

单词 culturally
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Creole〕A person descended from or culturally related to the Spanish and Portuguese settlers of the Gulf States.土生西班牙人,土生葡萄牙人:海湾各州的西班牙和葡萄牙殖民者的后裔或与其有文化联系的人美国传统〔Creole〕A person descended from or culturally related to the original French settlers of the southern United States, especially Louisiana.土生法国人:美国南部尤其是路易斯安那州的早期法国殖民者的后裔或与其文化有联系的人美国传统〔Norwegian〕Many Norwegians feel that Norway is a culturally young country.很多挪威人认为就文化而言挪威是个年轻国家。柯林斯高阶〔RELIGION〕Eliot considered modern society to be both culturally and spiritually empty. 艾略特认为现代社会在文化上和精神上都很空虚。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Banning the carnival will deprive law-abiding citizens of a source of culturally valuable entertainment. 禁止庆祝狂欢节将剥夺守法市民参加具有文化价值的娱乐活动的权利。朗文写作活用〔assimilate〕To absorb (immigrants or a culturally distinct group) into the prevailing culture.把(移民或文化出色的群体)同化到盛行的文化中美国传统〔backwoods〕An area that is far from population centers or that is held to be culturally backward.偏远落后地区:远离居民中心的或被认为文化落后的地区美国传统〔constipated〕He asserted that Canadian society is hypocritical, culturally constipated, and sexually inhibited.他声称加拿大社会虚伪、文化受限而且性压抑。外研社新世纪〔culturally〕Culturally, the city has a lot to offer.从人文角度看,这个城市可提供的东西很多。朗文当代〔culturally〕Culturally, they have much in common with their neighbours just across the border.在文化上,他们与边境那边相邻而居的人们有许多共同点。柯林斯高阶〔culturally〕Culturally, they have much in common with their neighbours just across the border.在文化方面, 他们与邻国人民有许多共同之处。外研社新世纪〔culturally〕Historically and culturally, Britain has always been linked to the continent.从历史和文化上来讲,英国一直和欧洲大陆联系在一起。朗文当代〔culturally〕Teaching materials need to be culturally appropriate.教材在文化角度来看要恰当。朗文当代〔culturally〕The French are a culturally sophisticated people.法国人民是文化底蕴很深的民族。朗文当代〔cultural〕The two cities are culturally very similar.这两个城市在文化上很相似。麦克米伦高阶〔disfranchise〕These people are culturally disfranchised.这些人在文化上被剥夺了权利。英汉大词典〔ethnic〕Surinam is culturally and ethnically diverse.苏里南在文化和种族方面具有多样性。朗文当代〔insensitive〕The decision to serve pork was culturally insensitive.上猪肉的决定缺乏文化方面的考虑。牛津搭配〔integrate〕How would such culturally different people be integrated into our society? 怎样才能让这些文化上与我们有很大差异的人融入我们的社会?麦克米伦高阶〔irredenta〕A region that is culturally or historically related to one nation but is subject to a foreign government.同文同种外国属地,应属一国却为外国统治地:在历史或文化方面与同一国相关联但由外国政府统治的地区美国传统〔irredentist〕One who advocates the recovery of territory culturally or historically related to one's nation but now subject to a foreign government.领土收复主义者:主张收回在文化上和历史上皆和自己的国家有联系但现在受外国政府控制的领土的人美国传统〔neutral〕Our actions are never culturally neutral.我们的行为必然要受到文化的影响。牛津搭配〔specific〕These values are culturally specific, not naturally given.这些价值观具有文化特征,并非天然形成。牛津搭配The situation in Northern Ireland is religiously, politically and culturally complex.北爱尔兰的局势在宗教上、政治上和文化上都很复杂。剑桥国际




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