

单词 de
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Cologne〕the scent of eau de Cologne that all the men wore所有那些男人身上搽过的古龙水的香味外研社新世纪〔Cordillera de Talamanca〕a mountain range of southern Costa Rica extending southeast into western Panama.达拉曼卡德科迪勒拉山:哥斯达黎加南部向东南延伸至巴拿马西部的一列山脉美国传统〔Luiseño〕from San Luis Rey de Francia, a mission in southern California 源自圣 路易斯 瑞·德·弗兰西亚,加利福尼亚南部的一个传教团体 美国传统〔accurately〕his maliciously accurate imitation of Hubert de Burgh.他对休伯特·德伯格到位的恶搞模仿柯林斯高阶〔asymmetry〕the asymmetry of Van de Velde's designs of this period.范德费尔德这一时期设计作品的不对称性柯林斯高阶〔asymmetry〕the asymmetry of Van de Velde's designs of this period范德费尔德这一时期设计作品的不对称性外研社新世纪〔author〕the French author Simone de Beauvoir法国作家西蒙娜•德• 波伏瓦外研社新世纪〔comparison〕the only post-war French intellectual who stands comparison with De Tocqueville.法国战后唯一能与德·托克维尔相媲美的知识分子柯林斯高阶〔comparison〕the only post-war French intellectual who stands comparison with De Tocqueville战后唯一一位能与德•托克维尔相提并论的法国知识分子外研社新世纪〔conglomeration〕the loose conglomeration of artists known as L'Ecole de Paris 名为“巴黎画派”的松散的艺术家团体朗文当代〔convulsion〕the political convulsions that led to de Gaulle's return to power in May 1958*1958年5月令戴高乐重新掌权的政治骚乱外研社新世纪〔convulsion〕the political convulsions that led to de Gaulle's return to power in May 1958.促使戴高乐在1958年5月重新上台的政治动乱柯林斯高阶〔crème de la crème〕the crème de la crème of Scotland's young artists 苏格兰年轻艺术家中的精英麦克米伦高阶〔crème de la crème〕the crème de la crème of fashion designers时尚设计师中的精英外研社新世纪〔de facto〕de facto government policies 政府实际执行的政策韦氏高阶〔de facto〕de facto segregation.事实上的隔离美国传统〔de facto〕a de facto government.事实政府美国传统〔de facto〕a de facto husband事实上的丈夫外研社新世纪〔de facto〕a de facto state of war 事实上的战争状态韦氏高阶〔de facto〕a de facto state of war 实际存在的战争状态朗文当代〔de facto〕using her de facto's surname使用她事实丈夫的姓外研社新世纪〔de jure〕de jure authority 合法当局韦氏高阶〔de jure〕politicians and kings, de jure leaders of men.政客和国王,人类法律上的领导者柯林斯高阶〔de jure〕politicians and kings, de jure leaders of men政治家和国王, 人民的合法领导者外研社新世纪〔de jure〕the end of de jure segregation 法律上的种族隔离的终结韦氏高阶〔de luxe〕a de luxe automobile; deluxe accommodations.豪华小轿车;豪华居室美国传统〔de luxe〕a de luxe hotel 豪华旅馆牛津高阶〔de luxe〕traveling de luxe.豪华旅行美国传统〔de rigueur〕the gleaming white teeth that are de rigueur for movie stars 影星所必不可少的亮白牙齿朗文当代〔deluxe〕exclusive fashion de luxe for the businesswoman.专为商界女士设计的高档时装柯林斯高阶〔enterprise〕an enterprise culture(= in which people are encouraged to de velop small businesses) 经商文化(鼓励发展小型企业)牛津高阶〔fabled〕the fabled movie director Cecil B. De Mille 传奇式的电影导演塞西尔‧B‧德米尔剑桥高阶〔fiacre〕after the Hôtel de Saint Fiacre in Paris 源自旅馆德·圣 菲阿克 ,位于巴黎 美国传统〔frappé〕a chocolate/strawberry/crème de menthe frappé 冰镇巧克力/草莓/薄荷甜酒饮料剑桥高阶〔hitter〕friendships with heavy hitters like European industrialist Carlo De Benedetti.和欧洲实业家卡洛·德·贝内代蒂等大人物的友谊柯林斯高阶〔hitter〕friendships with heavy hitters like European industrialist Carlo De Benedetti与像欧洲实业家卡洛•德•贝内代蒂这样的重要人物的友谊外研社新世纪〔incongruity〕the incongruity between de Gaulle's ambitions and the needs of the nation 戴高乐的雄心与国家需要之间的不一致麦克米伦高阶〔leg〕the final leg of the Tour de France 环法自行车赛的最后一程朗文当代〔luminary〕the political opinions of such luminaries as Sartre or de Beauvoir.诸如萨特、波伏娃等大家的政见柯林斯高阶〔maliciously〕his maliciously accurate imitation of Hubert de Burgh.他对休伯特·德伯格惟妙惟肖的恶意模仿柯林斯高阶〔metro〕short for (chemin de fer) métropolitain [metropolitan (railway)] (chemin de fer) métropolitain的简写 [大都市(铁路)] 美国传统〔morale〕the esprit de corps of a football team. 足球队的集体精神 美国传统〔nom de guerre〕a Serb militia leader who goes by the nom de guerre Arkan.化名为阿坎的塞尔维亚民兵组织领袖柯林斯高阶〔nom de guerre〕a militia leader who goes by the nom de guerre Arkan一位化名阿尔坎的民兵领导人外研社新世纪〔plaster cast〕a plaster cast of the Venus de Milo.“米洛的维纳斯”的石膏模型柯林斯高阶〔plaster cast〕a plaster cast of the Venus de Milo“米洛的维纳斯”的石膏模型外研社新世纪〔pretender〕the Comte de Paris, pretender to the French throne.巴黎伯爵,觊觎法国王位之人柯林斯高阶〔pretender〕the Comte de Paris, pretender to the French throne巴黎伯爵, 法国王位觊觎者外研社新世纪〔replica〕a plaster replica of the Venus de Milo 米洛的维纳斯像的石膏模型 英汉大词典〔sado-masochism〕the sado-masochism of the Marquis de Sade.萨德侯爵的施虐受虐性格柯林斯高阶〔tour de force〕a cinematic tour de force 电影杰作牛津高阶〔tour de force〕a literary/technological/diplomatic tour de force 文学/科技/外交杰作麦克米伦高阶〔tour de force〕a technical/musical/political tour de force 技术/音乐/政治上的杰作剑桥高阶〔vaudeville〕possibly short for chanson du Vau de Vire [song of Vau de Vire, a valley of northwest France] 可能为 chanson du Vau de Vire的简写 [瓦德维尔之歌,法国西南部的一个山谷] 美国传统〔version〕the de luxe/luxury version 豪华型牛津高阶〔veto〕de Gaulle's veto on the British application to join the EEC 戴高乐对英国加入欧洲经济共同体的否决朗文当代〔whoop〕young enthusiasts whooping it up for De Gaulle 为戴高乐欢呼的狂热青年英汉大词典




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