单词 | coup |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARMY〕Army officers have overthrown the government in a well planned coup d'état. 陆军军官们在一场精心策划的政变中推翻了该政府。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The attempted coup was staged by a group of the ex-president's most diehard supporters. 这次未遂政变是由前总统的一群死硬支持者发动的。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕There have been vague rumours of a coup. 隐隐约约谣传有政变。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕Moreau was deposed in a military coup and fled to the US. 莫罗在一次军事政变中遭到罢免,逃到了美国。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕Nusabe was ousted in a coup late last year. 努萨比在去年年底的政变中被赶下台。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The leader of the coup was exiled and the others imprisoned. 这次政变的领导人被流放,其他人则被监禁。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕General da Souza had the intention of taking power through a coup d'etat. 达·苏萨将军意欲发动政变来夺权。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕The coup leaders have ignored their pledges to hold democratic elections. 政变领导人背弃了他们进行民主选举的诺言。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕He led a successful coup against the government of Iraq. 他成功地领导了一次反对该国政府的政变。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕In April 1974, a military coup took place in Lisbon. 1974年4月,里斯本发生了一次军事政变。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Peru offered refuge to officers who had taken part in the abortive coup. 秘鲁为参与流产政变的官员提供避难。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Seventeen people were convicted of subversion following a coup attempt. 政变未遂后有17个人被判有颠覆罪。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The coup attempt was followed by police brutality, executions, and torture. 政变后,随之就发生了警察的野蛮行为、处决和严刑拷打。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The chief of the armed forces intended to take power by staging a coup d'état. 这位武装部队的首脑意欲发动政变夺取政权。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The government imposed a state of emergency after the failed coup d'état. 政府在发生流产政变后宣布进入紧急状态。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕They smashed an attempted coup by the communists, leaving hundreds dead. 他们粉碎了一次政变企图,有几百人死亡。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕Tomorrow is the anniversary of the coup that brought a military dictatorship to power here nine years ago. 明天是九年前促使军事独裁在这里上台的那次政变的纪念日。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕In recent months there have been rumors of at least two attempted coups. 最近几个月以来有传闻说至少发生了两次未遂的政变。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The government has foiled an attempted military coup. 政府挫败了一次军事政变阴谋。朗文写作活用〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕The attempted coup failed, thanks to the loyalty of the army. 幸亏军队的忠诚,使这次政变失败了。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕He came to power by means of a military coup in 1960. 1960年,他通过军事政变上台掌权。朗文写作活用〔abdicate〕Following the coup, King Constantine was forced to abdicate.政变发生后, 康斯坦丁国王被迫退位。外研社新世纪〔abort〕A military guard was injured in the aborted coup.一个卫兵在这次失败的政变中受了伤。外研社新世纪〔abort〕A military guard was injured in the aborted coup.一位哨兵在这次未遂政变中受伤。柯林斯高阶〔access〕The new coupe allows easy access to the back seat.这种新型小轿车入后座很方便。英汉大词典〔aftermath〕In the aftermath of the coup, the troops opened fire on the demonstrators.