage of enemy aircraft.阻拦气球:单个或一系列的固定在军用物体上的气球,以支撑阻碍敌机通路的网络美国传统〔beacon〕A radio transmitter that emits a characteristic guidance signal for aircraft.信标,无线电发送器:一种向飞机发送特殊导航信号的无线电传送装置美国传统〔bombard〕Aircraft bombarded the enemy warship.飞机轰炸了敌军舰。21世纪英汉〔bombsight〕A device in a combat aircraft for determining the point at which to drop a bomb in order to strike a target.炸弹瞄准器:战斗机上的一种装置,用来确定为击中目标应向哪个点投弹美国传统〔bomb〕NATO aircraft bombed the town again last night.北约飞机昨晚又轰炸了这个城镇。麦克米伦高阶〔bothersome〕Aircraft noise is particularly bothersome here since we're close to the airport.在这里飞机的噪音特别烦人,因为我们离机场很近。文馨英汉〔bump along〕The aircraft bumped along erratically without gathering anything like sufficient speed.飞机摇摇晃晃前行, 根本提不到足够的速度。外研社新世纪〔bunch together〕They need to bunch aircraft more closely together to bring in one that is short of fuel.他们需要使飞机飞得更密集一些, 以让燃油少的那架降落。外研社新世纪〔cell phone〕The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft.大多数飞机上禁止使用手机。牛津高阶〔cockpit〕The space set apart for the pilot and crew, as in a helicopter, large airliner, or transport aircraft.驾驶座:将驾驶员与乘客隔开的空间,如在直升机、大型民航机或运输机上美国传统〔computer〕A computer model is used to predict forces affecting the aircraft in flight.计算机模型被用于预测飞行中影响飞机的各种作用力。牛津搭配〔consortium〕The aircraft will be built by a European consortium.这种飞机将由欧洲的一个财团建造。朗文当代〔copilot〕The second or relief pilot of an aircraft.副驾驶员:飞机上的副飞机员或备用飞行员美国传统〔crash-land〕A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday.昨天, 一架轻型飞机在一个高尔夫球场的球穴区摔机着陆。外研社新世纪〔crash-land〕To land (an aircraft or a spacecraft) under emergency conditions, usually with damage to the craft.紧急着陆:使(飞机或飞船)在紧急情况下着陆,常对飞行器造成伤害美国传统〔crew〕The aircraft has a crew of four.这架飞机有4名机组人员。英汉大词典〔cripple〕The pilot was able to maneuver the crippled aircraft out of the hostile area.飞行员成功地驾驶严重损坏的飞机驶出敌区。柯林斯高阶〔dangerous〕The aircraft caught fire, a highly dangerous situation.飞机着火了,情况很危险。朗文当代〔deadhead〕A vehicle, such as an aircraft, that transports no passengers or freight during a trip.空车:在旅行时不载乘客或货物的交通工具,如飞机美国传统〔delight〕The aircraft was a delight to fly.驾驶这架飞机是一件乐事。柯林斯高阶〔delivery〕We expect to take delivery of the aircraft sometime in June.我们预期 6 月份提取飞机。朗文当代〔departure〕There are several departures (= buses, trains, or aircraft leaving) for Paris every day.每天都有好几个班次去巴黎。剑桥高阶〔dihedral〕Aeronautics The upward or downward inclination of an aircraft wing from true horizontal.【航空学】 上反角,下反角:飞行器的机翼与水平面向上或向下的倾斜角美国传统〔disembark〕To leave a vehicle or aircraft.下车,下飞机:离开车辆或飞机美国传统〔dock〕Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port.俄罗斯指挥官指挥一艘巨型航空母舰驶入一个俄罗斯港口。柯林斯高阶〔doubt〕The accident raised doubts about the safety of the aircraft.使人怀疑麦克米伦高阶〔down〕An enemy aircraft was downed in a dogfight.一架敌机在空战中被击落。文馨英汉〔drill〕The Marines carried out a drill that included 18 ships and 90 aircraft.海军陆战队进行了一场演练, 有18艘舰艇和90架飞机参与。外研社新世纪〔eight〕The aircraft crashed after takeoff, killing all eight people on board.飞机起飞后坠毁, 机上八人无一生还。外研社新世纪〔eject〕To make an emergency exit from an aircraft by deployment of an ejection seat or capsule.