

单词 cooperate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕The women refused to cooperate with store detectives, and we had to send for the police. 那些妇女拒绝与商店保安人员合作,我们只得去叫警察来。朗文写作活用〔Congress〕We want to cooperate with both the administration and Congress.我们既想与政府合作,也想与国会合作。柯林斯高阶〔OBVIOUS〕It became clear after talking to him that Andrew wasn't going to cooperate. 跟他谈了之后就清楚了,安德鲁不会合作。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Finance ministers and central bankers agreed to cooperate closely to sustain the strength of the pound. 财长和中央银行家同意紧密合作,保持英镑的坚挺。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The president said that Mexico would continue to cooperate with the US in the fight against drugs. 总统称墨西哥将会继续与美国合作,打击毒品。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Traditionally management has called upon workers to cooperate in increasing productivity. 管理层历来要求工人配合,提高产量。朗文写作活用〔as long as〕I will cooperate as long as I am notified on time.只要及时告诉我,我就会合作美国传统〔ask〕It would be better if he cooperated, but perhaps I'm asking too much.要是他合作就好了,不过,也许我要求过分了。朗文当代〔billing〕The two companies cooperate in meter reading, billing and collection of accounts.这两家公司在抄表、开账单和收账方面进行合作。英汉大词典〔chew〕John couldn't get the guy to cooperate and so I had to call and chew him out.约翰无法让那个家伙配合,因此我只得打电话去训斥了他一顿。朗文当代〔collaborate〕To cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one's country.勾结:叛逆地合作,如同侵占自己国家的敌人合作美国传统〔compulsion〕We should be able to get them to cooperate without using compulsion.我们应该可以不使用强制手段就让他们合作。韦氏高阶〔concur〕To act together; cooperate.合作:共同行动;合作美国传统〔cooperate〕A two-year old is likely to refuse to cooperate when you tell her to get dressed.你让两岁的小女孩穿衣服的时候,她很可能不配合。剑桥高阶〔cooperate〕He agreed/refused to cooperate with the police.他同意/拒绝与警方配合。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕He has said he will cooperate fully with the police enquiries.他说他对警方的调查将全力配合。牛津搭配〔cooperate〕High interest rates and a rapid rise in inflation cooperated to bring about the economic decline.高利率加上飞速的通货膨胀引起经济衰退。英汉大词典〔cooperate〕I advised my client to cooperate fully with the police.我建议我的当事人要全力与警方配合。朗文当代〔cooperate〕If the proposal is sensible and reasonable they should cooperate.如果提议合情合理,他们就应该合作。麦克米伦高阶〔cooperate〕It will be much easier if everyone cooperates.大家齐心协力,事情就会好办多了。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕Let's all cooperate to get the work done quickly.让我们通力合作使这项工作迅速完成。21世纪英汉〔cooperate〕Lions cooperate with each other when hunting game.狮子在捕猎时相互配合。朗文当代〔cooperate〕Local people decided to cooperate with the authorities against the rebels.当地人决定和当局联合起来反对叛乱分子。麦克米伦高阶〔cooperate〕Several organizations cooperated in the relief efforts.在救援行动中,多个组织通力协作。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕The Spanish authorities cooperated with the British police in finding the terrorists.西班牙当局与英国警方相互配合搜捕恐怖分子。剑桥高阶〔cooperate〕The army, navy, and air force cooperated in the assault.陆海空三军协同实施突击。英汉大词典〔cooperate〕The children cooperated with their parents in preparing for the guests.孩子们和父母一起为迎接客人作准备。英汉大词典〔cooperate〕The church seeks to cooperate closely with local schools.教会寻求与当地学校的紧密协作。朗文当代〔cooperate〕The company has agreed to cooperate in the development of this technology.该公司已经同意共同开发这项技术。麦克米伦高阶〔cooperate〕The company has agreed to cooperate with the employment survey.这家公司已同意配合进行就业调查。牛津搭配〔cooperate〕The country agreed to cooperate with the other nations on the trade agreement.