

单词 assembly
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕The State Assembly passed a law which banned smoking in public places. 州议会通过了一项法律,禁止在公共场所吸烟。朗文写作活用〔BUSINESS〕Ireland is now a European center for light industry, like computer assembly. 爱尔兰现已成为欧洲的轻工业中心,譬如说电脑装配。朗文写作活用〔LA.〕Legislative Assembly.立法会美国传统〔LAW〕The Liberal Party has won control of the legislative assembly. 自由党获得了立法议会的控制权。朗文写作活用〔Landtag〕A legislative assembly of a West German state.州议会:西德一个州的州议会美国传统〔SICK/VOMIT〕One of my worst memories is of being sick in school assembly. 我最痛苦的记忆之一就是在学校早会上呕吐。朗文写作活用〔States-General〕A legislative assembly of representatives from the estates of the nation, as opposed to a provincial assembly.立法会议:一种有国家地位的代表组成的立法会议,区别于省议会美国传统〔TIME〕Elected members of the House of Assembly serve a six-year term. 选出的议会成员任期六年。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕The auto assembly line epitomizes the conditions that contribute to employee dissatisfaction. 自动装配线是造成雇员不满情绪的典型环境。朗文写作活用〔WAIT〕The darkened assembly room became suddenly hushed and expectant as the picture appeared on the screen. 屏幕上出现图像时,黑漆漆的会议室里顿时安静下来,充满了期待。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Technological advances have taken much of the drudgery out of the assembly line and car plant. 技术进步为装配线和汽车制造厂省去了许多辛苦乏味的工作。朗文写作活用〔adopt〕The assembly adopted a new constitution.议会批准了新宪法。韦氏高阶〔arrogate〕The assembly arrogated to itself the right to make changes.大会越权作出变更。外研社新世纪〔arrogate〕The assembly arrogated to itself the right to make changes.大会越权作出变更。柯林斯高阶〔assemble〕The cars are assembled on an assembly line.轿车在装配线上进行组装。韦氏高阶〔assemblyman〕A man who is a member of a legislative assembly.议员:立法机构的一员美国传统〔assembly〕Assembly The lower house of the legislature in certain U.S. states. Assembly 议会:美国某些州立法机关的下议院美国传统〔assembly〕All important announcements are made during morning assembly.所有的重要通知都在上午的会上公布了。麦克米伦高阶〔assembly〕By 9, the juniors are in the hall for assembly.到9点时,三年级学生都在大厅里等待参加晨会。柯林斯高阶〔assembly〕By nine, the juniors are in the hall for assembly.到9点钟, 低年级同学已经来到大厅等待集合。外研社新世纪〔assembly〕For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.在那天余下的时间里,他继续组装爆炸装置。柯林斯高阶〔assembly〕For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.那天剩下的时间里, 他都在组装一个爆炸装置。外研社新世纪〔assembly〕Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are protected by the U.S. Constitution.言论自由和集会自由受美国宪法保护。韦氏高阶〔assembly〕He was to address a public assembly on the issue.他要对公众集会发表演说谈论这个问题。牛津高阶〔assembly〕Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job.组装书橱应该是个简单的装配活。牛津高阶〔assembly〕Restrictions on freedom of assembly have gradually been relaxed.对集会自由的限制渐渐放宽了。朗文当代〔assembly〕She has been tipped as a future member of the Welsh Assembly.大家预测她将会成为威尔士议会议员。剑桥高阶〔assembly〕Some assembly is required.有些部分需要组装一下。牛津搭配〔assembly〕South Korea voted for its National Assembly this week.南朝鲜(韩国)本周进行了国民议会的选举。牛津搭配〔assembly〕The assembly of the parts of the machine took several hours.组装这台机器的零件花了好几个小时。英汉大词典〔assembly〕The assembly voted to delay the legislation to allow further consultation to take place.议会投票决定暂缓立法以便进一步磋商。牛津搭配〔assembly〕The Senate and the Assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package.州参众两院搁置了政治分歧,以通过有关援助的一揽子计划。剑桥高阶〔assembly〕The US Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection.美国宪法保证言论自由、集会自由和受到平等保护的权利。柯林斯高阶〔assembly〕The US Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection.美国宪法确保言论自由、集会自由和平等保护。外研社新世纪〔assembly〕The announcement was made during morning assembly.这是在晨会时宣布的。