

单词 cultivation
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔acreage〕acreage under cultivation 耕地面积英汉大词典〔cultivate〕the cultivation of a positive approach to life and health.培养积极的生活方式和保健方式柯林斯高阶〔cultivate〕the cultivation of crops 庄稼的种植韦氏高阶〔cultivate〕the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.水果和蔬菜的种植柯林斯高阶〔cultivation〕a man of charm and cultivation 既有魅力又有教养的男子英汉大词典〔cultivation〕allow land to go out of cultivation 任土地荒芜英汉大词典〔cultivation〕bring land into cultivation 开垦土地文馨英汉〔cultivation〕land under cultivation 耕地,开垦地文馨英汉〔cultivation〕rice/wheat, etc. cultivation 水稻、小麦等的种植牛津高阶〔cultivation〕soil cultivation 土地开垦朗文当代〔cultivation〕the cultivation of a good relationship with local firms 发展与当地公司的良好关系牛津高阶〔cultivation〕the cultivation of a positive approach to life and health积极生活和保健方式的养成外研社新世纪〔cultivation〕the cultivation of an enterprise culture企业文化的培养外研社新世纪〔cultivation〕the cultivation of fruits and vegetables水果和蔬菜的种植外研社新世纪〔cultivation〕the cultivation of good manners 礼貌习惯的养成英汉大词典〔cultivation〕the cultivation of the land.田地的耕作。牛津同义词〔cultivation〕the cultivation of tobacco 烟草种植朗文当代〔cultivation〕the cultivation of vegetables 蔬菜的栽培文馨英汉〔cultivation〕the land under cultivation 耕种的土地英汉大词典〔ennoble〕a belief that cultivation of the fine and liberal arts could ennoble the human spirit一种认为艺术和人文修养可使人类灵魂变得高尚的看法外研社新世纪〔feasible〕land feasible for cultivation 适宜耕种的土地英汉大词典〔intensive〕deep ploughing and intensive cultivation 深耕细作英汉大词典〔opening up〕the opening up of new areas to cultivation 开拓新的地区供耕作朗文当代〔soilless〕the soilless cultivation of plants 作物的无土栽培英汉大词典〔under〕land under cultivation [tillage, the plow] 耕地文馨英汉




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