这个国家同意与其他国家共同签署贸易协定。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕The mother asked the child to put on his pajamas, but the child refused to cooperate.妈妈叫孩子穿上睡衣,但这孩子就是不听话。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕The two companies have cooperated in joint ventures for the past several years.两家公司在过去几年中合作经营合资企业。剑桥高阶〔cooperate〕The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other.这两个组同意相互协作。牛津高阶〔cooperate〕The two universities are to cooperate in the development of a new industrial process.这两所大学将合作研发一个新的工业流程。朗文当代〔cooperate〕Their captors told them they would be killed unless they cooperated.抓住他们的人说如果他们不配合就杀掉他们。牛津高阶〔cooperate〕They had cooperated closely in the planning of the project.他们曾密切合作,共同规划这一项目。牛津高阶〔cooperate〕They said they would cooperate fully with the investigation.他们说他们会全力配合调查。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕They threatened to harm him if he didn't cooperate.他们威胁说,如果他不配合,他们就会伤害他。麦克米伦高阶〔cooperate〕Various circumstances cooperated to make him a great artist.各种不同环境共同促使他成为一个伟大的艺术家。21世纪英汉〔cooperate〕When buyers cooperate, they can make large wholesale purchases at a discount.如果购买者联合起来,他们可以打折扣买大批的批发商品美国传统〔cooperate〕Witnesses were willing/unwilling to cooperate.目击者愿意/不愿意配合调查。韦氏高阶〔cry off〕Mr White had promised to cooperate with us, but he cried off at the last minute.怀特先生本来答应与我们合作,但最后一刻打了退堂鼓。21世纪英汉〔dearly〕If you refuse to cooperate with us, you will pay dearly for it.如果拒绝与我们合作,那么你将为此付出沉重代价。剑桥高阶〔declare〕During our meeting, he indicated his willingness to cooperate.在我们会晤期间,他提及了合作的意愿。牛津高阶〔factor〕A complicating factor is her parents' refusal to cooperate with the police.她的父母拒不与警方合作,这使情况变复杂了。牛津搭配〔foot-dragging〕It's been 16 months of foot-dragging and unwillingness to cooperate.故意拖延和不愿合作的情况已经持续16个月了。外研社新世纪〔footsie〕To cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or devious way.搞秘密交易:以一种秘密的或不正当的途径合作或搞交易美国传统〔formalize〕The treaty formalized the two countries' agreement to cooperate.这个条约使得两个国家的合作协议正式生效。外研社新世纪〔forthcoming〕Candid and willing to cooperate.坦率的,乐于合作的美国传统〔fully〕He cooperated fully with the police.他与警方全力合作。剑桥高阶〔further〕He stated further that he would not cooperate with the committee.他进一步指出他不愿与委员会合作美国传统〔hesitate〕He hesitated he would cooperate with the police.他不情愿地表示他愿和警方合作。21世纪英汉〔hinder〕The witness refused to cooperate, hindering the investigation.目击者拒绝配合,妨碍了调查。韦氏高阶〔impossible〕Helen's refusal to cooperate put me in an impossible position .海伦拒绝合作,使我进退两难。朗文当代〔indicate〕He indicated his willingness to cooperate.他暗示愿意合作。牛津高阶〔indicate〕In his letter he indicated to us (that) he was willing to cooperate.他在信中向我们透露他愿意合作。牛津高阶〔indicate〕The Russians have already indicated their willingness to cooperate.俄国人已经表明了愿意合作的意向。朗文当代〔indicate〕They have indicated their willingness/desire to cooperate.他们简要表达了合作的意愿。韦氏高阶〔informal〕They cooperate with other groups on an informal basis.他们与其他团体展开了民间合作。麦克米伦高阶〔insist〕The school insists that it is doing everything it can to cooperate.校方坚持认为自己正在尽一切努力合作。麦克米伦高阶〔insofar〕They cooperated fully insofar that many of their projects were jointly conducted.他们只在许多共同进行的研究项目方面通力合作。英汉大词典〔interest〕It is in your best interest to cooperate. She kept her own interests in mind.合作对你最有利。她心存私欲美国传统〔interest〕It's in their own interests to cooperate.对你(自己)有好处麦克米伦高阶〔line〕He says he'll cooperate, but I don't know how much longer we can keep him in line.他说会合作,但我不知道他会和我们合作多久。