

单词 develops
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕The company develops interactive software for schoolchildren. 该公司开发适用于学童的互动软件。朗文写作活用〔DEVELOP〕In some patients, the disease develops very slowly. 这种疾病在一些病人身上发展得很慢。朗文写作活用〔DEVELOP〕The interesting part of the movie is how the two women's relationship develops. 影片中的有趣之处是这两个女人之间的关系是怎样发展的。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕The baby develops very quickly during the first few weeks of pregnancy. 怀孕的头几个星期,宝宝发育得非常快。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕A child's intelligence develops rapidly between the ages of four and five. 孩子的智力在四到五岁间发展迅速。朗文写作活用〔LANGUAGE〕Every child develops the natural ability to use language. 每个儿童都逐渐具有使用语言的这种天生的能力。朗文写作活用〔THERE/NOT THERE〕The virus develops most quickly when antibodies are absent. 在缺乏抗体的情况下,这种病毒繁殖得最快。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕The research may lead to a better understanding of how the disease develops. 这项研究或许让人们更清楚地了解这种疾病是如何发展的。朗文写作活用〔acquired〕Of or relating to a disease, condition, or characteristic that is not congenital but develops after birth.后天的:非先天性而由后天发展的疾病、身体状况、症状的,或与其有关的美国传统〔animator〕One, such as an artist or a technician, who designs, develops, or produces an animated cartoon.动画片绘制者:设计、创作或制作动画片的人,如艺术家或技术人员美国传统〔argument〕The argument of the play develops with clarity.那个剧本的情节层次分明。英汉大词典〔astringency〕The process, in which the tea develops its characteristic astringency, is known as fermentation.茶形成其特有涩味的过程称为发酵。外研社新世纪〔astringent〕The process, in which the tea develops its characteristic astringency, is known as fermentation.茶开始散发涩味的过程称作发酵。柯林斯高阶〔biodiversification〕The process by which biodiversity develops or is increased within a region or a group of organisms.生物多样性进程:生物多样性在一地区或生物群发展或增多的进程美国传统〔blastema〕A mass of embryonic cells from which an organ or a body part develops, either in normal development or in the regeneration of a lost body part.胚基:身体某部分或一器官由此发育的一组胚胎细胞,或正常发育或失去的身体某部分的再生能力美国传统〔blastoderm〕The layer of cells formed by the cleavage of a fertilized mammalian egg. It later divides into the three germ layers from which the embryo develops.胚盘:由哺乳动物受精卵分裂而形成的细胞层。后期分裂为三层,胚胎由此发育美国传统〔blastoderm〕The layer of cells that develops on the surface of the yolk in an avian or reptilian egg and gives rise to the germinal disk from which the embryo develops.胚盘:鸟蛋或爬行动物卵的蛋黄表面的细胞层,胚盘由此形成,胚胎从胚盘发育美国传统〔blubber〕The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.幼鲸长了一层厚脂肪层以抵御寒冷的海水。外研社新世纪〔blubber〕The baby whale develops a thick layer of blubber to protect it from the cold sea.幼鲸长出一层厚厚的鲸脂,以抵御寒冷的海水。柯林斯高阶〔callus〕The hard bony tissue that develops around the ends of a fractured bone during healing.胼胝:愈合期间在断骨末端周围长起来的硬骨组织美国传统〔callus〕Undifferentiated tissue that develops on or around an injured or cut plant surface or in tissue culture.愈伤组织:在受损或受切植物表面上或周围或在组织培育中长出的尚未分化的组织美国传统〔capsule〕A dry, dehiscent fruit that develops from two or more united carpels.蒴果:裂开的干果,由两个或多个结合在一起的心皮发展而成美国传统〔careless〕If these are chipped by careless handling, rust soon develops.这些东西如果处理不小心被磕破, 很快就会生锈的。外研社新世纪〔certain〕As technology develops, the rates of success with the procedure are certain to improve.随着技术的进步,这道工序的成功率肯定会提高。