

单词 corresponding
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔corresponding〕corresponding fingerprints 相同的指纹英汉大词典〔corresponding〕corresponding officials in the two governments 两国政府的对等官员英汉大词典〔corresponding〕a corresponding member (of a society) (某学会的)通讯会员文馨英汉〔corresponding〕a corresponding member of the bar association.酒吧协会的通讯会员美国传统〔corresponding〕a corresponding secretary 处理信件的秘书英汉大词典〔corresponding〕a corresponding secretary.负责通信的秘书美国传统〔corresponding〕a bolt and its corresponding nut 螺栓及其相配的螺母英汉大词典〔corresponding〕a high corporate position and its corresponding problems.高度自治的状况及其相随的问题美国传统〔corresponding〕a test question and its corresponding chapter in the textbook 测试题与教科书上的对应章节韦氏高阶〔corresponding〕achieve a corresponding rise in output or profits 在产量或利润方面获得相应的增长英汉大词典〔corresponding〕in the corresponding month last year 在去年的同一个月文馨英汉〔corresponding〕the corresponding period last year 去年同期英汉大词典〔corresponding〕the inexorable rise in Britain's fortunes and the corresponding decline of France as an international power.英国时来运转,势不可挡,与之相对,法国的国际影响力不断下降柯林斯高阶〔correspond〕wage increases corresponding to the rise in the rate of inflation与通货膨胀率上升相对应的工资上涨外研社新世纪〔moo goo gai pan〕corresponding to Mandarin mú gū jī piān 与 普通话 mú gū jī piān相对应 美国传统〔reciprocal〕reciprocal functions of two corresponding parts of a machine or organ 机器或器官两个对应部分相互补偿的作用英汉大词典〔rise〕the deterioration of our trade balance and the corresponding rise in protectionism 贸易平衡的恶化以及与之相对应的保护主义的兴起牛津搭配〔stigma〕stigmata Marks or sores corresponding to and resembling the crucifixion wounds of Jesus, sometimes occurring during religious ecstasy or hysteria. stigmata 圣伤痕:与耶稣钉在十字架上的伤痕位置一致或相象的伤疤或伤痕,有时在宗教狂热或歇斯底里出现美国传统〔sycee〕corresponding to Mandarin xì sī 与 普通话 xì sī相对应 美国传统




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