政变结果是军队向游行示威者开火了。柯林斯高阶〔aftermath〕In the aftermath of the coup, troops fired on the demonstrators.政变的余波是军队向示威者开了火。外研社新世纪〔arrest〕Following the coup, the leaders were put under house arrest.政变后,领导人都被软禁在家。牛津搭配〔assume〕He assumed power in a bloody coup in 1990.他在 1990 年一场血腥的政变中上台。朗文当代〔attempted〕Leaders of the attempted coup were rounded up and executed.政变未遂的领导人被围捕后遭到处决。麦克米伦高阶〔attempted〕The attempted coup took place in January.那场未遂政变发生在1月份。柯林斯高阶〔authoritarian〕Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.高官们可能会策划一场政变来复辟独裁统治。外研社新世纪〔authoritarian〕Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.高官们可能会策划一场政变来复辟独裁统治。柯林斯高阶〔belatedly〕The leaders realized belatedly that the coup would be disastrous for everyone.当首领们意识到政变对每一个人都是灾难时, 已经晚了。外研社新世纪〔belatedly〕The leaders realized belatedly that the coup would be disastrous for everyone.领导们方才意识到这场政变对任何人来说都是一场灾难。柯林斯高阶〔beleaguered〕There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government.风雨飘摇的政府已经遭到七次未遂政变的 打击。外研社新世纪〔beleaguered〕There have been seven coup attempts against the beleaguered government.风雨飘摇的政府已经遭到了7次未遂政变的打击。柯林斯高阶〔bloodlessly〕Reports from the area indicate that it was a bloodless coup.发自该地区的报道表明这是一次不流血的政变。柯林斯高阶〔bloodless〕Reports from the area indicate that it was a bloodless coup.来自该地区的报告表明这是一场不流血的政变。外研社新世纪〔bloodless〕The rebel soldiers seized power in a bloodless coup.叛军在一次政变中兵不血刃地夺取了政权。剑桥高阶〔bloodless〕They took control of the government in a bloodless coup.他们通过不流血的政变控制了政府。韦氏高阶〔bring off〕They were about to bring off an even bigger coup.他们要发动一次更大的政变。柯林斯高阶〔cabriolet〕An automobile with a folding top; a convertible coupe.篷式汽车:带有可折叠篷顶的汽车;敞篷小轿车美国传统〔censor〕Her editors censored all negative reporting on the coup.编辑们删除了她对政变的所有负面报道。外研社新世纪〔chip away at〕Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.反叛分子没有发动彻底的政变, 而是想一点一点地削弱她的权力。外研社新世纪〔chip away at〕Instead of an outright coup attempt, the rebels want to chip away at her authority.叛乱分子并不打算明目张胆地发动政变,而是想要逐渐削弱她的权力。柯林斯高阶〔clampdown〕Following the military coup, there has been a clampdown on press reporting in the capital.军事政变后,首都的新闻报道受到了严格限制。剑桥高阶〔complicity〕He is accused of complicity with the leader of the coup, former Colonel Gregorio Honasan.他被控与政变首领——前上校格雷戈里奥·霍纳桑——串通一气。柯林斯高阶〔complicity〕He is accused of complicity with the leader of the coup.他被控是政变领导者的同谋。外研社新世纪〔countercoup〕A sudden overthrow of a government that gained power by a coup d'état.反政变:对一个通过政变上台的政府进行的突然颠覆活动美国传统〔coup de grace〕Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace in a letter dated June 12: they had decided to reject the proposal.欧文·克里斯托尔在6月12日的一封信中发出了最后一击:他们已经决定驳回该提议。柯林斯高阶〔coup de grace〕My disastrous exam results dealt the coup de grâce to my university career.我考试考得一塌糊涂,这就断送了我的大学生涯。牛津高阶〔coup de grâce〕As a final coup de grace, Lord Burghley created a roofscape every bit as impressive as the facades and interiors.作为点睛之笔, 伯利勋爵创造出了与外立面和内饰一样令人难忘的屋顶效果。外研社新世纪〔coup de grâce〕Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace: they had decided to reject the proposal.欧文•克里斯托尔给出了致命的一击:他们已决定驳回该提案。外研社新世纪〔coup de grâce〕Jane's affair was the coup de grâce to her disintegrating marriage.简的婚外情终结了她本已破碎的婚姻。剑桥高阶〔coup de grâce〕The legislature's decision to cut funding has administered the coup de grâce to the governor's proposal.立法部门减少拨款的决定对州长的提案是最后一击。