韦氏高阶〔choriocarcinoma〕A malignant tumor that develops from trophoblast cells and usually occurs in the uterus.绒毛膜癌:从胚胎滋养层细胞发展的恶性肿瘤,常见于子宫美国传统〔clue〕This research might provide an important clue about how cancer develops.这项研究可能会为癌症成因提供重要线索。牛津搭配〔common denominator〕The two women find a common denominator and a friendship develops.这两位女士找到了彼此间的共同点, 一段友谊由此产生。外研社新世纪〔compensation〕Psychology Behavior that develops either consciously or unconsciously to offset a real or imagined deficiency, as in personality or physical ability.【心理学】 补偿行为:有意识或无意识地发展的行为,以抵消实际或想象的缺点,如在个性或身体能力上美国传统〔cryptographer〕One who uses, studies, or develops cryptographic systems and writings.加密员:使用、研究或改进密码系统和密码书写的人美国传统〔dermatome〕Embryology The part of a mesodermal somite from which the dermis develops.【胚胎学】 生皮节:中胚层体节上生长真皮的部分美国传统〔develop from〕A blossom develops from a bud.花朵是从蓓蕾孕育而开放的。21世纪英汉〔develop into〕The bud develops into a flower.蓓蕾会渐渐发育成为花朵。21世纪英汉〔developer〕A person who develops real estate, epecially by preparing a site for residential or commercial use.房地产开发者:发展房地产(尤指为居住或商业目的而开发土地)的人美国传统〔develop〕A blossom develops from a bud.花朵是从花蕾长大的。韦氏高阶〔develop〕A blossom develops from a bud.花朵由花蕾发育而成。英汉大词典〔develop〕As the story develops, Rex's character becomes much more complex than Tony's.随着故事的展开, 雷克斯的性格变得比托尼更加复杂。外研社新世纪〔develop〕Contact us if the machine develops a fault.如果机器出故障, 就联系我们。外研社新世纪〔develop〕He develops the concept/theory more fully in his book.他在书中对此概念/原理做了更为全面的论述。韦氏高阶〔develop〕Lung fever develops from flu.肺炎由流感引起。21世纪英汉〔develop〕She develops the theme more fully in her later books.她在后来写的书中更详尽地阐明了这个主题。牛津高阶〔develop〕The bud develops into a flower.蓓蕾会长成花朵。外研社新世纪〔develop〕The cell then develops into an embryo.细胞然后发育成胚胎。麦克米伦高阶〔develop〕The company develops and markets new software.这家公司开发并销售新软件。牛津高阶〔develop〕The plot develops further in the second episode.剧情在第二集进一步展开。麦克米伦高阶〔develop〕The plot develops slowly.阴谋慢慢败露。21世纪英汉〔develop〕With this instant film the picture develops in only one minute.用这种快速胶卷,照片仅用一分钟就会显影。21世纪英汉〔dry gangrene〕Gangrene that develops as a result of arterial obstruction and is characterized by mummification of the dead tissue and absence of bacterial decomposition.干性球疽:由于动脉阻塞而发生的坏疽,其特点为死组织干燥,无细菌引起的腐烂美国传统〔ectomere〕Any of the blastomeres from which the ectoderm develops.外裂球:任一种发育成外胚层的裂球美国传统〔elasticity〕Gluten develops elasticity in a dough.麸质使生面团有韧劲。外研社新世纪〔elasticity〕Gluten develops elasticity in a dough.麸质使生面团有韧劲。柯林斯高阶〔embryo sac〕The female gametophyte of a seed plant, within which the embryo develops.胚囊:种子植物的雌性配偶体,胚胎在其中发育美国传统〔entoblast〕Any of the blastomeres of an embryo from which the endoderm develops.内胚层:指任何可生长成内胚层的胚胎分裂球美国传统〔epitasis〕The middle part of a play that develops the action leading to the catastrophe.剧情发展部分:戏剧中间部分,把情节推向高潮美国传统〔fascicular cambium〕Cambium that develops within the vascular bundle.簇生层:在瓶状体束内形成的层美国传统〔forebrain〕The segment of the adult brain that develops from the embryonic forebrain and includes the cerebrum, thalamus, and hypothalamus.前脑部分:成人大脑的一部分,由前脑胚胎发育而成,包括大脑、下丘脑及丘脑美国传统〔globalize〕As the economy develops, it will continue to globalize.随着经济的发展,全球化进程会继续深入。剑桥高阶〔harmony〕We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.我们必须确保旅游业与环境和谐发展。