牛津搭配〔assembly〕The company has twenty assembly plants in Europe.这家公司在欧洲拥有 20 家装配工厂。牛津搭配〔assembly〕The cost of the assembly building had been set at £26.6m.议会大厦的建造费用原定为2,660万英镑。外研社新世纪〔assembly〕The frame needs to be strong enough to support the engine assembly.座身要非常坚固,足以承受发动机所有组件的重量。剑桥高阶〔assembly〕The government will act this week to block extremist parties from securing seats in London's new assembly.政府本周将采取行动, 阻止极端主义党派在伦敦新议会中获得席位。外研社新世纪〔assembly〕The group also wants a constitutional assembly to be formed.这一团体也希望成立立宪议会。外研社新世纪〔assembly〕The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget.国民议会已表决通过预算。牛津高阶〔assembly〕The parts are made in this factory and then shipped to another country for assembly.零部件在这家工厂生产,然后运到另一个国家进行组装。韦氏高阶〔assembly〕The ruling party holds only a three-vote majority in the assembly.执政党在议会中只拥有3票的微弱优势。麦克米伦高阶〔assembly〕The trade group held its assembly in Santiago, Chile.贸易组织在智利的圣地亚哥举行代表大会。麦克米伦高阶〔assembly〕The whole assembly is light in weight and cheap to produce.整个组件分量轻,成本低。英汉大词典〔assembly〕There's a religious assembly every morning.每天早晨都举行宗教晨会。剑桥高阶〔assembly〕They were accused of unlawful assembly.他们被控非法集会。柯林斯高阶〔assembly〕They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.他们为言论自由和集会自由而斗争。牛津高阶〔assembly〕This factory deals with final assembly and testing.这家工厂负责总装和调试。牛津搭配〔assembly〕We hold an assembly every morning.我们每天都有晨会。牛津搭配〔assembly〕When the fire alarm sounds, leave the building and proceed to your assembly point.火灾警报一响,请离开大楼,前往你们的集合地点。牛津搭配〔balance of power〕A small centre party holds thebalance of power (=is able to make either side more powerful than the other by supporting them) in the Assembly.一小股中间力量在议会里处于举足轻重的地位。朗文当代〔boule〕A legislative assembly in any one of the ancient Greek states.古希腊各城邦的立法会议美国传统〔bridge〕The new assembly is seen by many as a bridge to full independence.新议会被许多人看作是通向完全独立的桥梁。麦克米伦高阶〔camporee〕An assembly or gathering of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts on a local or district level.地区性童子军集会:本地的或地区级的男童子军或女童子军的集会或聚集美国传统〔casting vote〕The vote of a presiding officer in an assembly or council, given to break a tie.决定票:一个会议或委员会主持者所投的票,用以打破已形成的相同票数美国传统〔chair lift〕A mechanized, cable-suspended, aerial chair assembly used to transport skiers and others up or down a mountain slope.空中缆椅:一种用来运送滑雪者和其他游客上下山的机动吊索缆椅美国传统〔chairman〕The presiding officer of an assembly, a meeting, a committee, or a board.主席:议会、会议、委员会或董事会的首席官员美国传统〔chairwoman〕A woman presiding officer of an assembly, meeting, committee, or board.女主席:女议长、女会议主席、女委员长或女董事长美国传统〔chamber〕A hall for the meetings of a legislative or other assembly.议事厅:议院或其他立法机关的会议厅美国传统〔chapter〕An assembly of the canons of a church or of the members of a religious residence.教会全体教士大会:大教堂的全体教士大会或一宗教社区的成员大会美国传统〔cite〕They were cited by the Nobel Assembly for discoveries in organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease.他们因在使用器官和细胞移植治疗人类疾病方面的发现而受到诺贝尔大会的嘉奖。外研社新世纪〔clear〕The bill must clear through the assembly before it becomes legal.这项法案必须经大会通过才算合法。21世纪英汉〔come together〕Could we all come together in the assembly hall at 2 o'clock?我们所有人两点在礼堂集合可以吗?外研社新世纪〔comitia〕A popular assembly in ancient Rome having legislative or electoral duties.古罗马公民议会:古罗马的群众集会,有立法或选举的任务美国传统〔complete〕The furniture comes comp lete with tools and instructions for assembly.这件家具备有组装工具和说明书。牛津高阶〔congress〕A formal assembly of representatives, as of various nations, to discuss problems.代表大会:正式的代表举行会议讨论问题,如来自各个国家的代表美国传统〔consideration〕Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly.