

单词 dentistry
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backdoor〕Dentists claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door.牙医声称政府正通过暗箱操作将牙医业私有化。柯林斯高阶〔bite〕Dentistry The angle at which the upper and lower teeth meet; occlusion.【牙科学】 牙齿的咬合:上下齿的咬合情况;牙咬合美国传统〔calculus〕Dentistry Tartar.【牙科学】 牙垢美国传统〔cement〕Dentistry A substance used for filling cavities or anchoring crowns, inlays, or other restorations.【牙科学】 黏固粉:一种用以填补齿洞,固定齿冠,镶嵌或作其他修补的物质美国传统〔crown〕Dentistry To put a crown on (a tooth).【牙科学】 镶齿冠:为(牙齿)镶齿冠美国传统〔dam〕A barrier against the passage of liquid or loose material, as a rubber sheet used in dentistry to isolate one or more teeth from the rest of the mouth.橡皮障:防止液体或松散物质的坝状物,如牙科用的橡皮障,把一颗或几颗牙齿与口中的其它牙齿隔离开美国传统〔dentist〕A person who is trained and licensed to practice dentistry.牙科医生:受过训练并获准执业牙医的人美国传统〔door〕They claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door.他们声称政府正通过不正当的手段将牙医业私有化。柯林斯高阶〔door〕They claim the Government is privatizing dentistry through the back door.他们声称政府正在通过不正当手段将牙医业私有化。外研社新世纪〔endodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue.牙髓病学:研究牙根、牙髓及其周围组织疾病的牙医学的一个分支美国传统〔extraction〕In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic.当时, 牙医术还处于初级阶段。拔牙不用麻药。外研社新世纪〔extract〕In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic.那时候,牙科学刚起步,拔牙都不打麻药。柯林斯高阶〔gag〕A device placed in the mouth to keep it open, as in dentistry.张口器:如牙科中放在嘴里使嘴张开的装置美国传统〔gerodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and problems specific to the aged.老年牙医学:牙科学分支,专门研究老年人牙病和问题的诊断、预防和治疗美国传统〔inlay〕Dentistry A solid filling, as of gold or porcelain, fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place.【牙科学】 镶嵌物:固体镶嵌物,比如由黄金或瓷制成的,填补牙里的洞并固定在那里美国传统〔mesial〕Dentistry Situated toward the middle of the front of the jaw along the curve of the dental arch.【牙科学】 朝向齿弓中线的:位置沿齿弓弧线向下巴前部正中的美国传统〔occlude〕Dentistry To bring together (the upper and lower teeth) in proper alignment for chewing.【牙科学】 (上齿与下齿)咬合:使(上齿和下齿)为咀嚼而排成合适的直线美国传统〔occlusion〕Dentistry The alignment of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws when brought together.【牙科学】 咬合:上下腭牙齿咬合时排成直线美国传统〔onlay〕Dentistry A cast, usually made of gold, attached to the occlusal surface of a tooth.【牙科学】 填补物:牙科学中所用的一种石膏,通常是金子制的,用来填牙齿损坏的部分美国传统〔pedodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the care and treatment of children's teeth.儿童牙科学:牙科的一个专门负责护理和治疗儿童牙齿的分支美国传统〔periodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the study and treatment of periodontal disease.牙周病学:牙科的分支,主要研究牙周疾病的治疗美国传统〔plate〕Dentistry A thin metallic or plastic support fitted to the gums to anchor artificial teeth.【牙科学】 假牙托:安装在牙床上固定假牙的薄金属或塑料支持物美国传统〔prosthodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by bridges, dentures, or other artificial devices.补牙学:牙科医学的分类,研究用齿床、假牙或其他人工器具替代缺牙和相关的嘴或下额的结构的学科美国传统〔retainer〕Dentistry An appliance used to hold teeth in position after orthodontic treatment.【牙科学】 牙架,固位体:在牙治疗之后用于保持牙位的用具美国传统〔scale〕Dentistry To remove (tartar) from tooth surfaces with a pointed instrument.【牙科学】 除牙垢:用带尖工具除去牙齿表面的(污垢)美国传统〔sealant〕A plastic resin used in dentistry to coat the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to prevent the growth of cavity-causing bacteria.密封填充物:一种塑料合成脂,修牙时用作后牙咀嚼面的加封层,来抑制导致虫牙细菌的生长美国传统〔tartar〕Dentistry A hard, yellowish deposit on the teeth, consisting of organic secretions and food particles deposited in various salts, such as calcium carbonate.【牙科学】 牙垢,牙结石:一种牙齿上的坚硬的浅黄色沉淀物,包含有机分泌物和各种以盐(如,碳酸钙)的形式沉淀下来的食物微粒美国传统




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