

单词 diminutive
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Lilliputian〕Very small; diminutive.小的;矮小的美国传统〔SHORT〕A diminutive figure appeared in the doorway. 一个瘦小的身影出现在门口。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕Peter was a shy, diminutive man who seldom said anything to anyone. 彼得是个腼腆、瘦小的人,很少跟人说话。朗文写作活用〔corkscrew〕The horses have to be corkscrewed into the diminutive stables.不得不把这几匹马曲曲绕绕地赶进狭小的马厩。英汉大词典〔diminutive〕A diminutive figure appeared on the rostrum.一个小矮人出现在台上。英汉大词典〔diminutive〕Grammar A diminutive suffix, word, or name.【语法】 微小:表微小的后缀、单词或名称美国传统〔diminutive〕He's a diminutive figure, less than five feet tall.他身材矮小,不足5英尺高。剑桥高阶〔diminutive〕Joe is a diminutive of Joseph.“Joe”是“Joseph”的昵称。英汉大词典〔diminutive〕Maggie is a diminutive of Margaret.“Maggie”(玛吉)是“Margaret”(玛格丽特)的昵称。21世纪英汉〔diminutive〕Sasha is the diminutive of Alexander.Sasha是Alexander的昵称。外研社新世纪〔diminutive〕She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance.她注意到入口处站着一个小小的身影。外研社新世纪〔diminutive〕She noticed a diminutive figure standing at the entrance.她注意到入口处站着一个小小的身影。柯林斯高阶〔diminutive〕She was a diminutive figure beside her husband.她同丈夫比起来就像个小人。牛津高阶〔diminutive〕The diminutive suffix -ling in “duckling” and “princeling” respectively denotes affection and derogation.指小后缀 -ling 用在“duck英汉大词典〔diminutive〕The Dutch diminutive is -je.荷兰语中的指小词缀是-je。外研社新世纪〔fag〕I fagged for a diminutive 17-year-old prefect.我为一个17岁的小个子年级级长做杂务。外研社新世纪〔have the world at your feet〕Five years after her debut, the diminutive star of the Royal Ballet has the world at her feet.在初次登台5年之后,这位皇家芭蕾舞团的娇小明星取得了巨大的成功。剑桥高阶〔hobbit〕An imaginary creature resembling a diminutive human being, having some rabbitlike characteristics, and being naturally peace-loving, domestic, and sociable.小矮人:一种类似于矮人的想象中的动物,有一些兔子的特征,生性酷爱和平、驯服及易于交往美国传统〔homunculus〕A diminutive human being.侏儒,矮人美国传统〔midget〕Miniature; diminutive.极小的;微小的美国传统〔package〕Luxembourg is a diminutive package stretching for fifty-seven miles.卢森堡是一个绵延57英里的小国。英汉大词典〔pintsize〕Of small dimensions; diminutive.小型的;较小的美国传统〔rachilla〕A diminutive axis of a spikelet that bears the florets, as in grasses and sedges.叶轴:带复叶小叶的叶柄的轴的延长,如草类和蒿类的叶轴美国传统〔size〕The dog's diminutive size is attractive to many people.这种小体型犬吸引了许多人。牛津搭配〔sylphid〕A young or diminutive sylph.小气精或小气仙美国传统〔toy〕A diminutive thing or person.小东西:小东西或极小的人美国传统〔vest-pocket〕Very small; diminutive.非常小的,微小的美国传统Five years after her debut, the diminutive star of the Royal Ballet has the world at her feet.在初露头角5年之后,这位娇小的皇家芭蕾明星获得了极大的成功。剑桥国际He's a diminutive figure, less than five feet tall.他身材很小,不到5英尺高。剑桥国际She has diminutive hands for an adult.作为一个成年人,她的手显得非常小。剑桥国际Sue is a diminutive of Susan. Sue是Susan的亲暱称呼。译典通




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