弹射出:利用弹射座椅或弹射座舱从飞行器紧急出口弹射出来美国传统〔enemy〕Over three hundred enemy aircraft were destroyed.有300多辆敌机被摧毁。麦克米伦高阶〔entrust〕He was forced to entrust an assistant with the important task of testing and demonstrating aircraft to prospective customers.他不得不将向潜在客户测试和展示飞行器的重任交托给一名助手。柯林斯高阶〔excepting〕All the people who were on the aircraft have now been identified, excepting one.除一人外,当时飞机上所有人的身份都已确定。剑桥高阶〔extremity〕Ice had formed on the extremities of the aircraft wings.机翼末梢结起了冰。英汉大词典〔fairing〕An auxiliary structure or the external surface of a vehicle, such as an aircraft, that serves to reduce drag.整流装置:运载工具(如飞机的)用以减少阻力的一种附件或外部表面美国传统〔ferry〕A service and route for delivering an aircraft under its own power to its eventual user.飞机渡运:把飞机飞至交付最终使用者美国传统〔ferry〕To transport (people or goods) especially by aircraft.运送,空运:尤指用飞机运输(人或货物)美国传统〔fingerprint〕The aircraft has equipment to fingerprint enemy planes.这架飞机带有辨认敌机的装置。英汉大词典〔fin〕A fixed or movable airfoil used to stabilize an aircraft, a missile, or a projectile in flight.安定翼,直尾翅:用以稳定飞行中的飞机、导弹或发射体的固定式或活动式机翼美国传统〔flap〕A variable control surface on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, used primarily to increase lift or drag.襟翼:飞机后翼上最初用来增加上升力或拖力的可灵活控制的辅助翼美国传统〔flattop〕An aircraft carrier.航空母舰美国传统〔flew〕Only experienced pilots fly large passenger aircraft.只有经验丰富的飞行员才能驾驶大型客机。21世纪英汉〔flight line〕The area of an airfield, specifically the parking area and the maintenance hangars, where aircraft are onloaded, offloaded, and serviced.机场维护工作区:机场的一块区域,尤指用于飞机装货、卸货和修理的停放区域和维修库美国传统〔flight path〕The precise route taken or due to be taken through the air by an aircraft or spacecraft.飞行航线:飞机或太空载具飞行时采用或应该采用的精确路线美国传统〔flight plan〕A detailed statement of the schedule and expected route of an aircraft or spacecraft.飞行计划:飞机或太空载具详细的行程及预定路线说明美国传统〔fléchette〕A steel missile or dart dropped from an aircraft.小钢矛:由飞机投掷的一种钢弹或钢镖美国传统〔force down〕A violent blizzard over Kansas City forced the aircraft down.一场席卷堪萨斯城的暴风雪迫使飞机降落停飞。外研社新世纪〔force〕The UN will allow the use of force against aircraft violating the zone.联合国将允许对侵犯这一地区的飞机采取军事行动。朗文当代〔fuel-efficient〕They are replacing their old aircraft with more fuel-efficient models.他们正在用更高效使用燃料的飞机型号取代旧飞机。剑桥高阶〔fumigate〕The aircraft was fumigated and searched but no cockroaches were found.这架飞机经过了熏蒸和搜查, 但是并没有发现任何蟑螂的影子。外研社新世纪〔general aviation〕The aircraft flown for these purposes.一般飞行航空器:为此类目的而飞行的航空器美国传统〔glide〕To fly without propulsion. Used of an aircraft.滑翔:指飞机,无需推动力的飞行美国传统〔grease monkey〕A mechanic, especially one who works on motor vehicles or aircraft.油猢狲:指机械工或修理工,尤指汽车或飞机等的机械工或修理工美国传统〔ground crew〕A team of mechanics and technicians that maintain and service aircraft on the ground.地勤人员:在地面上保养和维修飞机的一组机械师和技师美国传统〔ground loop〕A sharp horizontal turn made by an aircraft on the ground when taxiing, landing, or taking off.失控旋转,地转:飞机在滑行、降落或起飞时在地面上发生的失去控制的猛烈水平旋转美国传统〔gun〕Pilots will not be allowed to have guns in the cockpits of commercial aircraft.