

单词 corpus luteum
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔corpus albicans〕The white fibrous scar tissue in an ovary that results after the involution and regression of the corpus luteum.白色纤维疤:停经和黄体退化后产生在子宫内的白色纤维疤组织美国传统〔human chorionic gonadotropin〕A hormone produced by the placenta that maintains the corpus luteum during pregnancy.人绒毛膜促性腺激素:怀孕期间胎盘分泌的一种激素,能够保持体内体黄素平衡美国传统〔luteal〕Of, relating to, or involving the corpus luteum.黄体素的:黄体素的、关于或涉及黄体素的美国传统〔luteinize〕To cause the production of a corpus luteum in.促使黄体素在……中生成美国传统〔luteinize〕To develop into or become part of the corpus luteum.转化成黄体素或成为黄体的一部分美国传统〔lutein〕A dried preparation of corpus luteum.黄体素的干燥制剂美国传统〔progestin〕A crude hormone of the corpus luteum from which progesterone can be isolated in pure form. No longer in scientific use.黄体酮:卵巢的原始黄体荷尔蒙,其中黄体荷尔蒙以纯净的形态被隔离。它已不再用于科研美国传统〔pseudopregnancy〕A condition resembling pregnancy that occurs in some mammals, marked by persistence of the corpus luteum and usually following infertile copulation.假孕:发生在某些哺乳动物身上的类似于怀孕的状态,以不断分泌黄体素为特征,通常发生在不育性交配以后美国传统〔relaxin〕A female hormone secreted by the corpus luteum that helps soften the cervix and relax the pelvic ligaments in childbirth.耻骨松弛激素:由身体卵巢分泌的雌性荷尔蒙,能帮助生产时放松子宫颈并且放松骨盆韧带美国传统




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