一些提案正在州议会的审议之中。外研社新世纪〔consideration〕Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly.有几个提案州议会正在讨论中。柯林斯高阶〔constituent assembly〕The National Security Council appointed a 160-member constituent assembly to draft a new constitution.国家安全委员指定由160人组成的立宪会议起草新宪法。外研社新世纪〔conventional〕Of, relating to, or resembling an assembly.会议的:会议的、与之有关的或类似于会议美国传统〔convocation〕A clerical assembly of the Anglican Church similar to a synod but assembling only when called.主教会议:英国教会中的一种教会人员会议,与教会会议相似。但只在被召集时才集合美国传统〔convocation〕An assembly of the clergy and representative laity of a section of a diocese of the Episcopal Church.主教区会议:美国新教圣公会主教区的一部分神职人员和平民代表的集会美国传统〔convocation〕The district represented at such an assembly.主教区会议所代表的地区美国传统〔convoke〕The assembly was convoked for a special session.立法机构召开了一次特别会议。韦氏高阶〔council〕An assembly of church officials and theologians convened for regulating matters of doctrine and discipline.会议、公会议:教会官员和神学研究者的集会,来规定宗教条例和原则等事务美国传统〔court〕A legislative assembly.立法院,立法团体美国传统〔curia〕A medieval assembly or council.中世纪时聚会,中世纪时会议美国传统〔curia〕The assembly place of such a subdivision.库里亚集会处:这一分区的集会处美国传统〔curia〕The place of assembly of high councils in various Italian cities under Roman administration.长老院:罗马统治下的意大利各都市的高级委员会的聚会场所美国传统〔deafness〕The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.省议会对所有的经济救助请求都充耳不闻。柯林斯高阶〔diet〕A formal general assembly of the princes or estates of the Holy Roman Empire.神圣罗马帝国的三政会:神圣罗马帝国的王孙或该阶层的正式的一般议会美国传统〔diplomatically〕These diplomatic skills led to her appointment as the President of the United Nations General Assembly.凭借这些外交手腕,她被任命为联合国大会的主席。柯林斯高阶〔diplomatic〕These diplomatic skills led to her appointment as the President of the United Nations General Assembly.凭借这些外交手腕, 她被任命为联合国大会主席。外研社新世纪〔direction〕The kit comes with directions for assembly.这套元件附有装配说明书。牛津同义词〔dissolution〕Formal dismissal of an assembly or legislature.解散:议会或立法机关的正式解散美国传统〔dissolvability〕The assembly dissolved.集会解散了。21世纪英汉〔dissolve〕The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th.现在的议会将于 4 月 30 日解散。柯林斯高阶〔duplex〕Relating to or being a single assembly of machinery having two identical units that are capable of operating simultaneously or independently.复式的:关于或是具有两个相同的,能够同时或独立操作的部件的单一机组美国传统〔ecclesia〕The political assembly of citizens of an ancient Greek state.市民议会:古希腊国家的公民政治集会美国传统〔edit〕The edited film is a selected assembly of many “bits and pieces” of all kinds.剪辑片系选辑形形色色的“片断和点滴”而成。英汉大词典〔election〕She is standing for the first time in elections for the National Assembly.她第一次参加国民议会的选举。麦克米伦高阶〔emergency〕The assembly declared a national emergency.议会宣布国家处于紧急状态。牛津搭配〔enlarge on〕He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take.他没有进一步说明过渡政府和立法机构将采取的形式。外研社新世纪〔farewell〕The retiring teacher was farewelled by the whole school at a special assembly.全校师生在一个特别的集会上欢送那位即将退休的教师。韦氏高阶〔floor〕After Senator Smith was finished addressing the assembly, Senator White took the floor.参议员史密斯结束大会致辞后,参议员怀特开始发言。韦氏高阶〔floor〕The right to address an assembly, as granted under parliamentary procedure.发言权:议会程序中所授予的在会议上发言的力权美国传统〔forum〕The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.古罗马广场:古罗马城镇用于审判活动和公众事务的广场或市场美国传统〔fuselage〕The central body of an aircraft, to which the wings and tail assembly are attached and which accommodates the crew, passengers, and cargo.机身:可承载机务人员、乘客和货物的配有机翼和尾翼的飞机的主机美国传统〔future〕In future the President will be chosen by the people instead of by the National Assembly.今后总统将由人民选举产生,而非国民议会选出。