

单词 criteria
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRUEL〕The government has been accused of using artificial and inhuman criteria to decide which refugees should be deported. 政府被指控使用野蛮的人为标准来决定哪些难民应该被驱逐出境。朗文写作活用〔JUDGE〕Changing the college admissions criteria will have a serious effect. 改变大学的入学标准将产生重大的影响。朗文写作活用〔JUDGE〕The group ranks cities according to its own set of criteria. 该团体以自己的一套标准来给城市分等级。朗文写作活用〔accuracy〕There are four criteria to determine a player's abilities: accuracy, power, spin and serving strength.判断选手能力有四个标准:精准性、爆发力、旋转球技术和发球力量。外研社新世纪〔across-the-board〕The same criteria will be applied across the board.同样的标准将全面实行。麦克米伦高阶〔allocation〕The allocation must be made according to a strict set of criteria.分配必须按照一套严格的标准进行。牛津搭配〔analysis〕Her criteria defy analysis.她的标准让人搞不明白。柯林斯高阶〔analysis〕Her criteria defy analysis.她的标准让人难以捉摸。外研社新世纪〔benchmark〕They used economic criteria as the sole benchmark for establishing success.他们把经济指标作为实现成功的唯一衡量尺度。外研社新世纪〔criteria〕Everyone whose qualifications meet our criteria will be considered.条件符合我们标准的每个人都会得到考虑。麦克米伦高阶〔criteria〕What criteria do you have for selecting patients for treatment? 你选择病人治疗的标准是什么?麦克米伦高阶〔criterion〕British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed.英国的国防政策要想奏效, 必须满足三个标准。外研社新世纪〔criterion〕British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed.要想奏效,英国的国防政策必须具备3个条件。柯林斯高阶〔criterion〕Only 10% of companies met Bain's criteria for sustained profitable growth.只有10%的公司满足贝恩维提出的可持续盈利增长的标准。外研社新世纪〔criterion〕She failed to meet the stringent selection criteria.她不符合严格的入选标准。牛津搭配〔criterion〕Team members will be selected according to strict criteria.将依据严格标准挑选小组成员。牛津搭配〔criterion〕The Health Service should not be judged by financial criteria alone.公共医疗卫生服务不应仅仅以财务状况的好坏为标准来评判。剑桥高阶〔criterion〕The other groups agreed to adopt our criteria.其他小组同意采用我们的标准。牛津搭配〔criterion〕The report lays down criteria for disciplining staff.报告制定了员工纪律准则。牛津搭配〔criterion〕Tight selection criteria were used in determining which candidates would be interviewed.我们根据严格的选拔标准确定哪些求职者能够进入面试。外研社新世纪〔criterion〕To qualify for a grant, students must satisfy certain criteria.要获得领取助学金的资格,学生必须符合某些标准。朗文当代〔criterion〕Turkey was struggling to meet the criteria for European Union membership.土耳其正努力达到成为欧盟成员国的标准。外研社新世纪〔criterion〕What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability? 用什么标准来评定一个学生的能力?牛津高阶〔criterion〕What were the criteria used to choose the winner? 选择优胜者的标准是什么?韦氏高阶〔establish〕The UN has established detailed criteria for who should be allowed to vote.联合国已经制定了有关投票资格的标准细则。柯林斯高阶〔evaluation〕The project developed a set of evaluation criteria.这一项目形成了一套评估标准。牛津搭配〔evaluative〕Develop evaluative criteria through systematic job analysis.通过系统的职位分析制订评价标准。外研社新世纪〔fit〕None of the candidates fits our criteria.这些候选人没有一个符合我们的标准。麦克米伦高阶〔fulfil〕No candidate fulfils all the criteria for this position.没有候选人完全符合这个职位要求的标准。牛津高阶〔fulfil〕Students must fulfil the following entry criteria.学生必须达到以下准入条件。牛津搭配〔fulfil〕We're looking for a very specific sort of person and this woman seems to fulfil all of our criteria.我们正在寻找某种特定的人,而这个女人似乎符合我们的所有标准。剑桥高阶〔gnash〕There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth whatever criteria the Arts Council employ for this exercise.无论艺术委员会采取哪种标准来评判这次训练,总会有人哀怨,有人气愤。柯林斯高阶〔inartistic〕Not conforming to the principles or criteria of art.非艺术的:不符合艺术原则或标准的美国传统〔inclusion〕There are strict criteria for inclusion in the competition.有严格的参赛标准。牛津搭配〔inspection〕Each hotel is inspected and, if it fulfils certain criteria, is recommended.会对每家旅馆都进行检查,如果它达到了一定的标准,就获得推荐。