剑桥高阶〔immunity〕A strong immunity to reinfection develops after one year.一年后会产生强大的免疫力,抵御再度感染。牛津搭配〔imperceptible〕The disease develops gradually and imperceptibly.这种疾病的发展缓慢且难以察觉。柯林斯高阶〔imperceptibly〕The disease develops gradually and imperceptibly.这种疾病发展缓慢且难以察觉。外研社新世纪〔jet engine〕An engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products.喷气式发动机:一种用喷射流体来产生推进力的发动机,尤其指燃烧气体的喷气式发动机美国传统〔lag〕This is a second-rate novel, because the readers' interest lags when the plot develops.这是本二流小说,因为当情节发展时读者的兴趣却在减弱。21世纪英汉〔leaf primordium〕A lateral outgrowth from the apical meristem that develops into a leaf.叶基:从顶端分生组织中生出的侧部突起,最终发育成叶子美国传统〔mesomere〕The middle zone of the mesoderm of a chordate vertebrate embryo, from which excretory tissue develops.中胚叶节:脊索类脊椎动物胚胎的中胚层的中间部分,最终会发育成排泄组织美国传统〔myelencephalon〕The posterior portion of the embryonic hindbrain, from which the medulla oblongata develops.末脑:胚胎期后脑的后部,延髓在此发育美国传统〔nephridium〕The excretory organ of a vertebrate embryo from which the kidney develops.原肾:脊椎动物胚胎的排泄器官,肾由此发展而来美国传统〔neural crest〕The part of the ectoderm in a vertebrate embryo that lies on either side of the neural tube and develops into the cranial, spinal, and autonomic ganglia.神经脊:脊椎动物胚胎外胚层的一部分。位于神经管的两侧,并逐步发展成头颅神经元、脊髓神经元、自主神经系统神经元美国传统〔neuroblast〕An embryonic cell from which a nerve cell develops.成神经细胞:发育成神经细胞的胚胎细胞美国传统〔nidus〕A point or place at which something originates, accumulates, or develops, as the center around which salts of calcium, uric acid, or bile acid form calculi.发源地:某些东西发源、积聚或发展的地方,比如钙盐、尿酸或胆汁酸形成结石的中心美国传统〔norm〕Each culture develops its own social norms.每种文化都会形成自己的社会行为规范。麦克米伦高阶〔notochord〕A similar structure in embryos of higher vertebrates, from which the spinal column develops.脊索:更为高等的脊椎动物胚胎中的类似结构,脊椎骨由此发育美国传统〔offset〕Botany A shoot that develops laterally at the base of a plant, often rooting to form a new plant.【植物学】 侧枝,短匐茎:在一株植物根基部旁侧着生长而成的新植株的嫩枝,通常用来生成一新植株美国传统〔olfactory〕This olfactory sense develops in the womb.这一嗅觉在子宫内形成。外研社新世纪〔olfactory〕This olfactory sense develops in the womb.这一嗅觉在子宫内形成。柯林斯高阶〔oocyte〕A cell from which an egg or ovum develops by meiosis; a female gametocyte.卵母细胞:一种通过分裂产生卵子的细胞,是一种雌性配子母细胞美国传统〔opposed〕This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to(= rather than)strength.这项锻炼不是增强力量,而是增强柔韧性的。牛津高阶〔organically〕Real democracy develops organically around a set of shared interests.真正的民主围绕是共同利益自然发展的。外研社新世纪〔otocyst〕The structure formed by invagination of the embryonic ectodermal tissue that develops into the inner ear.听泡,听囊:由于发育入内耳的未成熟胚层组织套叠所形成的结构美国传统〔over〕It's fascinating to watch how a baby changes and develops over time (= as time passes).看着一个婴儿随着时间流逝而成长真是件奇妙的事。剑桥高阶〔ovule〕Botany A minute structure in seed plants, containing the embryo sac and surrounded by the nucellus, that develops into a seed after fertilization.【植物学】 胚珠:种子植物的一个小的结构,含有胚囊并被珠心所包围,施肥后长成种子美国传统〔pace〕The novel lacks pace(= it develops too slowly).这部小说缺乏节奏感。牛津高阶〔parthenogenesis〕A form of reproduction in which an unfertilized egg develops into a new individual, occurring commonly among insects and certain other arthropods.单性生殖,孤雌生殖:一种配子未经受精就能发育成新个体的生殖方式,常用于昆虫和某些其它类节肢动物中美国传统〔procercoid〕A larval stage of certain tapeworms that typically develops in the body cavity of a copepod.