柯林斯高阶〔gear〕A complete assembly that performs a specific function in a larger machine.传动装置:一完整组装,在一个更大机器中发挥具体功能美国传统〔gemot〕A public meeting or local judicial assembly in Anglo-Saxon England.集会:英国盎格鲁-撒克逊时期的公共集会或地方审判会美国传统〔general assembly〕General Assembly Abbr. GA,G.A.The principal deliberative body of the United Nations, in which each member nation is represented and has one vote. General Assembly 缩写 GA,G.A.联合国土的:联合国的最高审议机构,于此每一成员国都有代表且可投一票美国传统〔government〕The president dissolved the assembly and swore in an interim government.总统解散了议会,宣布成立临时政府。牛津搭配〔governor〕Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.威廉•利文斯顿州长在新泽西州议会发表了讲话。外研社新世纪〔grand〕In Afghanistan, a grand assembly is under way.阿富汗正在组建大国民议会。外研社新世纪〔head-on〕The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides.总统和议会之间正面冲突的唯一赢家将是双方的强硬派。柯林斯高阶〔house〕A quorum of such an assembly.上述会议的法定人数美国传统〔house〕Often House A legislative or deliberative assembly. 常作 House 立法会议,审议会美国传统〔house〕The hall or chamber in which such an assembly meets.议院,议事堂:上述会议举行的大厅或会堂美国传统〔human〕The assembly line was a human machine.那条流水线是由人组成的作业体系。韦氏高阶〔inaugurate〕The assembly was formally inaugurated in December.大会于 12 月正式召开。牛津搭配〔jamboree〕A large assembly, often international, especially of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts.大集会:大型集会,常指国际性的,尤指童子军大会美国传统〔jamboree〕A mass gathering or assembly, as of a political party or association.政党或社团的集会:大量聚集或集会,如政党或协会的美国传统〔kiss of life〕The kiss of life could be a concession on taxation powers for the Scottish Assembly.对苏格兰议会来说, 可以在税收权利方面做出让步以恢复元气。外研社新世纪〔line〕An ordered system of operations that allows a sequential manufacture or assembly of goods at all or various stages of production.流水线,生产线:运行的有序系统,可进行连续生产或产品生产所有或各个阶段的生产装配美国传统〔mandate〕The assembly was mandated to draft a constitution.大会获授权起草一份章程。牛津高阶〔meeting〕An assembly or a gathering of people, as for a business, social, or religious purpose.会议,大会:一群人为商谈商业问题、社会问题或宗教问题而集合到一起美国传统〔millionth〕Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.去年第100万辆卡车驶下了装配线。外研社新世纪〔moderator〕The officer who presides over a synod or general assembly of the Presbyterian Church.主持官员:主持基督教长老会的会议或大会的官员美国传统〔notable〕Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly.由当地名流选出、任职9年的参议员缺少国民议会议员的民主合法性。柯林斯高阶〔notable〕Often Notable One of a council of prominent persons in pre-Revolutionary France called into assembly to deliberate at times of emergency. 常作 Notable 应召显贵:法国革命前要员议会的一员,在紧急时刻被召到大会进行商讨美国传统〔notch〕On the third day, General Zhang raised the temperature of the assembly a few notches.第三天,张将军使大会的热烈程度提高了几档。柯林斯高阶〔off-centre〕The assembly can be mounted slightly off-centre so that it swings aside.配件可以安装到稍微偏离中心的位置, 这样它就能向一边摆动。外研社新世纪〔parliament〕The National Assembly is the lower house of the French Parliament.国民议会是法国的下议院。牛津搭配〔planting〕Ford's British car assembly plants.福特公司在英国的汽车装配厂柯林斯高阶〔plant〕Ford's car assembly plants福特公司的汽车装配车间外研社新世纪〔plenum〕An assembly or a meeting with all members present.全体会议:所有成员出席的集会或会议美国传统〔power train〕An assembly of gears and associated parts by which power is transmitted from an engine to a driving axle.动力传动系:传动装置及相关部件的总合,它将动力从发动机传给驱动轴美国传统〔president〕One appointed or elected to preside over an organized body of people, such as an assembly or a meeting.主持人,主席:被任命或选举为某一组织的负责人,例如集会或会议美国传统〔rang〕He rang the bell for school assembly.他敲钟通知全校集合。21世纪英汉〔ranks〕The General Assembly welcomed five new members to its ranks.联合国大会对新加入的5个成员国表示欢迎。外研社新世纪〔rank〕The General Assembly welcomed five new members to its ranks.联合国大会对5个新成员国的加入表示了欢迎。