柯林斯高阶〔inspect〕Each hotel is inspected and, if it fulfils certain criteria, is recommended.每家酒店都会接受审查, 如果达到一定标准就会受到推荐。外研社新世纪〔judge〕He believed that schools should be judged according to strictly academic criteria.他认为应当根据严格的学术标准来评判学校。牛津搭配〔judge〕People use different criteria for judging success at school.人们用不同的标准来评判学生在学校成功与否。牛津搭配〔lending〕The bank is reassessing its criteria for lending money.银行正重新评估其贷款标准。柯林斯高阶〔lend〕The bank is reassessing its criteria for lending money.这家银行正在重新评估其贷款标准。外研社新世纪〔make out〕It is hard to make out what criteria are used.很难弄清楚使用的是什么标准。外研社新世纪〔make out〕It is hard to make out what criteria are used.很难弄清楚使用的是什么样的标准。柯林斯高阶〔measure〕The school's performance is measured against a strict set of criteria.学校的工作业绩是根据一套严格的标准来衡量的。牛津搭配〔membership〕The criteria for membership are not very strict.入会标准不是很严格。外研社新世纪〔membership〕The criteria for membership of the EU are economic, social, legal and political.加入欧盟的标准包括经济、社会、法律和政治四个方面。外研社新世纪〔membership〕We have now drafted a constitution and membership criteria.我们已经起草了一份章程和入会标准。外研社新世纪〔morphosyntax〕The set of rules that govern linguistic units whose properties are definable by both morphological and syntactic criteria.词素句法学:对其功能既可以通过形态标准又可以通过句法标准进行定义的语言单位进行支配的一套规则美国传统〔paternalism〕The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism.政府应该以效率准则而非家长作风为主导。外研社新世纪〔paternalism〕The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism.政府应遵循高效原则,杜绝国家家长作风。柯林斯高阶〔pertain〕The criteria will be different from those that pertain elsewhere.这里的标准将不同于其他地方适用的标准。21世纪英汉〔pertain〕The criteria will be different from those that pertain elsewhere.这里的标准将不同于其他地方适用的标准。英汉大词典〔prejudice〕Personal, subjective criteria, dependent solely on individual prejudice, had to be eliminated.必须去除完全取决于个人偏见的个人主观标准。外研社新世纪〔rate〕Judges rated each song according to a number of criteria.评审们根据几项标准对每首歌曲进行评定。韦氏高阶〔scope〕These criteria were used to determine the scope of the curriculum.这些标准用以确定课程范围。牛津搭配〔selection〕The selection criteria must be objective and fair.选拔标准必须客观公正。外研社新世纪〔stipulate〕The document stipulated three criteria as the basis for any reform.文件中规定了3项准则作为任何改革的基础。英汉大词典〔subjective〕In reviewing applicants, we consider both objective criteria, such as test scores, and subjective criteria, such as leadership ability.在考察申请者方面,我们既考虑客观标准,如测试得分,也考虑主观标准,如领导能力。韦氏高阶〔subjective〕More specific and less subjective criteria should be used in selecting people for promotion within the company.公司内部决定升职人选时,需要借助更具体、更客观的标准。剑桥高阶〔us〕Each of us will have our own criteria for success.每个人对于成功都有自己的标准。柯林斯高阶〔utilize〕What criteria do you utilize in selecting employees? 你用什么标准挑选雇员?麦克米伦高阶〔whole〕There's a whole set of criteria to consider.一整套标准都需要考虑。韦氏高阶Banks, anxious to (=wanting very much to) reduce lending risks, have tightened up lending criteria.由于迫切希望减少贷款风险,银行严化了贷款标准。剑桥国际Each investment must meet a set of financial criteria.每项投资必须符合一套财务标准。牛津商务No candidate fulfils all the criteria for this position.没有一位候选人完全符合这个职位的所有标准。牛津商务The Health Service should not be judged by financial criteria alone.公共卫生事业不应单以资金标准来衡量。剑桥国际They have developed a set of evaluative criteria for websites.他们为网站制订了一套评估标准。牛津商务They met the criteria for designation as a ‘certified organic grower’.他们符合作为“合格有机栽培者”的标准。牛津商务We have strict criteria for the selection of new recruits.我们对新兵的挑选有着严格的标准。剑桥国际We're looking for a very specific sort of person and this woman seems to fulfil all of our criteria.我们在寻找一种很特殊的人,这女人似乎符合我们的所有标准。剑桥国际What criteria do you use for hiring new staff? 你用甚么标准来雇用新员工?牛津商务




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