

单词 discrepancy
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔difference〕discrepancy is a difference between things that should correspond or match, as a conflict in two accounts of an incident: Discrenpancy 是指本应一致或匹配的事物,因意外条件而不一致,造成了事物间的差异: 美国传统〔difference〕a discrepancy between what was promised and what was done. 所说的和所做的之间的差异 美国传统〔discrepancy〕a discrepancy between estimated and actual spending 预计开支和实际开支之间的差额麦克米伦高阶〔discrepancy〕a discrepancy between theory and practice 理论和实践的脱节英汉大词典〔discrepancy〕a discrepancy between two versions of a story.故事的两个说法有差异。牛津同义词〔discrepancy〕the discrepancy between press and radio reports.新闻和广播报道之间的出入柯林斯高阶〔discrepancy〕the discrepancy between press and radio reports新闻和广播报道之间的出入外研社新世纪〔discrepancy〕the glaring discrepancy between the crime and the punishment 罪与罚的严重不符牛津搭配〔prediction〕the discrepancy between the theoretical predictions and the results 理论预测和结果之间的差异牛津搭配〔soever〕how wide soever the discrepancy may be 无论差异怎么大文馨英汉




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