柯林斯高阶〔rendezvous〕A prearranged meeting place, especially an assembly point for troops or ships.会面地点;指定集合地:预先安排好的会面的地点,尤指部队或船只的集合地点美国传统〔report back〕The committee was asked to investigate the complaint and report back to the assembly.委员会受命对投诉进行调查, 并向议会呈交报告。外研社新世纪〔resolution〕A formal statement of a decision or expression of opinion put before or adopted by an assembly such as the U.S. Congress.决议案:在议会中(如美国国会)提出或被其采纳的决定或表达观点的正式陈述美国传统〔resolution〕The assembly adopted a resolution approving the plan.大会采纳了通过该方案的决议。牛津搭配〔resolution〕The assembly passed a resolution calling for the university president to step down.大会通过了要求那名大学校长下台的决议。韦氏高阶〔resolution〕The General Assembly rejected the resolution on the subject of arms control.联合国大会否决了关于军备控制的决议。牛津搭配〔resolve〕The Assembly took back its resolves.大会撤回了决议。英汉大词典〔resolve〕The assembly resolved itself into a committee.大会解散改开委员会。英汉大词典〔respective〕Everyone would go into the hall for assembly and then afterwards we'd go to our respective classes.所有人都去礼堂参加集会,会后各自回各自的班级。剑桥高阶〔responsible〕The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Assembly.内阁须向议会负责。牛津高阶〔riotous〕The organizers of the march were charged with assault and riotous assembly.游行组织者被控侵犯人身及暴乱性非法集会。牛津高阶〔rotor〕An assembly of rotating horizontal airfoils, as that of a helicopter.旋翼:如直升飞机的旋翼等旋转的水平机翼的组合体美国传统〔round〕An assembly of people; a group.一群人:聚集在一起的人;一群人美国传统〔rule〕The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid.法庭判定, 议会通过的法律仍然具有法律效力。外研社新世纪〔run off〕In a run-off for the presidency of the assembly, Santos beat Gutiérrez.在议会议长选举的决胜投票中,桑托斯击败古铁雷斯当选。剑桥高阶〔school〕The whole school was at the assembly.全校师生都参加了晨会。韦氏高阶〔seat〕She is running for a seat in the New York State Assembly.她正竞选纽约州议会的一个席位。牛津搭配〔secure〕The party won 399 seats, thereby securing a majority in the Assembly.该党赢得了 399 个席位,从而在议会中占据了多数。牛津搭配〔senate〕The building or hall in which such a council or assembly meets.参议院会议厅:这种议会或理事会召开会议的建筑物或会堂美国传统〔solenoid〕An assembly used as a switch, consisting of a coil and a metal core free to slide along the coil axis under the influence of the magnetic field.螺形管:用作开关的组合,由线圈和在磁场的作用下可沿线圈的轴心自由滑动的金属芯组成美国传统〔sovereignty〕The new Slovenian Assembly claimed full sovereignty.新斯洛文尼亚议会声明自己拥有完全的独立自主权。麦克米伦高阶〔sovereign〕Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.最高统治权仍然掌握在最高人民会议手中。柯林斯高阶〔spar〕A principal structural member in an airplane wing or a tail assembly that runs from tip to tip or from root to tip.加强杆:飞机机翼或机尾部件中组装的从顶到底或从底到顶的主要结构部件美国传统〔speaker〕Often Speaker The presiding officer of a legislative assembly. 常作 Speaker 众议院议长:立法代表会议的主持官员美国传统〔subassembly〕An assembled unit forming a component to be incorporated into a larger assembly.分组合件:作为一配件而被装配于一更大的组合部件之上的子组件部件美国传统〔support〕The government has lost majority support in the Assembly.政府失去了议会多数人的支持。牛津搭配〔suppress〕Any kind of assembly was suppressed in this country.该国过去禁止一切形式的集会。21世纪英汉〔sway〕Some of the resource people working with the assembly might end up having a lot of sway.为集会出过力的一些手握资源的人最后可能会成为有头有脸的人物。外研社新世纪〔synod〕A council or an assembly of church officials or churches; an ecclesiastical council.教会会议:教会官员或教会的商议会或聚会;基督教会的会议美国传统〔synod〕A council or an assembly.讨论会或集会美国传统〔tail〕An assembly of stabilizing planes and control surfaces in this rear portion.机身尾部的稳定器:这一尾部的所有稳定面和控制面的集合美国传统〔take〕To rise to deliver a formal speech, as to an assembly.站着发表演说:站起来发表一篇正式演说,比如对一个集会美国传统〔teller〕A person appointed to count votes in a legislative assembly.计票人:被指派在议会中数票的人美国传统〔tighten up〕We installed new machines to tighten up the assembly line.