在商用飞机驾驶舱里, 飞行员不允许带枪。外研社新世纪〔hardstand〕A hard-surfaced area for parking aircraft or ground vehicles.停机坪,停车场:指停放飞机或陆地运输工具的地面美国传统〔hopeful〕We've chartered the aircraft in the hopeful anticipation that the government will allow them to leave.我们已经包租了那架飞机,希望政府会对他们放行。柯林斯高阶〔illustrate〕The new edition is heavily illustrated with photographs of aircraft.新版本中插配有大量飞机照片。牛津搭配〔inception〕Since its inception the company has produced 53 different aircraft designs.自成立以来, 这家公司已经推出了53款不同的飞行器设计。外研社新世纪〔inside〕An F-117A Stealth aircraft crashed inside Serbia.一架F-117A 型隐形战斗机坠落在塞尔维亚境内。麦克米伦高阶〔instrument flying〕Aircraft navigation by reference to instruments only.仪表飞行:飞机只借助仪表导航美国传统〔intensive〕After six months' intensive training, she was ready to fly the aircraft.在半年的强化训练之后,她已做好了驾驶该飞行器的准备。麦克米伦高阶〔invisible〕The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar.这种飞机的设计目的是能躲过雷达探测。剑桥高阶〔jump jet〕A jet aircraft capable of vertical takeoffs and landings.垂直起降喷气机美国传统〔jump〕A descent from an aircraft by parachute.从飞机上跳伞美国传统〔knock〕Radars were knocked out, aircraft shot down.雷达被摧毁,飞机被击落。英汉大词典〔lane〕A prescribed course for ships or aircraft.航道:船或飞机的规定路线美国传统〔let〕The aircraft is letting down to land.飞机正向地面下降。英汉大词典〔level off〕The aircraft levelled out at about 30,000 feet.飞机在大约3万英尺的高度进入水平飞行。柯林斯高阶〔lifting body〕An aircraft or a spacecraft that has no wings and gains lift by the action of aerodynamic forces on its body.航空航天器:一种无翼飞机或航天飞机,依靠对机体的空气动力作用上升美国传统〔loadmaster〕An aircraft crew member in charge of loading and unloading cargo or heavy weapons.舱中理货员:主管装卸货物或重武器的飞机机组人员美国传统〔location〕Radar established the precise location of the aircraft.雷达确定了飞机的准确位置。韦氏高阶〔longeron〕A major structural member of an aircraft fuselage, running from front to rear.机身大梁:飞机机身从机头至机尾的一个主要构件美国传统〔low-flying〕There is a complete ban on low-flying aircraft.严禁飞机低空飞行。外研社新世纪〔maintain〕Commercial aircraft generally maintain cabin altitudes between 6 000 and 8 000 feet.商务飞机座舱高度通常保持在 6,000 到 8,000 英尺之间。牛津搭配〔maintain〕The pilot was struggling to maintain control of the aircraft.飞行员正在奋力保持对飞机的控制。韦氏高阶〔medevac〕A helicopter or other aircraft used for such transport.救伤直升机,救伤飞机:用来运送伤员之直升机或其他飞机美国传统〔meet〕Will you meet me at the airport (= be there when the aircraft arrives)? 你到机场接我好吗?剑桥高阶〔monitor〕Flight engineers monitor the engines, fuel consumption, and functioning of aircraft systems during flight.飞行工程师在飞行过程中监控发动机的运行、燃料消耗情况和飞机系统的运转。外研社新世纪〔mooring〕A place or structure to which a vessel or aircraft can be moored.停泊地:可以系泊船只或飞机的地方或构造物美国传统〔navigate〕To control the course of a ship or an aircraft.驾驶:操纵船或飞机的航向美国传统〔navigator〕A device that directs the course of an aircraft or a missile.导航装置:指将飞机或导弹的航向的装置美国传统〔nonrigid〕Of, relating to, or being a lighter-than-air aircraft that holds its shape by gas pressure.软式飞艇的:属于、关于或是由气体压力支撑其形状的轻型飞艇的美国传统〔occupied〕Even quite small aircraft occupy a lot of space.哪怕很小的飞机也要占很大的空间。柯林斯高阶〔overflight〕An aircraft flight over a particular area, especially over foreign territory.