

单词 decreasing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Caspian Sea〕A saline lake between southeast Europe and western Asia. Its water level is decreasing because of dam construction on the Volga River, which feeds the lake.里海:位于东南欧和西亚间的一个咸水湖。由于在注入该湖的伏尔加河上建造大坝,而造成其水位的降低美国传统〔LESS〕Experts say that the time parents spend with their children is decreasing. 专家说家长陪伴孩子的时间在减少。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕Manufacturing industries are faced with decreasing productivity and increasing international competition. 制造业正面临日趋衰退的生产能力和日益激烈的国际竞争。朗文写作活用〔SAT〕SAT scores have been steadily decreasing.学业能力倾向测验的成绩在不断下降。朗文当代〔antisecretory〕Inhibiting or decreasing secretion, especially gastric secretions.抗分泌的:抑制或减少分泌的,尤指胃分泌美国传统〔cover〕The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing.地球上森林覆盖的总面积正在减少。牛津高阶〔decrease〕The act or process of decreasing.减少:减小、减少的过程美国传统〔decrease〕The population is decreasing each year.人口数量在逐年下降。外研社新世纪〔decrease〕The population is decreasing steadily. = The population is steadily decreasing in size.人口正在持续减少。韦氏高阶〔decrease〕This species of bird is decreasing in numbers every year.这种鸟的数量在逐年减少。牛津高阶〔decrease〕We've got stable labor, decreasing interest rates, low oil prices.我们拥有稳定的劳力、不断降低的利率以及低廉的石油价格。柯林斯高阶〔decrement〕The act or process of decreasing or becoming gradually less.减少:缩减或减少的过程或逐渐减少美国传统〔depression〕Economics A period of drastic decline in a national or international economy, characterized by decreasing business activity, falling prices, and unemployment.【经济学】 萧条,不景气:国家(或国际)经济不景气的一段时期,其特征是商业活动减少、价格下降、失业美国传统〔direct〕Mathematics Varying in the same manner as another quantity, especially increasing if another quantity increases or decreasing if it decreases.【数学】 正变形的:同另一个量以同样方式变化的,特别是另一个量增加即增加,如减少即减少美国传统〔evening〕The period of decreasing daylight between afternoon and night.傍晚:从下午到夜晚日光逐渐减弱的时期美国传统〔geometric〕Increasing or decreasing in a geometric progression.成几何级数增减的美国传统〔parallel〕Increasing world affluence advances in parallel with a decreasing requirement to work.在世界日益富裕的同时,要求人们做的工作日渐减少。英汉大词典〔plow〕The amount of local land under the plow is decreasing.当地的耕地面积正在减少。韦氏高阶〔pose〕Decreasing the unemployment rate poses a serious challenge to/for the new governor.降低失业率对新任州长来说是个严峻的挑战。韦氏高阶〔regressive〕Decreasing proportionately as the amount taxed increases.递减的:随着收税的数量增加而成比例减少的:美国传统〔speed brake〕A flap on an aircraft for decreasing speed while in flight in preparation for landing.减速板:飞行中准备降落时用以减低飞行速度的板美国传统〔spiral〕A curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point.螺线:平面上逐渐远离或靠近一固定中心点时不断回旋的曲线美国传统〔spiral〕Circling around a center at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance.螺旋的:绕一中心作逐渐靠近或远离的旋绕的美国传统〔stand between〕The examination of his motives for decreasing exports might stand between him and his promotion.对他减少出口动机的调查,可能会影响到他的晋升。21世纪英汉〔tachyphylaxis〕A rapidly decreasing response to a drug following administration of the initial doses.快速抗药反应:在服用了最初的剂量后对一种药物的反应迅速降低的现象美国传统〔taper〕Gradually decreasing in size toward a point.逐渐变小的:在尺寸上逐渐减小以至于成为一点的美国传统〔troposphere〕The lowest region of the atmosphere between the earth's surface and the tropopause, characterized by decreasing temperature with increasing altitude.对流层:位于地表及对流层顶的大气最低层;气温随高度的增加而降低美国传统〔turbinate〕Zoology Spiral and decreasing sharply in diameter from base to apex. Used especially of shells.【动物学】 陀螺形的:螺旋形的螺纹从基部到顶端逐步递减的,尤其用于贝壳美国传统〔turn〕The top rotated with decreasing speed as the spring wound down.当发条越来越松时,陀螺也越转越慢。美国传统〔wane〕To exhibit a decreasing illuminated area from full moon to new moon.(月)亏,缺:从满月到新月期间表现出逐渐减小的明亮区美国传统Car sales are decreasing. 汽车销售量下跌。译典通The birthrate in the city has been decreasing. 该市的出生率一直持续下降。译典通The job cuts were a defensive move against decreasing sales.裁员是防止销售量减少的防御措施。牛津商务The new policy is aimed at developing alternative energy sources and decreasing dependence on imported energy.新政策旨在发展非传统能源,减少对进口能源的依赖。剑桥国际The organization is faced with escalating costs and decreasing revenue.这一机构面临着不断上升的成本和不断下降的收入的境况。牛津商务The size of our business has been decreasing steadily for some time.我们的生意规模在一段时间里持续减小。剑桥国际




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