

单词 culture
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ART/CULTURE〕relating to art or culture 与艺术或文化有关的朗文写作活用〔Grecian〕his attempts to fuse Persian culture with Grecian values他将波斯文化和古希腊价值观融合起来的尝试外研社新世纪〔Scandinavian〕a festival of Scandinavian culture in London.在伦敦举办的斯堪的纳维亚文化节柯林斯高阶〔axenic〕an axenic culture medium 无菌培养基英汉大词典〔black〕black culture 黑人文化韦氏高阶〔boundary〕the blurring of the boundaries between high and popular culture 高雅文化和通俗文化之间界线的模糊朗文当代〔composite〕a composite culture 混合文化英汉大词典〔comprise〕the multitude of ideas, ambitions and regrets that comprises the culture of Russia today.构成现今俄罗斯文化的众多观点、抱负和遗憾柯林斯高阶〔conspicuous consumption〕a culture of conspicuous consumption 炫耀性消费文化韦氏高阶〔culture〕a culture of cells from the tumour 肿瘤细胞的培养牛津高阶〔culture〕a country containing many language and culture groups 包括许多语言和文化群体的国家牛津搭配〔culture〕company culture 企业文化牛津高阶〔culture〕immigrants who embrace American culture 接受美国文化的移民牛津搭配〔culture〕isolate and culture the bacteria 分离细菌并放入培养基培养英汉大词典〔culture〕the culture of bees (oysters, fish, silk) 养蜂 (牡蛎,鱼,蚕)英汉大词典〔culture〕the Minister for Culture 文化部长牛津高阶〔culture〕the political culture of the US 美国的政治文化牛津搭配〔culture〕the singles culture 独身主义者阶层英汉大词典〔culture〕voice culture for singers and actors.为歌手和演员准备的声音练习美国传统〔culture〕working-class culture 工人阶级的文化牛津高阶〔culture〕youth/working-class culture 青年/工人阶级文化剑桥高阶〔decadence〕a culture that has gone from barbarism to decadence without passing through civilization未经文明阶段而直接从野蛮走向衰落的文化外研社新世纪〔decouple〕a conception which decouples culture and politics使文化与政治分离的构想外研社新世纪〔deduce〕to deduce the development of a culture from archaeological remains根据古迹追溯一种文化的发展过程[亦作deduct]21世纪英汉〔demotic〕demotic culture 通俗文化韦氏高阶〔divorce〕this divorce of Christian culture from the roots of faith.基督教文化和信仰根基的脱离柯林斯高阶〔establish〕establish a national culture 建立民族文化英汉大词典〔excessive〕a culture of excessive drinking at universities大学中的酗酒文化外研社新世纪〔facet〕the different facets of our culture 我们文化的不同方面韦氏高阶〔folk〕folk culture 民间文化剑桥高阶〔geography〕a pictorial journey through the history, geography and culture of the Caribbean.领略加勒比地区历史、地理及文化的图片之旅柯林斯高阶〔geography〕a pictorial journey through the history, geography, and culture of the Caribbean领略加勒比地区历史、地理及文化的图片之旅外研社新世纪〔globalization〕the globalization of fashion/American youth culture 时尚的全球趋同化/美国青年文化在世界各地的传播剑桥高阶〔hub〕a hub of learning and culture 学术文化的中心英汉大词典〔ideologize〕attempt to alter and ideologize the fundamental character of our culture 试图改变我们文化的根本性质并使之符合特定意识形态英汉大词典〔immersion〕my immersion in black music and culture 我对黑人音乐和文化的潜心研究朗文当代〔impunity〕government corruption and culture of high-level impunity政府腐败和高免罚文化外研社新世纪〔indissoluble〕the indissoluble link between language and culture 语言和文化的紧密关系朗文当代〔know〕those values of our culture that are essential to civilisation as we know it.我们文化中那些构成我们所熟悉的文明社会之根基的价值观柯林斯高阶〔laddish〕the laddish culture of beer and football 体现青年男子特色的啤酒和足球文化麦克米伦高阶〔licentiousness〕a culture which often celebrates a kind of sexual licentiousness as the pinnacle of freedom常常视性放纵为最高自由的文化外研社新世纪〔market〕a market for culture 对文化 (生活) 的需求英汉大词典〔mores〕the mores and culture of the Japanese 日本人的风俗和文化剑桥高阶〔mother〕mother culture 本国的文化英汉大词典〔noisily〕the noisy and unpopular fringe groups that are attempting to change the culture of their society.企图变革社会文化的哗众取宠、不受欢迎的边缘群体柯林斯高阶〔obliteration〕the deliberate obliteration of one culture by another一种文化对另一种文化的有意清洗外研社新世纪〔old〕an old culture 古老文化英汉大词典〔otherness〕the otherness of an alien culture 异域文化的不同情调牛津高阶〔permeate〕be permeated with a good deal of Chinese culture 深受中国文化的熏陶英汉大词典〔picturesque〕some of the more picturesque aspects of Japanese culture – martial arts, flower arranging, and Zen日本文化中一些更有特色的内容——武术、插花和禅宗外研社新世纪〔postmodern〕postmodern culture 后现代文化朗文当代〔reappearance〕the reappearance of Cossack culture in Russia.哥萨克文化在俄罗斯的重现柯林斯高阶〔reappearance〕the reappearance of Cossack culture in Russia哥萨克文化在俄罗斯的再现外研社新世纪〔reificatory〕to reify a culture into a body of traditions把文化具体化为一套传统21世纪英汉〔status〕the high status accorded to science in our culture 我们的文化对科学的高度崇尚牛津高阶〔substructure〕the substructure of national culture 民族文化的基础牛津高阶〔subvert〕a last attempt to subvert culture from within.试图从内部瓦解文化的最后一击柯林斯高阶〔subvert〕a last attempt to subvert culture from within试图从内部瓦解文化的最后一搏外研社新世纪〔thrive〕a culture which positively thrives on new ideas 扎根新思想而欣欣向荣的文化牛津搭配developing a culture of innovation 发展创新的文化牛津商务




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