韦氏高阶〔coup de théâtre〕There's a brilliant coup de théâtre at the end of the play.这部戏剧结尾的时候有一个精彩的剧情突变。剑桥高阶〔coupe〕The stemmed glass in which a coupe is served.高脚玻璃杯:用来放水果冰淇淋的高脚玻璃杯美国传统〔coup〕A coup d'état.政变美国传统〔coup〕A band of young disillusioned officers staged a coup.一群幻想破灭的年轻军官发动了一场政变。麦克米伦高阶〔coup〕Beating Arsenal was a major coup for the club.击败阿森纳队是该俱乐部的一次重大胜利。朗文当代〔coup〕Getting this contract has been quite a coup for us.把这份合同争取到手让我们费了很大力气。牛津高阶〔coup〕Haiti's first elected president was deposed in a violent military coup .海地的第一位民选总统在一场剧烈的军事政变中被废黜。朗文当代〔coup〕He deposed his father in a palace coup in 1970.他在 1970 年的一次宫廷政变中废黜了父亲的王位。牛津搭配〔coup〕He evaded capture after the failed coup .政变失败后他逃脱了抓捕。朗文当代〔coup〕He managed to pull off a major diplomatic coup.他设法赢得了一次重大的外交成功。牛津搭配〔coup〕He seized power in a military coup in 2008.他在 2008 年的军事政变中夺取了政权。牛津高阶〔coup〕He seized power in a military coup.他在一场军事政变中掌了权。牛津搭配〔coup〕He was jailed for his part in the attempted coup.他由于参加一起未遂的政变而被关进监狱。麦克米伦高阶〔coup〕I got him to come to a party, which was something of a coup.我说服了他来参加聚会,实属意外之得。剑桥高阶〔coup〕It was a major coup when they got the Vice President to appear on their show for an interview.令人感到非常意外的是,他们请到了副总统上节目接受采访。韦氏高阶〔coup〕It was a tremendous coup for the local paper to get an exclusive interview with Prince Charles.当地报纸能独家采访到查尔斯王子是破天荒的成功。剑桥高阶〔coup〕It's a great coup to get Bjork to perform here.能请到比约克来这里演出是惊人的成功之举。麦克米伦高阶〔coup〕Regency Opera have scored something of a coup by persuading her to undertake the role.雷根希歌剧院说服她扮演这一角色从而取得了巨大成功。外研社新世纪〔coup〕Regency Opera have scored something of a coup by persuading her to undertake the role.雷根希歌剧院说服她扮演这一角色从而取得了巨大成功。柯林斯高阶〔coup〕She lost her position in a boardroom coup (= a sudden change of power in a company).她在董事会的人事突变中失去了职位。牛津搭配〔coup〕The coup was immediately put down and the plotters were shot.政变立即被镇压下去,密谋者被击毙。牛津搭配〔coup〕The sale is a big coup for the auction house.这笔交易是该拍卖行的一大成功之举。柯林斯高阶〔coup〕There has been a series of military coups since the country gained independence.自从该国取得独立以来,发生了一系列的军事政变。麦克米伦高阶〔coup〕They were sentenced to death for their part in April's coup attempt.他们因4月份图谋政变被判处死刑。外研社新世纪〔coup〕They were sentenced to death for their part in April's coup attempt.他们因参与了4月份的政变而被判处死刑。柯林斯高阶〔coup〕This is a major publicity coup for the company.这是该公司广告宣传的一次巨大成功。麦克米伦高阶〔coup〕This represents a coup for Mr Smith.这代表了史密斯先生的成功之举。外研社新世纪〔coup〕Winning that contract was her greatest coup.赢得那份合同是她最大的成就。牛津搭配〔depose〕Mr Ben Bella was deposed in a coup in 1965.本·贝拉先生在1965年的一次政变中被推翻。柯林斯高阶〔depose〕Mr Ben Bella was deposed in a coup in 1965.本•贝拉先生在1965年的一次政变中被罢免。外研社新世纪〔depose〕The president was deposed in a military coup.总统在军事政变中被废黜。牛津高阶〔detain〕Over 60 people have been detained in connection with the coup attempt.60 多人因牵涉这起未遂政变而被拘留。牛津搭配〔dictator〕He became dictator after a coup.他在一场政变后成为了独裁者。外研社新世纪〔dishonour〕Some of the leaders of the coup took their lives rather than face dishonour.一些参与政变的领导者宁死也不愿蒙受耻辱。剑桥高阶〔downfall〕The movement's downfall came with the failed coup d'état.政变流产了,这场运动也随之失败。牛津搭配〔end〕The coup brought his corrupt regime to an end.政变结束了他的腐败统治。牛津高阶〔engineer〕Left-wing groups engineered a coup against the military government.左翼集团密谋策划了一场反军政府的政变。剑桥高阶〔engineer〕The officers engineered a second coup on 19th June.军官们在6月19日发起了第二次政变。外研社新世纪〔execution〕The tribunal ordered the execution of 42 coup plotters.法庭下令处死 42 个政变策划者。