

单词 despised
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HATE〕I felt that the other kids despised me for having the wrong accent and the wrong colour skin. 我感到其他孩子看不起我,因为我没有和他们一样的口音和肤色。朗文写作活用〔HATE〕Otis despised inherited wealth and social class. 奥蒂斯蔑视继承得来的财富和社会等级。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕She despised the bourgeois mentality of the professional class. 她很鄙视专业阶层那种注重名利的心态。朗文写作活用〔bourgeois〕She despised her parents' bourgeois lifestyle.她看不起她父母庸俗的生活方式。麦克米伦高阶〔contempt〕The state of being despised or dishonored; disgrace.耻辱:被鄙视或侮辱的状态;丢脸美国传统〔cowardice〕He despised them for their cowardice.他因他们懦怯而瞧不起他们。文馨英汉〔defensive〕She despised herself for sounding so defensive.她因自己说的话听起来戒备心过强而自惭形秽。朗文当代〔despise for〕She despised him for his cowardice.她因他胆小如鼠而鄙视他。21世纪英汉〔despise〕He despised himself for being so cowardly.他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽。牛津高阶〔despise〕He despised himself for being such a coward.他厌恶自己竟然如此懦弱。剑桥高阶〔despise〕He secretly despised his father.他暗地里瞧不起自己的父亲。牛津搭配〔despise〕How I despised myself for my cowardice! 我是多么鄙视自己的怯懦啊!柯林斯高阶〔despise〕I despised him for the way he treated his children.我鄙视他对待自己孩子的那种方法。麦克米伦高阶〔despise〕Other boys despised him for a coward.其他男孩因他胆小而看不起他。英汉大词典〔despise〕She despised gossip in any form.她对任何形式的流言蜚语都嗤之以鼻。牛津高阶〔despise〕She despised her neighbours.她看不起自己的邻居。朗文当代〔despise〕She despised him for the way he treated her sister.他那样对待她姐姐让她感到很厌恶。剑桥高阶〔despise〕She thoroughly despised him for his weakness.她因为他的软弱而十分鄙视他。牛津搭配〔despise〕She was despised as a hypocrite.她被视为伪善者而受到鄙视。韦氏高阶〔dust〕A debased or despised condition.卑微或受鄙视的状态美国传统〔dweeb〕A despised person.卑鄙小人美国传统〔fucker〕A despised person.不愉快的人美国传统〔fuck〕A despised person.卑劣的人美国传统〔hate〕He despised himself for being so cowardly.他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽。牛津高阶〔inarticulate〕He despised having to listen to the inarticulate outpourings of the President.他厌恶被迫去听总统晦涩难懂而又滔滔不绝的演讲。外研社新世纪〔loosely〕He despised loose thinking.他鄙视不严谨的思维。柯林斯高阶〔loose〕He despised loose thinking.他鄙视不严谨的思想。外研社新世纪〔niggardly〕He despised the hard and niggardly nature that spends grudgingly.他鄙视那种花起钱来不情不愿的铁公鸡本性。外研社新世纪〔notwithstanding〕He despised William Pitt, notwithstanding the similar views they both held.尽管他和威廉·皮特看法相似,却瞧不起他。柯林斯高阶〔notwithstanding〕He despised him, notwithstanding the similar views they both held.尽管他们观点类似, 他还是看不起他。外研社新世纪〔pain〕He was at no pains to conceal the fact that he despised her.他毫不掩饰他鄙视她这一事实。英汉大词典〔phantom〕Something dreaded or despised.恐惧的事物;讨厌的事物美国传统〔stand down〕Four days later, the despised leader finally stood down, just 17 days after taking office.4天后,这位遭到鄙视的领导人终于下台了,离他就职只有 17 天。柯林斯高阶〔stinkpot〕Slang A person who is despised.【俚语】 讨厌透顶的:令人鄙视的人美国传统He despised himself for being such a coward.他鄙视自己成了这样的懦夫。剑桥国际He would often escape his hectic life in 19th-century Paris, leaving behind the petty restrictions of the bourgeois society he so despised.他经常逃避十九世纪巴黎的热闹生活,将他如此鄙视的中产阶级社会的那些琐碎的限制抛在身后。剑桥国际She despised him for the way he treated her sister.他对待她姐姐的方式叫她厌恶。剑桥国际She despised the get-rich-quick mentality of the 1980s.她鄙视20世纪80年代的暴发致富心态。剑桥国际That's an offer not to be despised (= one worth considering seriously).那是个值得认真考虑的报价。剑桥国际




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