

单词 crude
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔approximation〕a rough / crude approximation (=one that is not very exact) 粗略的估算朗文当代〔crudely〕crude language.粗俗的语言柯林斯高阶〔crudely〕crude sexual jokes.荤段子柯林斯高阶〔crudely〕crude wooden boxes.简陋的木盒子柯林斯高阶〔crude〕crude fruit 生果英汉大词典〔crude〕crude fruit extracts天然水果提取物外研社新世纪〔crude〕crude interference in another country's internal affairs 对别国内政的粗暴干涉英汉大词典〔crude〕crude jokes/language 粗俗的笑话╱语言牛津高阶〔crude〕crude language.不雅的语言。牛津同义词〔crude〕crude oil.原油。牛津同义词〔crude〕crude oil/metal 原油;未经提炼的金属牛津高阶〔crude〕crude rubber 天然橡胶英汉大词典〔crude〕crude rubber; 天然橡胶;美国传统〔crude〕crude sexual jokes荤段子外研社新世纪〔crude〕crude woodwork 粗制木器英汉大词典〔crude〕crude workmanship 粗糙的工艺朗文当代〔crude〕crude workmanship.粗陋的手工。牛津同义词〔crude〕a crude answer 直率的回答英汉大词典〔crude〕a crude device/weapon 简陋的装置/粗制的武器剑桥高阶〔crude〕a crude drawing of a face 脸部的略图牛津高阶〔crude〕a crude estimate of the population available for work 对可用劳力的人数的粗略估计朗文当代〔crude〕a crude home-made bomb 粗糙的自制炸弹麦克米伦高阶〔crude〕a crude instrument/drawing 简陋的器械;粗略的草图韦氏高阶〔crude〕a crude joke 粗鄙的笑话英汉大词典〔crude〕a crude notion 不成熟的想法英汉大词典〔crude〕a crude remark 粗鲁的话英汉大词典〔crude〕a crude remark/comment 粗俗的话/评论剑桥高阶〔crude〕a crude shack 简陋的窝棚英汉大词典〔crude〕a crude sketch 粗略的草图英汉大词典〔crude〕a crude summary of the country's history 这个国家历史的概述韦氏高阶〔crude〕a crude theory 不成熟的理论韦氏高阶〔crude〕a crude wooden bridge 粗糙的木桥朗文当代〔crude〕must face the crude truth.必须面对真相美国传统〔crude〕the crude birth rate 概约出生率英汉大词典〔crude〕the crude facts 赤裸裸的事实英汉大词典〔downstream〕a concerted effort to move the economy beyond crude oil into downstream industries共同努力使经济从原油开采向下游产业转型外研社新世纪〔escalation〕the rapid escalation of the price of crude oil原油价格的飞速上涨外研社新世纪〔iron〕crude iron 生铁英汉大词典〔lingo〕an author who writes in a lurid lingo, freely punctuated with crude expletives.文笔间充斥着低俗的暗语和随兴插入的粗话的作者柯林斯高阶〔load〕loaded the tanker with crude oil.把原油装入坦克美国传统〔native〕aboriginal nature. See also Synonyms at crude 原始土著人的天性 参见同义词 crude美国传统〔offensive〕crude jokes that are offensive to women 冒犯女士的粗鄙笑话朗文当代〔petroleum〕crude [raw] petroleum 原油文馨英汉〔process〕to process crude oil.原油加工。牛津同义词〔raw〕raw wool.See Synonyms at crude 粗制羊毛 参见 crude美国传统〔refine〕refine crude oil into various petroleum products 将原油炼制成各种石油产品英汉大词典〔ribbon〕an African tribal chieftain ribboned with crude facial tattoos脸上有一条条粗犷刺青的非洲部落首领外研社新世纪〔royalty〕the royalty levied on crude oil 对原油征收的开采权使用费英汉大词典〔rude〕a crude drawing; 粗糙的画;美国传统〔soft〕the soft market for crude 疲软的原油市场英汉大词典〔surplus〕a surplus of crude oil 原油过剩朗文当代〔surplus〕a worldwide surplus of crude oil世界范围的原油过剩外研社新世纪〔tanker〕a tanker carrying thousands of tons of crude oil 运载数千吨原油的油轮牛津搭配〔wellhead〕a wellhead tax on crude oil 原油的井口税英汉大词典a build-up in stocks of crude oil 原油库存的逐渐增加牛津商务a rise in crude prices 原油价格上涨牛津商务an integrated oil company that digs for and refines crude oil and natural gas products 开采和精炼原油和天然气产品的大型石油(联合)公司牛津商务the forward market for crude oil 原油远期市场牛津商务the refining of crude oil 原油的精炼牛津商务




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