

单词 decoy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Q-ship〕A decoy ship, especially an armed ship disguised as a merchant ship to entice submarines to surface so that they may be attacked with gunfire.伪装猎潜船:一种诱捕船,尤指假扮商船的武装舰艇,引诱潜水艇浮出水面后实施炮火攻击美国传统〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕The burglars started the fire as a decoy so that they could escape from police. 窃贼放火以转移视线,使他们能逃脱警察的追捕。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕You act as a decoy and we'll sneak out the back. 你来做诱饵,我们从后面溜出去。朗文写作活用〔capper〕Slang One who acts as a decoy, as in a confidence game.【俚语】 诱骗者,赌棍同伙:充当眼线的人,如在一场骗局中美国传统〔decoy away〕He decoyed her away.他把她诱骗走了。21世纪英汉〔decoy from (或out of)〕She was decoyed out of her money.她的钱被骗去了。21世纪英汉〔decoy into〕The policemen decoyed him into a snare.警察诱他落网。21世纪英汉〔decoy〕Ducks decoy more easily than most other waterfowl.野鸭较其他大多数水鸟更容易诱捕。英汉大词典〔decoy〕He decoyed the ducks to an area right in front of the blind.他把野鸭群诱至诱饵正前方的地区。21世纪英汉〔decoy〕He had a decoy distract the guard while he jumped over the fence.他翻越栅栏时,让一个人引开了警卫的注意力。韦氏高阶〔decoy〕He had effectively used her as a decoy to conceal his liaison with Julia.他成功地利用她做烟幕弹, 掩盖了他与朱莉娅的私通。外研社新世纪〔decoy〕He used a whistle to decoy the birds within range.他用口哨把鸟群诱至射程内。21世纪英汉〔decoy〕He was booked on a flight leaving that day, but that was just a decoy.他订了那天起飞的航班,但那不过是个诱饵。柯林斯高阶〔decoy〕He was booked on a flight leaving that day, but that was just a decoy.他预订了当天的一个航班, 但这只是个幌子。外研社新世纪〔decoy〕Hunters decoyed the ducks to the pond.猎人们把鸭群引诱到池塘。韦氏高阶〔decoy〕Nick acted as a decoy after the dog attacked a group of children swimming in the river.狗袭击了一群在河里游泳的孩子后, 尼克开始充当诱饵。外研社新世纪〔decoy〕Nick acted as a decoy after the dog attacked a group of children swimming in the river.那只狗攻击了在河里游泳的一群孩子后,尼克作诱饵要将其捉住。柯林斯高阶〔decoy〕Officer Langley acted as a decoy to catch the rapist.警官兰莉充当诱饵来抓捕那名强奸犯。朗文当代〔decoy〕The decoy group began its noisy diversion.掩护人群开始大声吵嚷, 以分散注意力。外研社新世纪〔decoy〕The girls decoy more easily than most other children.这些女孩比其他大多数孩子们更容易被诱骗。21世纪英汉〔decoy〕They decoyed him into (going into) a dark street.他们诱骗他走进一条黑黝黝的街道。英汉大词典〔decoy〕They used a girl hitch-hiker as the decoy to get him to stop.他们用一名搭便车的女孩儿作诱饵让他停车。剑桥高阶〔lure〕A decoy used in catching animals, especially an artificial bait used in catching fish.诱饵,囵子:用来捕捉动物的诱饵,尤指用来捕捉鱼的人造诱饵美国传统〔lure〕Partisans dressed as simple farmers selling produce decoyed the soldiers into blistering crossfire.装扮成卖东西的普通农民的游击队员们把敌军诱入强大的交叉火力圈中。美国传统〔post-boost phase〕The period during which warheads and decoys are released from the last stage of a ballistic missile.发射时期:从弹道导弹尾部发射出弹头及假目标的时期美国传统〔stalking-horse〕Something used to cover one's true purpose; a decoy.掩饰:用于掩护某人真实目的某物;圈套美国传统〔stool pigeon〕A pigeon used as a decoy.囮鸽:用作引诱的鸽子美国传统〔stool pigeon〕Slang A person acting as a decoy or as an informer, especially one who is a spy for the police.【俚语】 眼线,卧底:引诱或告密的人,尤指警方的眼线美国传统He had been decoyed across the frontier and arrested as a spy. 他被诱骗越境,然后被当作间谍逮捕。译典通The missiles were decoyed into going off course by long metal strips which confused their radar.由于雷达被长条金属带干扰,导弹被诱导飞离轨道。剑桥国际They used a girl hitch-hiker as the decoy to get him to stop.他们用一个女孩要求搭车作诱饵骗他停下来。剑桥国际




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