飞越上空:飞机在一特殊区域(尤指外国领域)上空的飞行美国传统〔overshoot〕The aircraft overshot the runway.飞机冲出了跑道。牛津高阶〔paraglider〕A recreational aircraft consisting of a large parafoil equipped with a harness from which a rider hangs while gliding from a height.飞行伞:娱乐用的飞行器具,包含大面伞翼与可让飞行伞员从高点向下滑翔时悬挂的吊带美国传统〔part〕He works for a company that makes aircraft parts.他在一家制造飞机零件的公司工作。剑桥高阶〔patrol〕One or more military vehicles, boats, ships, or aircraft assigned to guard or reconnoiter a given area.巡逻部队:被派保卫或侦察某一指定地区的军事车辆、船只、舰艇或飞机美国传统〔patrol〕Three reconnaissance aircraft are permanently on patrol.3架侦察机在不停巡逻。剑桥高阶〔peel off〕The rearmost aircraft peeled off into a vertical climb.最后面那架飞机脱离机群, 开始垂直爬升。外研社新世纪〔permit〕The use of mobile phones is not permitted inside the aircraft.飞机内禁止使用手机。麦克米伦高阶〔pilot〕One who operates or is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight.飞行员:在飞行中驾驶或有资格驾驶飞机的人美国传统〔plane down〕The aircraft planed down smoothly but landed unsteadily飞机下滑顺利但着陆不稳。21世纪英汉〔platform〕A vessel, such as a submarine or an aircraft carrier, from which weapons can be deployed.平台:能部署武器的船只,如潜水艇或航空母舰美国传统〔play〕Aircraft wings are designed to have a certain amount of play in them.飞机的机翼设计得有一定的弹性空间。剑桥高阶〔plus〕The aircraft was subjected to temperatures of minus 65 degrees and plus 120 degrees.这架飞机经历了零下65度和零上120度的温度变化。柯林斯高阶〔position〕Arrows indicate the positions of the aircraft.箭头表示飞机的位置。牛津搭配〔present-day〕Even by present-day standards these were large aircraft.即使按照现在的标准,这些飞机也挺大的。柯林斯高阶〔pressure suit〕A garment that is worn in high-altitude aircraft or in spacecraft to compensate for low-pressure conditions.增压服,加压服:高空飞行或在宇宙飞船里穿的衣服,主要为抵销外界的低压状况美国传统〔psychological〕He claims that the constant aircraft noise has a bad psychological effect on the residents.他声称持续不断的飞机噪声给居民造成了不良的心理影响。剑桥高阶〔pullout〕Change from a dive to level flight. Used of an aircraft.拉平:从俯冲到水平飞行的变化。用于飞机美国传统〔quarters〕You can watch aircraft take off or land at close quarters.你可以近距离观察飞机起飞和降落。外研社新世纪〔quarter〕You can watch aircraft take off or land at close quarters.你可以近距离观察飞机的起降。柯林斯高阶〔rack〕A frame for holding bombs in an aircraft.炮弹架:飞机上用来放炸弹的架子美国传统〔radar〕The aircraft was on a flight from Milan when it disappeared from radar screens.飞机是在从米兰出发的飞行途中从雷达屏上消失的。柯林斯高阶〔radiolocation〕Detection of distant objects, such as ships or aircraft, by radar.无线电定位:用雷达探测远处的物体,如船和飞机美国传统〔rain〕Fighter aircraft rained down high explosives.战斗机投下大量烈性炸药。柯林斯高阶〔record〕I won't fly with an airline that has a bad safety record (= whose aircraft have often had accidents).我可不愿意搭乘安全纪录很差的航空公司的航班。剑桥高阶〔retreat〕Attacks by enemy aircraft forced the tanks to retreat (from the city).敌机的轰炸迫使坦克(从这座城市)撤离。剑桥高阶〔rise〕The aircraft rose slowly into the air.飞机缓慢地升到空中。麦克米伦高阶〔rocket plane〕An aircraft powered by one or more rocket engines.火箭推进式飞机:一种由一个或多个火箭发动机作动力的飞机美国传统〔safe passage〕They were unwilling, or unable, to guarantee safe passage from the city to the aircraft.他们不愿意或者不能够保证从市内到飞机场的安全通行。柯林斯高阶〔safety〕The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft.