

单词 firepower
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cruiser〕One of a class of fast warships of medium tonnage with a long cruising radius and less armor and firepower than a battleship.巡洋舰:一种中等吨位的快速战舰,有很长的巡航半径,但比战列舰装甲少,火力小美国传统〔firepower〕Although badly out-numbered by the enemy, we had vastly superior firepower.尽管敌军兵力大大超过我方,但是我们的火力占绝对优势。剑桥高阶〔firepower〕America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes.美国在该地区拥有足够火力来发起持续空袭。外研社新世纪〔firepower〕America has enough firepower in the area to mount sustained air strikes.美国在该地区拥有足够的火力发动持续的空中打击。柯林斯高阶〔firepower〕NATO's firepower 北约的火力麦克米伦高阶〔firepower〕The US also had superior firepower.美国在火力上也占据上风。柯林斯高阶〔firepower〕The army didn't have the firepower to defeat the invaders.这支军队没有足以打败入侵者的火力装备。韦氏高阶〔firepower〕The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.砲兵的火力较步兵大。文馨英汉〔firepower〕There is no shortage of financial firepower to fund atomic research.原子能研究不愁没有财力资助。朗文当代〔firepower〕They had enough firepower.他们有足够的火力装备。韦氏高阶〔firepower〕They used their commercial strength and legal firepower to overwhelm opponents.他们运用自己的商业实力和法律实力来征服对手。外研社新世纪〔interdict〕To cut or destroy (a line of communication) by firepower so as to halt an enemy's advance.阻断,封锁:以火力切断或毁坏(交通线)以阻止敌人前进美国传统〔marshal〕It is unlikely that the rebels will be able to marshal as much firepower as the government troops.叛军不太可能组织起和政府军同样强大的火力。剑桥高阶〔pack〕This gun packs (= has) a lot of firepower.这支枪火力很强。剑桥高阶〔swallow〕The simple weight of German firepower forced the French to swallow their pride and retreat.单单是徳军火力的压力便迫使法军放下架子撤退了。外研社新世纪〔zero〕To aim or concentrate firepower on an exact target location.把…瞄准目标:瞄准或集中火力在正确的目标上美国传统The company has enormous financial firepower.这家公司财力雄厚。牛津商务The merger will give us more firepower to compete with our bigger rivals.合并将给我们提供更强的实力,能与更大的竞争对手竞争。牛津商务The rebels have little chance of marshalling as much firepower as the government troops.叛军很难筹集到和政府军同样的火力。剑桥国际This gun packs (= has) a lot of firepower.这支枪火力大。剑桥国际With our vastly superior firepower we should be able to win this war even though we've got half the number of soldiers 尽管我们只有(敌人)一半的兵力,但凭借我们占绝对优势的火力,我们应当能赢得这场战争。剑桥国际




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