

单词 customary
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRADITION〕It is customary for the man to propose to the woman. 习惯上总是男人向女人求婚。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕The man at the hotel welcomed us with the customary greeting. 旅馆的那个人以惯常的招呼方式欢迎我们。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕As is customary, you will be paid a fixed fee for the job. 按惯例,干这工作可以拿到一笔固定的报酬。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕It's customary to kiss the bride at a wedding. 在婚礼上新郎吻新娘是一种习俗。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕We were presented with the customary bottle of champagne. 我们照例获赠一瓶香槟。朗文写作活用〔alphabetical〕Arranged in the customary order of the letters of a language.按字母顺序的:一种语言的字母按习惯顺序排列的美国传统〔appanage〕A rightful or customary accompaniment or adjunct.附属物,从属物:合法的或习惯上的伴随物或附加物美国传统〔bung〕It's customary to bung the waiter 10%.习惯上要付服务生10%的小费。外研社新世纪〔customary〕At Christmas it was customary for the children to perform bits of poetry.圣诞节孩子们总要唱一些圣诞颂歌。柯林斯高阶〔customary〕At Christmas it was customary for the children to perform bits of poetry.圣诞节时孩子们照例要唱一些圣诞颂歌。外研社新世纪〔customary〕Barbara answered with her customary enthusiasm.芭芭拉以惯有的热情作了回答。朗文当代〔customary〕He did the work with his customary efficiency.他做这个工作时保持着一贯的高效率。韦氏高阶〔customary〕He forgot the customary “thank you.” 他忘了说惯常的那句“谢谢”。韦氏高阶〔customary〕He makes his customary visit every week.他每星期都按照惯例趋访一次。英汉大词典〔customary〕His customary good humour was apparently restored.他好像恢复了一贯的好心情。外研社新世纪〔customary〕In my village, it is customary for a girl to take her mother's name.在我们村,女孩按习俗随母姓。剑桥高阶〔customary〕In some cultures it is customary for the bride to wear white.在一些文化中,新娘按惯例要穿白色。朗文当代〔customary〕Is it customary to tip hairdressers in this country? 这个国家兴不兴给理发师小费?牛津高阶〔customary〕It is customary for me to get up early.我习惯早起。文馨英汉〔customary〕It is customary to exchange gifts at Christmas.圣诞节时人们互赠礼物是一种习俗。英汉大词典〔customary〕It is customary to hold the door open for someone who is entering a building behind you.走进大楼时为身后的人扶门是一种惯常的做法。韦氏高阶〔customary〕It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.向客人提供一杯饮料或一份点心是一种习俗。柯林斯高阶〔customary〕It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.给客人提供茶水或零食是一种习俗。外研社新世纪〔customary〕It is customary to offer the repairman a cup of coffee.给修理工倒一杯咖啡是惯常的做法。麦克米伦高阶〔customary〕It was customary to give a tip to the waiter.给侍者小帐是惯例。牛津同义词〔customary〕Michael worked with his customary thoroughness and care.迈克尔以他惯有的周到和细心对待工作。麦克米伦高阶〔customary〕She arranged everything with her customary efficiency.她以她特有的高效率把一切都已安排妥当。牛津高阶〔customary〕She dressed in her customary fashion.她那身穿着是她典型的风格。韦氏高阶〔customary〕She's not her customary cheerful self today.她今天不像往常那样乐呵呵的。剑桥高阶〔customary〕The king carried himself with his customary elegance.国王保持着一贯的温文尔雅。外研社新世纪〔customary〕The king carried himself with his customary elegance.国王保持着一贯的温文尔雅。柯林斯高阶〔customary〕They interrupted the customary one minute's silence with jeers and shouts.他们讥讽着, 喊叫着, 打破了惯常的那一分钟沉默。外研社新世纪〔customary〕They interrupted the customary one minute's silence with jeers and shouts.他们讥讽着,喊叫着,打破了惯常的那一分钟沉默。柯林斯高阶〔customary〕We put the various pieces of furniture back in their customary places.我们把各种家具放回到它们通常的位置。外研社新世纪〔customary〕Yvonne took her customary seat behind her desk.