原尾幼虫:假叶目及一些其他绦虫的实体第一寄生虫,通常在桡足类的体腔中发育美国传统〔proctodeum〕An inward fold on the surface of the embryonic ectoderm that develops into part of the anal passage.原肛肛道:胚胎消化道表面的凹陷,发育成直肠的一部分美国传统〔proplastid〕A cytoplasmic organelle from which a plastid develops.提取美国传统〔puberty〕At puberty, pubic hair develops and girls begin to menstruate.青春期时,阴毛开始生长,女孩开始月经来潮。剑桥高阶〔radicle〕Botany The part of a plant embryo that develops into a root.【植物学】 胚根,小根:能长成根部的植物胚部分美国传统〔razor bump〕A small swelling that develops when the sharpened point of a razor-cut hair shaft grows back into the skin, sometimes resulting in inflammation and infection.剃刀突块:当被刮胡刀刮过的毛杆的削尖点,又开始长出皮肤时,所产生的小突起,有时候会引起发炎和感染美国传统〔reaction engine〕An engine that develops thrust by the focused expulsion of matter, especially ignited fuel gases.喷气发动机:主要是由点燃的气体燃料集中喷发产生推力后发动的机器美国传统〔realistic〕The film starts off realistically and then develops into a ridiculous fantasy.电影以写实开头,然后却发展成为荒诞的幻想。柯林斯高阶〔rendzina〕A dark soil that develops under grass on limestone and chalk.黑色石灰土:在石灰岩和石灰上生长的草下形成的黑色土壤美国传统〔roll〕Roll on the day someone develops an effective vaccine against malaria.盼望有一天有人会研制出一种能有效预防疟疾的疫苗。柯林斯高阶〔simple fruit〕A fruit, such as a pea pod, an orange, or a tomato, that develops from a single pistil.单果:由一个单个雌蕊长成的果实,如豆荚果、桔子或西红柿美国传统〔slug〕A slimy mass of aggregated amoeboid cells from which the sporophore of a cellular slime mold develops.粘稠变形细胞:一团粘稠的凝集的变形细胞,从其中可以发育出一种粉滑的细胞霉菌的孢囊柱美国传统〔springwood〕Young, usually soft wood that lies directly beneath the bark and develops in early spring.春材,早材:紧贴树皮的又嫩又软的木材,早春成长美国传统〔stick around〕Stick around a while and see what develops.再留一会儿, 看看会发生什么。外研社新世纪〔stick around〕Stick around a while and see what develops.呆上一会儿,看看会发生什么。柯林斯高阶〔string together〕As speech develops, the child starts to string more words together.随着语言能力不断发展,孩子开始把更多的词连起来说。柯林斯高阶〔transmit〕The power which an engine develops is transmitted to the wheels.引擎产生的动力传递到车轮。英汉大词典〔velum〕Zoology A ciliated swimming organ that develops in certain larval stages of most marine gastropod mollusks.【动物学】 游泳盘:大多数海洋腹足纲软体动物的某些幼体阶段形成的一种有纤毛的游泳器官美国传统〔vitelline membrane〕The membrane that develops around an oocyte in insects, mollusks, amphibians, and birds.卵黄膜:环绕昆虫、软件动物、两栖类动物和鸟类的卵母细胞生长的膜美国传统〔watch〕The government is keeping a close watch on how the situation develops.政府正在密切注视着形势的发展。牛津高阶〔zygote〕The organism that develops from a zygote. 从受精卵发育而成的有机体美国传统Abbott Laboratories discovers, develops, manufactures and sells health-care products.美国雅培公司发明、开发、制造和销售保健产品。牛津商务At puberty, pubic hair develops and girls begin to menstruate.在青春期时,阴毛开始生长,女孩开始月经来潮。剑桥国际Cancer of the tongue develops most often in heavy users of alcohol and tobacco.舌癌大多长在烟酒瘾极大的人身上。剑桥国际It's fascinating to watch how a baby changes and develops over time (= as time passes).看着一个婴儿随着时间的流逝而发育变化是件有趣 的事。剑桥国际Metal fatigue is a weakness which develops in a metal structure that has been subjected to many repeated stresses.金属疲劳是金属结构在受到许多反复的应力之后产生的一种软弱状态。剑桥国际Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能使肌肉发达。译典通The company develops and markets new software.这公司开发并销售新软件。牛津商务We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.我们必须确保旅游业与环境同步发展。剑桥国际




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