我们安装了新机器以提高装配线的工效。韦氏高阶〔transom〕The aftermost transverse structural member in a steel ship, including the floor, frame, and beam assembly at the sternpost.船尾构架:铁船 中最靠近船尾的横向组成部分,包括在船尾柱附近的甲板、肋骨和横梁上美国传统〔tribune〕A raised platform or dais from which a speaker addresses an assembly.讲坛:集会时讲话者站立的高出来的平台或高台美国传统〔tubeless tire〕A pneumatic vehicular tire in which the air is held in the assembly of casing and rim without an inner tube.无内胎轮:没有内胎并在装配时充气的车辆轮胎美国传统〔vote in〕The members of the national assembly will vote in a prime minister by a simple majority.国民议会成员将以简单多数的方式选出一个首相。柯林斯高阶〔vote in〕The members of the national assembly will vote in a prime minister by a simple majority.国民议会成员将以简单多数的方式选出一位总理。外研社新世纪〔vote of no confidence〕On April 22 the National Assembly passed a vote of no confidence in the government.4 月 22 日,国民议会通过了对政府的不信任投票。朗文当代Assembly is the factory's most automated stage of production.装配是这家工厂自动化程度最高的生产过程。剑桥国际Assembly workers were retrained to handle the new electronic technology.装配工人接受再培训以掌握新的电子技术。牛津商务All pupils are expected to attend school assembly.希望全体学生参加学校的汇演活动。剑桥国际An engine rolls off the assembly line every 72 seconds.装配线每 72 秒完成一台发动机。牛津商务By next year, 60 000 cars will be rolling off its assembly lines.到明年将有 60 000 辆汽车下线。牛津商务Check the fit of the gasket before final assembly.最后组装之前检查一下垫片是否合适。剑桥国际I hate the monotony of work on the assembly line. 我痛恨在单调无味的流水装配线上工作。译典通In a run-off for the presidency of the assembly, Santos beat Gutierez.在竞选议会议长的决胜选举中,桑托斯战胜了古梯雷兹。剑桥国际It was agreed that the country would move to self-rule after an election for a state assembly in September.经同意,9月国家议会选举后,该国将实行自治。剑桥国际Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory. 杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。译典通Sony has switched assembly to lower-cost countries.索尼已将组装业务转移到较低成本的国家。牛津商务The assembly had been shorn of its legislative powers. 议会被剥夺了立法权。译典通The Ambassador of Iran excoriated the United States in the U.N. general assembly. 伊朗大使在联合国大会中挞伐美国。译典通The Senate and the Assembly put aside political differences to pass the aid package.州参众两院将政治分歧暂搁一旁,通过了有关援助的一揽子计划。剑桥国际The former president addressed a large assembly. 前总统向众多的与会者讲了话。译典通The group is to sell its loss-making computer assembly business.集团将出售其亏损的电脑组装业务。牛津商务The lower house of the state parliaments of New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia is called the legislative assembly.新南威尔士、维多利亚和西澳大利亚州议会的下议院被称做下院。剑桥国际The new model is being launched at the UK assembly plant.新型产品现正由英国的装配厂推出。牛津商务The parts are made in China and shipped to Scotland for final assembly.这些部件在中国制造,并运到苏格兰进行最后的组装。牛津商务The play is set in an all-female legislative assembly in a mythical province where only women held office and no man had the vote.这剧的场景是一个神话般的地方,那里只有妇女参加的立法院,只有妇女执政,男子无选举权。剑桥国际The production line consists of the assembly station, the test station and the packing station.这一生产线包括装配台、测试台和包装台。牛津商务The program contains two assembly code routines.这一程序包含两个汇编代码例程。牛津商务The proposal came before the general assembly the next day. 提案于次日提交大会审议。译典通The right of free assembly (=The freedom of people to gather in groups) is essential in any country claiming to be democratic.自由集会的权利对于任何宣称实行民主的国家都是必不可少的。剑桥国际There's a religious assembly every morning.每天早上都有宗教聚会。剑桥国际Toyota has car assembly plants in the United States and Canada.丰田公司在美国和加拿大拥有汽车装配厂。牛津商务We plan to begin car assembly at the plant in 2016.我们计划在 2016 年在工厂开始汽车装配业务。牛津商务




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