

单词 disappearing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕The old class system is slowly disappearing. 旧的阶级体系正在慢慢淡化。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPEAR〕Thousands of square miles of rainforest are disappearing each year. 每年有数千平方英里的热带雨林在消失。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Ancient habitats such as grasslands, bogs, and wetlands are rapidly disappearing. 草原、沼泽和湿地等古老的天然栖息地正在迅速消失。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕Thousands of miles of rainforest are disappearing every year. 每年都有数千英里的热带雨林在消失。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕The Amazonian rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate. 亚马逊雨林正在以惊人的速度消失。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕They are carrying out research to establish exactly why so many species of songbird are disappearing. 他们正在进行研究以确定那么大量种类的鸣禽灭绝的原因。朗文写作活用〔SUSPECT〕Crates of whisky have been disappearing from the warehouse and a member of staff is under suspicion. 一箱箱的威士忌在仓库里不翼而飞,一名员工受到了怀疑。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕Agricultural open space is disappearing at an alarming rate. 耕地面积在以骇人的速度消失。朗文写作活用〔act〕The cat had done a disappearing act.那只猫玩起了失踪。牛津搭配〔air〕From appearing and disappearing assistants to birds materializing out of thin air, the master of magic amazes his audience.从助手的出现和消失, 到凭空变出几只鸟, 魔术大师让观众惊奇不已。外研社新世纪〔alarming〕The rainforest is disappearing at an alarming rate .热带雨林在以惊人的速度消失。朗文当代〔alarming〕The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate.雨林正以惊人的速度消失。牛津高阶〔class〕The old class system is slowly disappearing.旧的社会等级制度正在慢慢消失。朗文当代〔disappear〕Huge areas of countryside are disappearing.大片大片的乡村正在消失。外研社新世纪〔disappear〕Janet's husband and sister noticed that small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.珍妮特的丈夫和她的姐姐发现厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。柯林斯高阶〔disappear〕Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.我们的农村地区正在以惊人的速度消亡。牛津高阶〔disappear〕Small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞, 而且次数愈发频繁。外研社新世纪〔disappear〕These flowers are disappearing from our fields and woods.这些花在我们的田野和树林里变得越来越少。剑桥高阶〔disappear〕This is a way of life that is fast disappearing.这种生活方式正在迅速消失。剑桥高阶〔disappear〕Those beautiful birds are fast disappearing.那些美丽的飞鸟正在迅速灭绝。21世纪英汉〔disappear〕Wildlife is fast disappearing from our countryside.野生动植物正从乡间迅速消失。牛津搭配〔discrimination〕Until 1986 most companies would not even allow women to take the exams, but such blatant discrimination is now disappearing.直至1986年大多数公司甚至还不允许女性参加这种考试,但目前这种明目张胆的歧视做法正在消失。剑桥高阶〔gloom〕He walked away, disappearing into the gloom.他走开了,消失在黑暗中。韦氏高阶〔habitat〕Their preferred habitat is disappearing rapidly.它们偏爱的栖息地正在迅速消失。牛津搭配〔hell〕You put me through hell, disappearing like that.你就那样消失了, 把我抛在了水深火热之中。外研社新世纪〔log〕The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing.这片森林被过度砍伐,面临消失的危险。剑桥高阶〔lowering〕The mountains were disappearing in the lowering cloud.密布的阴云渐渐遮蔽了群山。英汉大词典〔lowering〕The mountains were disappearing in the lowering cloud.阴沉的乌云渐渐遮蔽了群山。文馨英汉〔moved〕Her latest disappearing act may be no more than a stunt, or a smart career move.她最近玩消失也许只是一个噱头,或是其职业生涯上的一着妙棋。柯林斯高阶〔mystery〕She pondered the mystery of the disappearing thief.她反复琢磨为什么那个窃贼踪影全无。牛津搭配〔obscurity〕The group produced two albums before disappearing into obscurity.这个乐队录制了两张专辑后就淡出了。朗文当代〔over〕I saw the car disappearing over the hill.我看着那辆车子消失在小山的那边。英汉大词典〔ozone〕The ozone layer is disappearing over northern Europe.北欧上空的臭氧层正在消失。牛津搭配〔penchant〕Her penchant for disappearing for days at a time worries her family.她喜欢时不时失踪几天,这让她的家人非常担心。剑桥高阶〔picture〕Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.迈耶森在7月份消失后现在又掺和了进来了。柯林斯高阶〔picture〕Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.迈耶森在七月份消失后现在又掺和了进来了。外研社新世纪〔rate〕The world's tropical forests are disappearing at an even faster rate than experts had thought.世界上热带森林消失的速度比专家们预想的还要快。柯林斯高阶〔ray〕The last rays of the sun were disappearing behind the mountains.最后一缕阳光消失在了群山背后。麦克米伦高阶〔staple〕Staple goods are disappearing from the shops.日常商品正从商店中消失。柯林斯高阶〔tail〕We saw the tail of the procession disappearing round the corner.我们看到队尾在拐角处渐渐消失。朗文当代〔time〕They ran all the way to the corner just in time to see the bus disappearing up the street.他们一路跑到转角处,正好看到公共汽车消失在街尽头。朗文当代Her penchant for disappearing for days at a time worries her family.她时而消失几天的喜好令家人担心。剑桥国际I tried to bribe my brother into disappearing for the afternoon by offering him the use of my car.我试图以使用我的车为条件贿赂我的兄弟, 要他答应下午不出现。剑桥国际The ancient city is in danger of disappearing beneath the sands of the desert.古城有被沙漠埋掉的危险。剑桥国际The forest has been so heavily logged (= so many of its trees have been cut down for wood) that it is in danger of disappearing.森林被砍伐得如此严重以至于面临毁灭的危险。剑桥国际They sought to reassure broadcasters that the new rules would not mean certain news programmes disappearing from television schedules.他们尽力向广播电台保证,新的规定并不意味着某些新闻节目会从电视节目单上消失。剑桥国际This is a way of life that is fast disappearing.这是种正在很快消失的生活方式。剑桥国际This type of rural village is disappearing fast.这种类型的农村快绝迹了。剑桥国际Traditional religious practices are disappearing in many parts of the world.传统的宗教习俗正在世界许多地方消失。剑桥国际Until 1986 most companies would not even allow women to take the examinations but such blatant discrimination is now disappearing.直到1986年,大多数公司甚至还不允许妇女参加考试,但这种明目张胆的歧视现在正在消失。剑桥国际




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