

单词 fireproof
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕Theatre curtains have to be fireproof. 戏院的幕布必须防火。朗文写作活用〔fireproof〕All the stage scenery has to be fireproofed.所有的舞台布景都必须是防火的。外研社新世纪〔fireproof〕Asbestos is fireproof.石棉是耐火的。英汉大词典〔fireproof〕She keeps all her important papers in a fireproof safe.她把所有重要的文件都保存在一个防火的保险柜里。剑桥高阶〔fireproof〕The building was not fireproofed.这座建筑没有防火设施。韦氏高阶〔fireproof〕They fireproofed a roof.他们给房顶装置了防火设备。21世纪英汉〔fireproof〕To make fireproof.使防火或使耐火美国传统〔firewall〕A fireproof wall used as a barrier to prevent the spread of fire.防火墙,隔火墙:作为一道屏障阻止火蔓延的防火的墙美国传统〔lidded〕Consider fitting a fireproof lidded container to your letterbox.考虑一下给你的信箱配备一个带有防火盖的箱体。外研社新世纪〔safe-deposit box〕A fireproof metal box, usually in a bank vault, for the safe storage of valuables.安全信托柜:一种通常置于银行金库内防火金属柜,用于安全地存放贵重物品美国传统〔strong room〕A strongly built fireproof room designed for the safekeeping of money or valuables.保险库:建造牢固的防火库房,设计用于安全保存钱或有价值的物品美国传统She keeps her stamp collection in a fireproof safe.她把集邮册存放在防火保险柜里。剑桥国际The roof has been fireproofed. 这个屋顶装有防火设备。译典通This building, made entirely of steel and concrete, is fireproof. 这所房屋完全用钢筋水泥建造,是可以防火的。译典通This material is fireproof. 这种材料是耐火的。译典通




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