牛津搭配〔exile〕The President was exiled by military rulers soon after the coup.政变后不久,总统便被军事当局流放。韦氏高阶〔exile〕The monarch was exiled because of the coup.由于发生了政变,国王被迫流亡。剑桥高阶〔fall〕The coup failed but the government fell shortly afterwards.政变虽然流产,但是不久以后政府便垮台了。牛津高阶〔fall〕The president fell from power during the military coup.在军事政变中总统被推翻。剑桥高阶〔fast〕Political changes have been fast and furious since the coup.发生政变以来,政治局势起伏多变。麦克米伦高阶〔foil〕The government of Mauritania says it has foiled a coup attempt.毛里塔尼亚政府称挫败了一起政变。外研社新世纪〔impression〕He had apparently been under the impression that a military coup was in progress.他显然以为一场军事政变正在酝酿中。柯林斯高阶〔imprisonment〕The coup leaders could face life imprisonment.政变头目可能面临终身监禁。牛津搭配〔instigator〕He was accused of being the main instigator of the coup.他被指控为政变的主要唆使者。外研社新世纪〔instigator〕He was accused of being the main instigator of the coup.他被指控为这场政变的主谋。柯林斯高阶〔launch〕The President was on holiday when the coup was launched.政变发动时, 总统正在休假。外研社新世纪〔launch〕The President was on holiday when the coup was launched.政变发动时,总统正在度假。柯林斯高阶〔leading〕The army played a leading role in organizing the attempted coup.军队在策划这场未遂政变中起了最主要的作用。朗文当代〔legitimacy〕The French government has condemned the coup in Haiti and has demanded the restoration of the legitimate government.法国政府对海地政变表示谴责,并要求恢复合法政府的地位。柯林斯高阶〔legitimate〕The French government has condemned the coup in Haiti and has demanded the restoration of the legitimate government.法国政府对海地政变予以谴责, 并要求恢复其合法政府。外研社新世纪〔miscalculate〕The coup failed because of miscalculations by the plotters.由于策划者判断失误,政变失败了。柯林斯高阶〔miscalculation〕The coup failed because of miscalculations by the plotters.由于策划者判断失误, 政变失败了。外研社新世纪〔misconduct〕I think the coup was misconducted.我认为这次政变部署不当。外研社新世纪〔morale〕The failed coup caused a loss of morale within the army.政变未遂挫伤了军队的士气。朗文当代〔mutiny〕A series of coup attempts and mutinies within the armed forces destabilized the regime.军队内部一连串的政变图谋和暴动动摇了该政权。柯林斯高阶〔off-balance〕The government was thrown off-balance by the attempted coup.政府对这一未遂政变猝不及防。柯林斯高阶〔ousting〕The ousting of his predecessor was one of the most dramatic coups the business world had seen in years.将他的前任扳倒是商界多年以来最富戏剧性的一场胜利。柯林斯高阶〔oust〕The president was ousted (from power) in a military coup in January 1987.总统在1987年1月的一次军事政变中被赶下了台。剑桥高阶〔oust〕The president was ousted in a coup last year.总统在去年的一次政变中被赶下台。麦克米伦高阶〔overthrow〕Her father was overthrown in a military coup in the seventies.她父亲是在70年代的一次军事政变中被赶下台的。麦克米伦高阶〔overthrow〕That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago.那个政府在3年前的军事政变中被推翻。外研社新世纪〔overthrow〕That government was overthrown in a military coup three years ago.那个政府在3年前的军事政变中被推翻。柯林斯高阶〔overthrow〕The president was overthrown in a military coup.总统在军事政变中被赶下台。牛津高阶〔palace coup〕A palace coup led by General Rodríguez has toppled the dictator.罗德里格斯将军领导的宫廷政变推翻了独裁者。剑桥高阶〔palace revolution〕He deposed his father in a palace coup.他在一场宫廷政变中废黜了自己的父亲。朗文当代〔palace〕The king was deposed by his son in a palace coup.国王在一次宫廷政变中被儿子废黜。牛津搭配〔persistent〕Her position as national leader has been weakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt.由于人们一直担心会再次发生政变,她的国家领导人地位被削弱了。柯林斯高阶〔plotter〕Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.政变谋划者试图在莫斯科夺取政权。外研社新世纪〔plotter〕Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.政变谋划者试图夺取莫斯科的政权。柯林斯高阶〔plot〕He warned that they might be plotting a coup against the administration.他警告说他们可能在密谋一场针对该政府的政变。