

单词 customers
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔advertisement〕try to get more customers by advertisement 试图用广告招徕更多的主顾英汉大词典〔angry〕irate customers 愤怒的顾客牛津高阶〔assort〕assort one's stock to meet the varied demands of one's customers 充实备货的花色品种以满足顾客不同的需要英汉大词典〔bad〕a bad way to treat your customers 不可接受的对待顾客的方式麦克米伦高阶〔bank〕bank customers 银行客户韦氏高阶〔cosmopolitan〕the cosmopolitan taste/sophistication of the store's customers 商店顾客各自不同的品味韦氏高阶〔customer〕lose most of one's customers through neglect and rudeness 由于怠慢和粗鲁无礼而失去大多数顾客英汉大词典〔customer〕one of the shop's best/biggest customers 此商店最佳╱最大的客户之一牛津高阶〔direct mail〕efforts to solicit new customers by direct mail and television advertising.通过直接邮寄广告以及电视广告的方式赢得新顾客的尝试柯林斯高阶〔direct mail〕efforts to solicit new customers by direct mail and television advertising通过直邮以及电视广告赢得新顾客的尝试外研社新世纪〔disappointed〕disappointed customers 失望的顾客朗文当代〔dissatisfied〕dissatisfied customers 不满的顾客牛津高阶〔distribution〕the electronic distribution of software to customers 面向用户的软件电子销售牛津搭配〔due〕customers who paid later than twenty days after the due date.比预定日期推迟20天付款的顾客柯林斯高阶〔energetic〕an energetic drive to get more customers 为争取更多客户的十足干劲朗文当代〔enticement〕using attractive displays for the enticement of customers 透过诱人展示吸引顾客韦氏高阶〔flyer〕frequent flyers(=people who are regular customers of a particular airline) 经常(乘坐某家航空公司飞机)的乘客麦克米伦高阶〔folksy〕a no-nonsense woman who greets customers in a folksy mountain drawl一个不苟言笑、用朴实的山区拖腔招呼顾客的女人外研社新世纪〔garaging〕provide garaging for the use of one's customers 为顾客提供汽车存放设备英汉大词典〔hassle〕customers hassling with merchants over high prices.顾客和商人因为过高的价格争吵起来美国传统〔heap〕a heap of customers (money, work) 许多顾客 (钱,工作) 英汉大词典〔hustle〕a barfly hustling the other customers for drinks.酒徒迫使别的顾客买饮料美国传统〔irate〕irate customers 愤怒的顾客牛津高阶〔item〕customers who pay high prices for luxury items 花高价买奢侈品的消费者麦克米伦高阶〔loan〕loan to good customers 贷款给有信誉的顾客们英汉大词典〔mailshot〕send out mailshots to its existing customers 向现有顾客邮寄邮购目录英汉大词典〔payment〕payment to the company from its customers 顾客给公司的付款牛津搭配〔please〕a business that wants to please its customers 希望让顾客满意的一家公司朗文当代〔precaution〕a precaution against customers who try to leave without paying 预防顾客企图不付钱就离开的措施牛津搭配〔prospect〕salesmen prospecting for new customers 寻找新客户的推销员朗文当代〔purchase〕some ways to encourage customers to make a purchase 一些鼓励消费者购物的方法牛津搭配〔quarter〕a quarter of all potential customers 所有潜在客户的四分之一牛津搭配〔querulous〕querulous customers 怨声连连的顾客韦氏高阶〔refund〕refunds to 10 000 customers across the country 给全国 1 万名顾客的退款牛津搭配〔regale〕a barber who regales customers with broad jokes 一边替顾客理发一边讲粗俗笑话逗乐的理发师英汉大词典〔regular〕our regular customers 老主顾牛津高阶〔repeat〕repeat customers 回头客韦氏高阶〔residential〕telephone services for residential customers 住宅用户的电话服务朗文当代〔seating〕a restaurant with seating for 40 customers 一家有 40 个座位的餐厅朗文当代〔set〕salesmen who deliberately set out to defraud customers 有意欺骗顾客的销售员朗文当代〔shopper〕customers who shop once a week.一周购物一次的顾客柯林斯高阶〔squarely〕deal squarely with the customers 真诚地对待顾客英汉大词典〔squawk〕squawks from customers 顾客们的大声抱怨韦氏高阶〔steam〕a record hot day when air conditioners groaned and customers steamed 一个创纪录的高温天气,空调在嗡嗡地运转,顾客们大汗淋漓麦克米伦高阶〔study〕study to please the customers 千方百计使顾客满意英汉大词典〔tell〕told the customers to wait in line.指示顾客排队等候美国传统〔time-poor〕products for customers who are time-poor but cash-rich 面向没闲暇但有钱的顾客的产品牛津高阶〔unpaid〕customers who leave their bills unpaid till the last minute 直到最后一分钟才结账的顾客牛津搭配〔valued〕our valued customers 我们宝贵的顾客文馨英汉a facilities manager serving and supporting the company's internal customers 为公司的内部顾客提供服务和支援的设备设施管理经理牛津商务a new Internet company without a lot of bricks-and-mortar businesses (= businesses with buildings that customers go to) 没有许多实体业务的一家新的互联网公司牛津商务a self-liquidating offer/promotion (= when the extra income received from customers pays the cost of the special offer) 能收回成本的特价销售/促销牛津商务a survey of 2 000 randomly selected customers 对 2 000 名顾客的随机调查牛津商务attempts to win back customers who had churned 努力将流失的客户争取回来牛津商务downmarket customers 低收入顾客牛津商务financial services for lower-income customers 为收入较低的顾客提供的金融服务牛津商务inactive customers 不活跃的顾客牛津商务one of the store's biggest customers 商店的最大客户之一牛津商务products endorsed by loyal customers 受忠实顾客认同的产品牛津商务the mailing of invoices to customers 客户发票的寄送牛津商务




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