

单词 dash
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bash〕dash to one's typewriter and bash out a piece of red-hot news 冲到打字机旁劈里啪啦打出一条最新消息英汉大词典〔bitter〕gin with a dash of bitters 掺了少量苦酒汁的杜松子酒牛津高阶〔brain〕dash sb.'s brains out on the rocks 按着某人的头猛撞岩石使脑浆迸裂英汉大词典〔cataract〕probably from katarassein [to dash down] kat-, kata- [cata-] arassein [to strike] 可能源自 katarassein [冲下] kat-, kata- [前缀,表“向下,之下”] arassein [打击] 美国传统〔compete〕compete in the 100 metre dash 参加百米短跑比赛英汉大词典〔dash ... off〕to dash off an epigram匆忙写成一首讽刺短诗21世纪英汉〔dash ... off〕to dash off on an errand急忙离开去办事21世纪英汉〔dash into〕to dash into a room冲进房间21世纪英汉〔dash into〕to dash into the midst of one's foes冲进敌人中间21世纪英汉〔dash over〕to dash cold water over someone(或someone's face)用冷水泼某人(或某人的脸)21世纪英汉〔dash over〕to dash over the snow in a sleigh坐雪橇在雪地上飞驰21世纪英汉〔dash to〕to dash to smithereens击得粉碎21世纪英汉〔dash up〕to dash up a flight of stairs飞奔上一段楼梯21世纪英汉〔dash with〕to dash milk with brandy用白兰地掺牛奶21世纪英汉〔dash〕dash a vase to the floor 把花瓶猛掷在地板上英汉大词典〔dash〕dash down a drink 咕嘟喝下一杯酒英汉大词典〔dash〕dash for cover 奔向掩蔽处英汉大词典〔dash〕dash in attack 进攻中的勇猛英汉大词典〔dash〕dash into a shop 冲进商店英汉大词典〔dash〕dash off a letter; dash down a glass of juice.仓促地写完一封信;匆忙地喝下一瓶果汁美国传统〔dash〕dash some cold water over sb.'s face 在某人脸上泼些冷水英汉大词典〔dash〕dash the bottle to pieces against the wall 把瓶子扔在墙上砸得粉碎英汉大词典〔dash〕a dash of good luck 一点好运气英汉大词典〔dash〕a dash of sherry.添加少量的雪利酒美国传统〔dash〕a dash to the finishing-post.向终点标冲刺。牛津同义词〔dash〕a 160-mile dash to hospital.疾驶 160 英里冲向医院柯林斯高阶〔dash〕a 60-mile dash to safety 急奔 60 英里到达安全的地方牛津高阶〔dash〕a last-minute dash to buy presents 利用最后一点时间匆忙买礼物牛津高阶〔dash〕a mad dash through back alleys 发疯般地冲过穷街陋巷牛津搭配〔dash〕a story with a dash of mystery thrown in.带有些许神秘色彩的故事柯林斯高阶〔dash〕a story with a dash of mystery thrown in带有一丝神秘色彩的故事外研社新世纪〔dash〕cross out the sentence with a dash of the pen 草草一笔把句子划去英汉大词典〔dash〕knocked the books to the floor with an impatient dash of his hand.他不耐烦地用手一挥,将书猛地推到地上美国传统〔dash〕made a dash for the exit.猛冲到出口美国传统〔dash〕make a dash for the door 朝门口冲去英汉大词典〔dash〕make a dash upon the thief 扑向小偷英汉大词典〔dash〕run the 200-meter dash 跑200米短跑英汉大词典〔dash〕tea with a dash of milk 加有少量牛奶的茶英汉大词典〔dash〕the dash of the rain on the windows 雨点打在窗上的声音英汉大词典〔dash〕the dash to buy shares in Internet companies争相购买互联网公司股份的场面外研社新世纪〔dash〕the dash to buy shares in internet companies.争相购买互联网公司的股份柯林斯高阶〔dash〕the 100-meter dash 百米赛跑牛津高阶〔dash〕to dash home.飞奔回家。牛津同义词〔dash〕to dash your foot against a rock.脚踢着了石头。牛津同义词〔doctor〕doctor the soup with a dash of sherry.See Synonyms at adulterate 往汤里加少许雪利酒 参见 adulterate美国传统〔flat-out〕a flat-out dash for the finish 向终点的全力冲刺文馨英汉〔harum-scarum〕dash harum-scarum 横冲直撞英汉大词典〔harum-scarum〕dash harum-scarum 横冲直闯文馨英汉〔helter-skelter〕a helter-skelter dash to meet the deadline 最后期限到来前的匆忙赶工牛津高阶〔hurry-scurry〕dash hurry-scurry for shelter 慌慌张张地奔跑着寻找躲避处英汉大词典〔impetuous〕an impetuous dash for freedom.急切要争取自由。牛津同义词〔last-minute〕a last-minute dash for the bus.最后一分钟猛冲, 赶公共汽车。牛津同义词〔round〕dash round 急匆匆地四处转 英汉大词典〔yard〕the 100-yard dash *100码短跑韦氏高阶




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