该报告接着给出了一系列改善飞机安全性能的建议。柯林斯高阶〔salvo〕The simultaneous release of a rack of bombs from an aircraft.齐投:从一架飞机上同时扔下炸弹美国传统〔scramble〕A swift takeoff of military aircraft in response to an alert or an attack.紧急起飞:战斗机的紧急起飞以预警或阻止进攻美国传统〔scramble〕To cause (aircraft) to take off as fast as possible, as to intercept enemy aircraft.命令紧急起飞:命令飞机紧急起飞以便截击敌机美国传统〔ship〕An aircraft or a spacecraft.飞机,飞船美国传统〔shootdown〕Destruction of a flying aircraft by a missile attack or gunfire.击落:用导弹攻击或用炮火把正在飞行的飞机击毁美国传统〔sit〕An aircraft carrier sits off the coast.一艘航空母舰停在海岸附近。英汉大词典〔sortie〕A flight of a combat aircraft on a mission.出动架次:战斗飞行器执行任务的一次飞行美国传统〔sortie〕A series of sorties was carried out at night by specially equipped aircraft.特别装备的战斗机夜晚进行了好几次突袭。剑桥高阶〔sound〕The aircraft could travel faster than the speed of sound.飞机可以超音速飞行。麦克米伦高阶〔space-age〕The car includes space-age technology designed for aircraft.该汽车使用了非常现代化的飞机技术。麦克米伦高阶〔spinner〕A fairing fitted over the hub of the propeller in some aircraft.螺桨毂盖,机头整流罩:某些飞机上装于螺旋桨叶毂上的整流罩美国传统〔stall〕To lose forward flying speed, causing a stall. Used of an aircraft.失速:失去前飞速度,失速;用于飞机美国传统〔stick〕Slang A group of paratroopers exiting an aircraft in succession.【俚语】 伞兵群:连续跳下的一组伞兵美国传统〔stick〕The control device of an aircraft that operates the elevators and ailerons.操纵杆:飞机上操纵升降舱和副翼的控制装置美国传统〔strike〕Such a policy strikes at the very heart of the aircraft industry.这样一项政策会使飞机制造业受到致命的打击。外研社新世纪〔stubborn〕The first and most stubborn problem was that of reductions in the number of aircraft.最首要也是最棘手的问题是飞机数量的减少。外研社新世纪〔sweptwing〕Having sweptback wings. Used of an aircraft.有后掠翼的,用于飞行器美国传统〔takeoff〕The aircraft crashed after takeoff from Heathrow in a reservoir.飞机从希思罗机场起飞后坠毁在一个水库里。柯林斯高阶〔takeoff〕The act of rising in flight. Used of an aircraft or a rocket.起飞的行为。用于指一架飞机或火箭美国传统〔tarmac〕To sit on a taxiway. Used of an aircraft.停在滑行道上。用来指一架飞机美国传统〔turbulent〕The aircraft is designed to withstand turbulent conditions.这架飞机是为经受猛烈的气流而设计的。牛津高阶〔view〕There's a special area at the airport where you can view aircraft taking off and landing.机场里有一个特定的区域,在那里你可以看到飞机起落。剑桥高阶〔watch〕Two soldiers were ordered to keep watch for enemy aircraft.两名士兵奉命监视敌机。牛津搭配〔wave〕Wave after wave of aircraft passed overhead.一批又一批飞机从上空掠过。牛津高阶〔weathercock〕To have a tendency to veer in the direction of the wind. Used of an aircraft or a missile.易于转为迎风:易于转为迎风。用于飞行器或导弹美国传统〔wingtip〕The extreme edge of a wing, as of an aircraft.翼尖,翼梢:飞机等的翼的最外的边美国传统〔workhorse〕The Hercules aircraft has been the workhorse of the airforce for over 25 years.25 年来,大力士飞机为空军立下了汗马功劳。朗文当代〔wreckage〕A search is going on for wreckage from the blazing aircraft.正在搜寻起火燃烧的飞机残骸。牛津搭配Aircraft cabins are pressurized.飞机座舱是密封的。剑桥国际Aircraft manufacturers want to reduce noise and vibration for the sake of both comfort and safety.为了既舒适又安全,飞机制造商们考虑要减少噪音和振动。剑桥国际A heat sensor in the nose of the missile locks on/onto (= finds and then follows) the hot exhaust outlet from a target aircraft.