韦氏高阶〔navy〕The US, British, and French navies have cooperated.美、英、法三国的海军已进行合作。外研社新世纪〔noncooperation〕Failure or refusal to cooperate, especially nonviolent civil disobedience against a government or an occupying power.不合作:不合作或拒绝合作,尤指非暴力反抗政府或强权力量美国传统〔organization〕A structure through which individuals cooperate systematically to conduct business.组织:一群人有系统地合作以开展活动的所建立的结构美国传统〔pay〕It pays to cooperate with them.跟他们合作是合算的。文馨英汉〔physical〕Are you going to cooperate or do we have to get physical? 你是合作呢,还是要我们动手?牛津高阶〔pitch〕To join forces with others; help or cooperate.协力,做贡献:配合他人;帮助或合作美国传统〔refuse〕Gerard refused point-blank to cooperate.杰勒德断然拒绝合作。牛津搭配〔should〕I said that I should be happy to cooperate with the investigation.我说我会很乐意配合调查。麦克米伦高阶〔stonewall〕To refuse to answer or cooperate.拒绝回答或合作美国传统〔synchronize〕All of the branches of the firm should be synchronized and cooperated.公司各部门应该协调合作。21世纪英汉〔terrorism〕Governments must cooperate if they are to fight/combat international terrorism.要打击国际恐怖主义,各国政府必须合作。剑桥高阶〔ticketing〕The two airlines will cooperate on ticketing and schedules.两家航空公司将在票务和航班安排上展开合作。外研社新世纪〔ticketing〕The two airlines will cooperate on ticketing and schedules.两家航空公司将在票务和航班安排上展开合作。柯林斯高阶〔understandable〕Their refusal to cooperate is perfectly/completely understandable, considering the circumstances.考虑到各种因素,他们拒绝合作是完全可以理解的。剑桥高阶〔unglued〕It was reported that she "came unglued" when she heard of his refusal to cooperate.据报道,当她得知他拒绝合作后情绪失控。剑桥高阶〔unwilling〕The witness was unwilling to cooperate.证人不愿意配合。韦氏高阶〔willingness〕Workers' leaders have expressed their willingness to cooperate.工人领袖表达了合作的意愿。牛津搭配〔withdrawal〕Despite the apparent willingness to cooperate, he sensed a withdrawal in her eyes.尽管她表面上愿意合作,但他觉得她的眼中有一种冷漠的神情。英汉大词典Governments must cooperate if they are to fight/combat international terrorism.如果各国政府想打击国际恐怖主义,就必须合作。剑桥国际He said that he had cooperated (fully/closely) with the government in its investigation.他声称和政府在调查中进行了密切配合。剑桥国际Her unwillingness to cooperate put me in a quandary. 她不愿合作,这使我陷入困境。译典通I don't know why they're refusing to cooperate with us. I suppose they're just being bloody-minded.我不知道他们为什么拒绝与我们合作。我认为他们完全是故意作对。剑桥国际I find it very hard to dress my two-year-old when she just refuses to cooperate.我发觉我两岁的女儿要是不配合我就很难给她穿衣服。剑桥国际She showed reluctance to cooperate with us. 她表示不愿与我们合作。译典通She stubbornly refused to cooperate. 她顽固地拒绝合作。译典通That pigheaded old man refused to cooperate with the neighbors. 那个固执的老头拒绝和邻居合作。译典通The Spanish authorities cooperated with the British police in finding the terrorists.西班牙当局和英国警方进行配合搜捕恐怖分子。剑桥国际The leader regarded such refusals to cooperate as insubordination.领导者认为这种拒绝合作就是不服从。剑桥国际The two companies have cooperated for the past several years in joint ventures.两家公司在过去几年中合作经营合资企业。剑桥国际Their indisposition to cooperate has made things very difficult.他们无意合作使事情非常难办。剑桥国际Their refusal to cooperate is perfectly/completely understandable, considering the circumstances.考虑到形势问题, 他们拒绝合作就完全不必大惊小怪了。剑桥国际They will begin to cooperate in the apprehension of these gangsters. 他们将合作捕捉这些歹徒。译典通They would not cooperate with him. 他们不愿与他合作。译典通This fully demonstrates their willingness to cooperate. 这充分表明他们愿意合作。译典通To my surprise, he refused to cooperate with us. 令我吃惊的是,他不肯与我们合作。译典通We could make life very miserable for you if you refuse to cooperate.如果你们拒绝合作,我们可以让你们生活得很痛苦。剑桥国际




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