

单词 dowry
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MARRY〕In an arranged marriage the husband often insists that the wife brings a dowry. 在包办婚姻中,丈夫经常要求妻子带嫁妆。朗文写作活用〔dot〕A woman's marriage portion; a dowry.女人的陪嫁;嫁妆美国传统〔dower〕A natural endowment or gift; a dowry.自然的赋予或礼物;嫁妆美国传统〔dowry〕His family hoped that his bride would bring a large dowry.他的家人希望新娘能带来丰厚的嫁妆。牛津搭配〔dowry〕She had a dowry of £20,000.她有2万英镑嫁妆。英汉大词典〔dowry〕The money from her dowry was invested in her mother's store.她的嫁妆钱都投到了母亲的铺子里。柯林斯高阶〔dowry〕The money from her dowry was invested in her mother's store.她陪嫁的钱投资在了她妈妈的商店上。外研社新世纪〔dowry〕There were 187 reported cases of dowry deaths (= women killed by their husband for their dowry).报道女性因嫁妆少而被丈夫谋杀的案子有 187 起。牛津搭配〔paraphernalia〕Law A married woman's personal property exclusive of her dowry, according to common law.【法律】 妻子的财产:按照习惯法,已婚妇女除嫁妆以外的个人财产美国传统〔portion〕A woman's dowry.女人的嫁妆美国传统〔portion〕To provide with a share, an inheritance, or a dowry.给予部分遗产或嫁妆美国传统〔service〕If a young woman did not have a dowry, she went into domestic service.如果一个年轻女子没有嫁妆,她就要做家政服务赚钱。柯林斯高阶Her father gave her the two books he had written as her dowry. 作为她的嫁妆,她父亲将自己写的两本书给了她。译典通Never would she measure his love by the dowry he gave her. 她从不会以他赠给她的新娘礼物来衡量他的爱。译典通She has a great dowry for art. 她有艺术天资。译典通The dowry would be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally. 如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。译典通The merger has been consummated (= completed) with a dowry of more than $8 billion.这宗合并在支付了 80 多亿元的额外资金后方告完成。牛津商务




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