麦克米伦高阶〔plot〕Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup.人们怀疑军方在策划政变。牛津高阶〔plot〕The military were plotting a coup.军方正在密谋政变。外研社新世纪〔plot〕The military were plotting a coup.军方正在策划一场政变。柯林斯高阶〔plunge〕Stock markets plunged at the news of the coup.政变的消息一传来,股票市场便暴跌。牛津高阶〔power〕Later that year, the generals seized power in a bloody coup.那一年晚些时候,将军们在一次血腥的政变中夺取了政权。麦克米伦高阶〔power〕They seized power in a military coup.他们在一场军事政变中夺取了政权。朗文当代〔preserve〕The leaders of the coup tried to preserve the illusion that they would continue Gorbachev's policies.政变领导人试图保持他们将会继续执行戈尔巴乔夫政策的错觉。外研社新世纪〔prime mover〕He was the prime mover behind the coup.他是这次政变的幕后指使人。柯林斯高阶〔prime mover〕He was the prime mover behind the coup.他是这次政变背后的主导。外研社新世纪〔quagmire〕Since the coup, the country has sunk deeper into a quagmire of violence and lawlessness.自政变以来,该国越来越陷入了一种暴力肆虐、法律缺失的境地。剑桥高阶〔relation〕He is the sixth person to be arrested in relation to the coup plot.他是因牵涉政变阴谋而被捕的第六个人。外研社新世纪〔relation〕He is the sixth person to be arrested in relation to the coup plot.他是政变阴谋牵涉到的第6个被捕的人。柯林斯高阶〔remove〕All senior officers involved in the coup will have to be removed.所有参与政变的高级官员都将被免职。柯林斯高阶〔repression〕The trade unions suffered brutal repression after the coup.政变后工会遭到了残酷镇压。牛津搭配〔retrace〕The film shows the king retracing his escape from the coup against him.这部电影拍了国王回忆自己如何从那次推翻他的政变中逃亡的经过。英汉大词典〔seize〕He seized power in a military coup.他在军事政变中夺取了政权。牛津高阶〔seize〕The nation's generals seized power in a coup.这个国家的将军在一次军事政变中夺取了政权。麦克米伦高阶〔self-imposed〕After the military coup, the family left for self-imposed exile in America.军事政变后,这家人出于自愿逃亡到了美国。剑桥高阶〔senior〕There was an attempted coup in which senior officers were involved.高级军官参与政变未遂。外研社新世纪〔set〕The officers set the coup for a Thursday.军官们决定在某一个星期四发动政变。英汉大词典〔sour〕The coup soured into a protractsoured power struggle.政变后形势恶化,发生了持续的权力之争。英汉大词典〔squelch〕It is reported that the governmental troops have successfully squelched an armed coup.据报道政府军成功地粉碎了一起武装政变。21世纪英汉〔street〕Thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest against the military coup.数千人走上街头抗议军事政变。剑桥高阶〔strongman〕He was a military strongman who ruled the country after a coup.他是个军事独裁者,在一场军事政变后成为这个国家的统治者。柯林斯高阶〔such〕There have been previous attempts at coups. We regard such methods as entirely unacceptable.以前也有人试图发动政变。我们绝对不能接受这种做法。柯林斯高阶〔take over/up the reins〕He took up the reins of government immediately after the coup.在那次政变之后,他立即控制了政府。剑桥高阶〔throw〕The news of the coup threw them into a state of panic.政变的消息使他们陷入了恐慌。剑桥高阶〔thwart〕The army thwarted the attempt at a coup.军队阻止了一场政变的发生。韦氏高阶〔unambiguously〕The president of Kazakhstan unambiguously condemned the coup.哈萨克斯坦总统明确地谴责了政变。外研社新世纪〔underground〕Left-wing activists were driven underground after the coup.政变后左翼活动人士被迫转入地下。麦克米伦高阶〔upheaval〕Yesterday's coup brought further upheaval to a country already struggling with famine.昨天的军事政变使这个正在饥荒中挣扎的国家更加动荡不安。剑桥高阶〔warning〕At the White House, U.S. officials said they had some advance warning of the coup attempt.在白宫,美国官员们说他们曾事先接到政变警告。柯林斯高阶〔while the going is good〕Many people fear that the newly elected government will be ousted in a military coup and are leaving their country while the going is good.很多人担心新当选的政府会被军事政变推翻,所以趁形势尚稳定纷纷离开自己的国家。剑桥高阶A palace coup led by the general has toppled the dictator.由将军领导的宫廷政变推翻了独裁者。剑桥国际A state of emergency had been in force since the coup which overthrew the dictator.