伊冯娜坐在桌子后面那个她常坐的位子上。外研社新世纪〔customary〕Yvonne took her customary seat behind her desk.伊冯娜坐在桌子后面那个她常坐的位子上。柯林斯高阶〔gung-ho〕Mrs Mahmood had organized the street party with her customary gung-ho zeal.马穆德夫人以她一贯的积极和热忱组织了街道派对。剑桥高阶〔heresy〕It is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies.新的真理在刚出现的时候往往注定被视为异端。英汉大词典〔joviality〕He greeted me with customary joviality.他像往常一样高兴地招呼我。文馨英汉〔lifeway〕A customary manner of living; a way of life.生活习惯;生活方式美国传统〔meal〕A customary time or occasion of eating food.进餐,进餐时间:习惯上的时间或进餐时机美国传统〔metric〕U.S. Customary units and their metric equivalents.美国传统单位和它们的米对应量美国传统〔observance〕A customary rite or ceremony.一项习惯性的礼仪或仪式美国传统〔orthoepy〕The customary pronunciation of words.字词发音习惯美国传统〔recess〕A temporary cessation of the customary activities of an engagement, occupation, or pursuit.休息:某个活动、职业或追求的习惯性持续行为暂时停顿美国传统〔right of way〕The customary or legal right of a person, vessel, or vehicle to pass in front of another.优先通行权:习惯上或法律上赋予个人、船舶或车辆优选通过的权力美国传统〔self-possession〕She found her customary self-possession had deserted her.她发现自己不像平时那样处事不惊了。柯林斯高阶〔shave〕To purchase (a note) at a reduction greater than the legal or customary rate.杀价买进:在比法定或传统的比例大得多的降价中购买(纸币)美国传统〔shortcut〕A more direct route than the customary one.近路:比通常走的路线更直的一条路线美国传统〔sit〕To stay up later than the customary bedtime.熬夜:在习惯上的睡觉时间之后仍没有睡美国传统〔something〕It is customary to give something to the porter.给搬行李的服务员一点儿赏钱是个惯例。英汉大词典〔sparkle〕His eyes all of a sudden lost their customary sparkle.他的眼睛一下子失去了往日的神采。麦克米伦高阶〔stamping ground〕A customary territory or favorite gathering place.经常出没之地:常去的地方或最受人欢迎的聚集地美国传统〔stand up〕It was customary then for children to stand up when the teacher came into the classroom.那时候的习俗是当老师进入课堂时,孩子们必须起立。剑桥高阶〔steward〕It's customary on most ships to tip the room steward.大多数客轮上都有给房间服务员小费的惯例。外研社新世纪〔strange〕These adjectives describe what deviates from the usual or customary.这些形容词描述与通常或习惯不同的事物。美国传统〔style〕A customary manner of presenting printed material, including usage, punctuation, spelling, typography, and arrangement.体例:印刷时以采用的习惯方式,包括铅字、标点、拼写、字体及排版美国传统〔tactic〕Encirclement is a customary tactic.包围是一种常用的战术。英汉大词典〔underage〕Below the customary or legal age, as for drinking or voting.未成年的:低于饮酒或投票的通常或法定年龄的美国传统〔undercharge〕To charge (a customer, for example) less than is customary or required.少讨…的价钱:低于通常或要求价格向(如顾客)收费美国传统〔virulence〕The Left has approached student politics with its customary virulence.左派以其惯常的敌意对待学生政治。外研社新世纪He arrived with his customary promptness. 他像惯常那样准时到达。译典通He presided over the first day of the meeting with his customary detached hauteur.他以他惯有的冷静而傲慢的态度主持了第一天的会议。剑桥国际In the UK, it is customary for the next heir to the throne to be regent.在英国,通常由下一位王位继承人摄政。剑桥国际It is customary to tip the waiter. 给侍者小费是一种习俗。译典通It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake. 习惯上大家都握手迎接客人。译典通Mrs Parsons had organized the village fete with her customary gung-ho zeal.帕森斯夫人以她惯有的热心组织了村里的游乐会。剑桥国际She's not her customary (=usual) cheerful self today.她今天不像往常那样乐呵呵的。剑桥国际The press gallery has been voided of the customary bulky desks. 记者席经常放著的大写字台被搬走了。译典通They say it is customary for a girl to take her mother's name.他们说,女孩按习俗常从母名。剑桥国际




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