

单词 counties
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Home Counties〕Home Counties villages.伦敦周围郡里的村庄柯林斯高阶〔assize〕One of the periodic court sessions formerly held in each of the counties of England and Wales for the trial of civil or criminal cases.巡回审判(庭):以前在英格兰和威尔士各郡,审判民事或刑事案件时的一种不定时开庭期的巡回审判庭美国传统〔blaze〕Firefighters are battling those blazes in five counties.消防员正在 5 个县奋力救火。牛津搭配〔contract〕The company has more than 600 counties contracted.这家公司与600多个郡签订了合同。外研社新世纪〔county〕London and its surrounding counties 伦敦及周边各郡牛津搭配〔county〕London and the home counties (= the counties around London) 伦敦及周围各郡牛津搭配〔county〕Texas is divided into 254 counties.德克萨斯州划分为254个县。剑桥高阶〔demarcation〕The river serves as the line of demarcation (= the line showing the separation) between the two counties.那条河是两国的分界线。剑桥高阶〔election〕All counties have now certified their election returns.所有的县都已确认了各自的选举结果。牛津搭配〔flow〕The river flows through three counties before flowing into the sea just south of here.这条河流在汇入此处正南边的大海之前流经了3个郡县。剑桥高阶〔hundred〕An administrative division of some counties in England and the United States.郡分区,县分区:英国和美国等国的一种行政单位美国传统〔hunt〕Police forces in five counties are now involved in the murder hunt.现在已有 5 个郡的警力加入到搜捕谋杀凶手的行动中来。牛津搭配〔pare〕The list has been pared down from 9 counties to 4.名单上的郡已经从9个减少到4个。麦克米伦高阶〔service〕Electricity from the dam services several counties.这个大坝所发的电供几个县使用。麦克米伦高阶〔southeast〕Most of the jobs and money are in the affluent counties of the Southeast.绝大部分工作和财富都集中在东南部的几个富裕的县。剑桥高阶〔spread〕We have an enormous spread of industries, mainly in the Home Counties and East Anglia.我们拥有种类繁多的工业,主要位于伦敦周围各郡和东英吉利地区。柯林斯高阶〔supervisor〕One who is an elected administrative officer in certain U.S. counties and townships.镇长:美国某些州民选的镇长,(县属的)区长美国传统〔unincorporated〕Some unincorporated areas of counties become their own cities, such as Malibu and West Hollywood.郡内一些独立的区域后来自己成为了城市,例如马里布和西好莱坞。剑桥高阶〔unitary〕Wales will be divided into 21 unitary authorities instead of eight counties and 37 districts.威尔士将被划分为21个单一自治体,以取代8郡、37个地区的行政区划。剑桥高阶〔wapentake〕A historical subdivision of some northern counties in England, corresponding roughly to the hundred in other shires.小邑:旧时英格兰北部一些国家的小行政区,大致与其他郡的分区相对应美国传统〔ward〕A district of some English and Scottish counties corresponding roughly to the hundred or the wapentake.分区:英格兰和苏格兰的一些郡的地区,大致与郡的分区或旧时英格兰北部的小行政区相对应美国传统Both counties have had good reason to dislike each other since the last war.上次战争后,两郡都有了充分的理由讨厌对方。剑桥国际Invest your money wisely through Home Counties Savings Trust.通过伦敦周围各郡信托储蓄明智地投资。剑桥国际Many people travel from bordering counties to work in the city.许多人从边远的县份来到城市工作。剑桥国际Texas is divided into 254 counties.得克萨斯州分为254个县。剑桥国际The river flows through three counties before flowing into/to the sea just south of here.这条河流经三个县,最后就从这往南注入大海。剑桥国际The river serves as the line of demarcation (= the line showing the separation) between the two counties.河流充当两国的分界线。剑桥国际Wales will be divided into 21 unitary authorities instead of eight counties and 37 districts.威尔士将被划分成21个集权制的地方当局, 不再是8个郡和37个区。剑桥国际




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