自从推翻独裁者的政变发生以来,全国处于一种紧急状态。剑桥国际After the coup, the military junta was run by a troika. 政变之后,这个国家的军政府是由一个三人小组掌控。译典通After the military coup, the family left for self-imposed exile in America.军事政变后,这家人自愿离开故土去美国定居。剑桥国际An attempted coup against the country's military ruler was foiled yesterday.一场反对该国军事统治者的未遂政变昨天被挫败。剑桥国际Following the coup, tourists were advised to avoid the country until the new regime had shown its hand.政变之后,旅行者被告知在新政权表明政策前避免去该国。剑桥国际Following the military coup it was feared that there would be a wave of assassinations of opposition leaders.在军事政变之后,人们担心将会发生一系列对反对党领袖的暗杀活动。剑桥国际Following the military coup, people are leaving the island in boatloads / by the boatload (= in large numbers, travelling by boat) .军事政变之后,人们正大批地乘船离岛而去。剑桥国际Following the military coup, there has been a clampdown on press reporting in the capital.军事政变以后,对首都的新闻报道进行压制。剑桥国际Gorbachev survived an abortive coup attempt, only to be dethroned a few months later by the breakup of the USSR.戈尔巴乔夫在一次流产的政变企图中大难不死,但几个月后因苏联的解体而下台。剑桥国际He publicly disembowelled himself in 1970 after a failed coup. 1970 年他在政变失败后当众剖腹自杀。剑桥国际It was a tremendous coup for the local paper to get an exclusive interview with Prince Charles.当地报纸得到独家采访查尔斯王子的机会是成功的一举。剑桥国际It's a major coup for us to get such a prestigious contract.能够得到如此重要的合同是我们的一大成功。牛津商务Left-wing groups engineered a coup against the military government.左翼团体策划了一起反对军政府的政变。剑桥国际Many academics and intellectuals were interned after the military coup.军事政变后,许多学者和知识分子被拘禁起来。剑桥国际Many laws made by the former regime have been annulled since the coup.自政变以后,前政权制订的许多法律被宣布无效。剑桥国际Many people fear that the newly-elected government will be ousted in a military coup and are leaving their country while the going is good (= while they have the opportunity).许多人害怕新选出的政府会被军事政变推翻,因而趁还有机会时逃向国外。剑桥国际Since the start of last week's attempted coup, the President has hardly left his heavily guarded headquarters.自从上周发生未遂政变以来,总统就几乎没离开过他的受严密保卫的总部。剑桥国际Some of the leaders of the coup took their lives rather than face dishonour.政变的一些领导人宁愿自杀,也不愿蒙受耻辱。剑桥国际The Summer baseball camp was a big coup for our school as it attracted over 200 students. 我们学校推出的夏季棒球营有意想不到的成功,因为它吸引了200位学生。译典通The failed coup of Turkey led to the purge of more than 1000 people. 土耳其失败的政变导致一千多人被整肃。译典通The general is credited with preventing airborne troops being used to support the coup.有人认为这个将军有阻止空运部队被用来援助政变的功劳。剑桥国际The generals masterminded the coup. 这几个将军策划了政变。译典通The government has been combustible since the attempted military coup last December.自从去年12月未遂的军事政变以来,政府一直处于高度紧张的状态。剑桥国际The leaders of the botched coup will remain in prison until after the presidential election.失败的政变领导人将呆在监狱里直到总统大选结束。剑桥国际The monarch was exiled because of the coup.国王由于政变被迫流亡。剑桥国际The news of the coup threw them into confusion/into a state of panic.政变的消息使他们陷入混乱/恐慌状态。剑桥国际The president fell from power during the military coup.总统在军事政变中被推翻了。剑桥国际The radio interview was a PR coup (= success) for the company.这次电台采访是这家公司一次成功的公关运作。牛津商务The rebel soldiers seized power in a bloodless coup.反叛士兵在一次兵不血刃的政变中夺取了政权。剑桥国际Thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest against the military coup.数千人上街示威,抗议军事政变。剑桥国际Yesterday's coup brought further upheaval to a country already struggling with famine.昨天的军事政变给正在与饥荒抗争的国家带来了进一步的动荡。剑桥国际 |
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