

单词 error of judgment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MISTAKE〕In my opinion, appointing his son as chief executive was a serious error of judgment. 据我看来,任命他儿子当总裁是个严重的判断错误。朗文写作活用〔MISTAKE〕New, inexperienced members of staff are more liable to make errors of judgment. 缺乏工作经验的新员工更容易出现判断错误。朗文写作活用〔error〕Keeping quiet turned out to be a serious error of judgment.保持缄默证明是个严重的判断失误。麦克米伦高阶〔error〕MPs attacked lax management and errors of judgment.议员们抨击管理的松散和判断的失误。柯林斯高阶〔error〕Not telling the staff before they read the news in the papers was an error of judgment.没有在员工看到报上的消息前告诉他们实情是个判断失误。剑桥高阶〔judgment〕He said that publication of the information was a serious error of judgment.他说该信息的公布属于严重的判断失误。外研社新世纪〔judgment〕I think you have made a bad error of judgment.我认为你这个判断严重失误。外研社新世纪〔scent blood〕The manager has already made some serious errors of judgment and it is clear that other employees scent blood.经理已经犯了一些严重的判断错误,很明显其他员工已经嗅到了血腥味。剑桥高阶Not telling the staff before they read the bad news in the papers was an error of judgment.在员工们从报纸上看到坏消息之前不告诉他们是个错误的决定。剑桥国际




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