导弹头部的热遥感器会锁定跟踪敌机的热排放口。剑桥国际Air traffic controllers use radar to control the tracks of aircraft.空中交通管制人员用雷达来控制飞机的路线。剑桥国际Five enemy aircraft have been shot down over the coast. 5 架敌机已在海岸上空被击落。剑桥国际Free fall from an aircraft is the part of a jump that is made before the parachute opens.从飞机上的自由降落是在降落伞张开前的一跳。剑桥国际Her seat is in the fore part of the aircraft. 她的座位在飞机前部。译典通I couldn't hear what she was saying over the noise of the planes taking off (= the aircraft were louder than her voice).因为飞机起飞时的噪音,我听不清她在说些什么。剑桥国际In the winter we use de-icer (= a substance for removing ice) on the wings of aircraft shortly before takeoff.冬天,飞机即将起飞前,我们要在机翼上使用去冰剂。剑桥国际Like an aircraft carrier, she is narrow at the waterline and much wider on the deck.像一艘航空母舰那样,它在水线处很窄,在甲板处宽出许多。剑桥国际Mered Air owns three of its 37 aircraft, but the rest are leased. Mered 航空公司拥有它所有37架飞机中的3架,其余的是租来的。剑桥国际Modern military aircraft use computers to help them zero in on (= aim weapons at) their targets.现代军用飞机使用计算机来帮助他们瞄准目标。剑桥国际Nine of the dead were strafed by US aircraft.死者中有九人死于美国飞机的低空扫射。剑桥国际Production of the new aircraft will start next month.新飞机的生产将于下月开始。牛津商务Put several thicknesses (= layers) of newspaper on the table before you start to paint your model aircraft.在开始漆你的模型飞机前,先在桌上放几层报纸。剑桥国际Radar equipment is used to detect (= find the position of) enemy aircraft.雷达装置用来侦察敌机。剑桥国际Some aircraft and telecoms companies are still struggling with excess capacity.某些飞机制造商和电讯公司仍然因产能过剩而吃力地经营下去。牛津商务Specially equipped aircraft were trying to localize the oil slick (= keep it within a small area) and prevent it from spreading.配有专门设备的飞机将尽力控制住油面,防止其扩散。剑桥国际The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to withstand ground and air attacks.这个航空基地有特殊设计的隐蔽所保护,这些隐蔽所建造得能承受地面与空中袭击。剑桥国际The aircraft blew apart after the detonation of a bomb disguised as a radio.伪装成收音机的炸弹爆炸后,飞机四分五裂。剑桥国际The aircraft carries 461 people excluding (= apart from) the crew and cabin staff.飞机共载461人,不包括机组人员和客舱服务员。剑桥国际The aircraft maker announced a further 1 000 cuts (= in the number of employees) last week.这飞机制造公司上星期宣布再裁减 1 000 人。牛津商务The aircraft were acquired under a finance lease.这架飞机是通过融资租赁获得的。牛津商务The fact that aircraft don't fall out of the sky always seems to me to defy (= act against) the law of gravity.我总觉得飞机不会从天空中坠落这一事实违背了重力定律。剑桥国际The stealth fighter is an aircraft designed to be invisible to radar.隐形战斗机是为了使雷达无法识别而设计的飞机。剑桥国际The wings of the aircraft had iced up. 机翼结冰了。译典通There are several departures (= buses, trains, ships or aircraft leaving) for Paris every day.每天有几个班次去巴黎。剑桥国际We'll be arriving back on Tuesday on flight number 147 (=the stated aircraft journey).我们将于星期二乘坐147号航班返回。剑桥国际When landing it can be very stressful to be at the controls of an aircraft.飞机着陆时坐在控制设备前会感到压力很大。剑桥国际Where possible, the middle seat in a row on an aircraft is left vacant to give passengers more room.要是有可能,飞机上一排位子的中间一个都让它空着,让旅客拥有更大的空间。剑桥国际




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