

单词 continuously
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕Shake the pan continuously until the almonds are lightly browned. 不断摇晃平底锅,直到杏仁微微焦黄。朗文写作活用〔NUMBER〕Statistics show that the number of women managers has risen continuously for the last 25 years. 统计数字显示女性经理人员的人数在过去25年里一直在上升。朗文写作活用〔PERSON/PEOPLE〕Jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited city known to man. 杰里科是人类已知最古老的一直有人居住的城市。朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕Rain fell continuously and turned the winding dirt road into a river of slippery mud. 雨下个不停,把这条蜿蜒曲折的土路变成了一条湿滑的泥流。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕Then add the olive oil, little by little, beating continuously until the sauce thickens. 然后加入橄榄油,一点一点地加,不停地搅打,直至酱汁变稠厚起来。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕The tiny gray-haired woman chattered continuously as she demonstrated how to make a tortilla. 那个灰头发的小个子女人一边示范怎么做薄玉米饼,一边喋喋不休地说话。朗文写作活用〔ating〕The machine is operating continuously.那台机器一直在不停地运转。21世纪英汉〔band saw〕A power saw used in woodworking, consisting essentially of a toothed metal band coupled to and continuously driven around the circumferences of two wheels.电动带锯:木工用的一种动力锯,基本上由一条齿状金属带联接在两个轮子的外周组成,并不断被驱动美国传统〔binge〕Thirty seven per cent of ecstasy users had binged on the drug, using it for 48 hours continuously.37%的摇头丸服用者毫无节制, 会在48小时内连续服食。外研社新世纪〔blast〕The driver blasted the horn continuously.驾车人不停地按喇叭。英汉大词典〔circle〕A series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle.循环,周而复始:结束在其起点或持续重复其自身的系列或过程;循环美国传统〔continuously〕It is the oldest continuously inhabited city in America.这是美国最古老的一直有人居住的城市。柯林斯高阶〔continuously〕It rained continuously for five days.雨连续不断地下了五天。文馨英汉〔continuously〕The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976.1976年以来, 内战的战火基本上没有停过。外研社新世纪〔continuously〕The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976.自从1976年开始,内战几乎没有中断过。柯林斯高阶〔continuously〕The volcano had been erupting continuously since March.三月以来这座火山反复喷发。外研社新世纪〔continuously〕The volcano has been erupting almost continuously since 1980.自1980年以来,这座火山几乎一直在喷发。韦氏高阶〔continuously〕They had to get up and close the door continuously.他们只得不断地起来关门。外研社新世纪〔continuous〕He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990.自从 1990 年以来,他差不多一直在法国居住和工作。牛津高阶〔continuous〕It rained continuously for five days.雨一连下了5天。麦克米伦高阶〔continuous〕UMNO had ruled Malaysia continuously since independence.马来西亚自独立以来一直由巫统领导。朗文当代〔day〕Every day without fail; continuously.不间断的每一天的;持续不断的美国传统〔day〕For many days; continuously.许多天的;持续不断的美国传统〔dread〕She lives in dread of (=is continuously very afraid of) the disease returning.她生活在恐惧之中,害怕旧病复发。朗文当代〔escalator〕A moving stairway consisting of steps attached to a continuously circulating belt.自动扶梯:附着在一个连续循环的带子上的带有台阶的移动楼梯美国传统〔everbearing〕Producing continuously, as a tree or shrub.连续结果的:四季结果的,如乔木或灌木美国传统〔eye〕To look at, especially attentively or continuously.注视,密切注意:注视,尤指专注的或不间断的美国传统〔flow〕Information flows continuously through the network.信息通过网络不断流动。牛津搭配〔heartbeat〕Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously.你的小宝宝将接受持续的心跳监测。外研社新世纪〔heartbeat〕Your baby's heartbeat will be monitored continuously.宝宝的心搏将会受到持续监控。柯林斯高阶〔infinitesimal〕Mathematics A function or variable continuously approaching zero as a limit.【数学】 近零:一个接近于零的函数或者变量美国传统〔jockey〕Rival trade union organizations continuously jockey for position.互相敌对的工会组织不断运用各种手段抢占有利地位。外研社新世纪〔leak〕Her eyes leaked continuously with the cold.她的眼睛因为感冒而不断流泪水。英汉大词典〔likelihood〕Staff have to calculate continuously the likelihood of danger.工作人员必须时刻估测危险发生的可能性。牛津搭配〔log〕This feature continuously updates the log as data is written.该功能随着数据的写入不断更新日志。牛津搭配〔moil〕To churn about continuously.连续搅拌美国传统〔on〕Without stopping; continuously.无间断地;连续不断地美国传统〔operate〕The machine can operate for 15 hours continuously at full power.这台机器能以最大功率连续运转 15 个小时。牛津搭配〔orientation〕The orientation of the planet's orbit is changing continuously.该行星轨道的方向不断变化。牛津高阶〔paternoster〕An elevator constructed of a series of doorless compartments hung on chains that move slowly and continuously, allowing passengers to step on and off at will.无门电梯:一种由一系列无门小室悬于链条上构成的电梯,缓慢而连续移动,乘客可自由进出美国传统〔peak〕Whip the cream continuously until it thickens and stands in peaks.不停搅打奶油,直到它变浓,像尖峰一样竖起来。麦克米伦高阶〔pirouette〕The ballet-dancer pirouetted continuously.芭蕾舞演员连续用脚尖旋转。21世纪英汉〔point〕Earlier reports pointed to pupils working harder, more continuously, and with enthusiasm.早些时候的报告显示学生学习更为刻苦、持久,并且怀有学习热情。柯林斯高阶〔pour〕To stream or flow continuously or profusely.涌流:源源不断地大量地流出美国传统〔reflux〕To boil (a liquid) in a vessel attached to a condenser so that the vapors continuously condense for reboiling.使回流:在一个与冷凝器相连的容器中煮沸(液体),使水蒸气不断冷凝以再次煮沸美国传统〔relay〕This system continuously monitors levels of radiation and relays the information to a central computer.这个系统不间断地监控辐射水平,并将信息传送到中央计算机。柯林斯高阶〔revolve〕Objects continuously revolve in space inspiring wonder and amazement.天体在太空中不停旋转, 引人惊奇。外研社新世纪〔rheostat〕A continuously variable electrical resistor used to regulate current.变阻器:用以调节电流的连续可变电阻器美国传统〔run〕Typical of stress is this feeling of being continuously on the run.这种一直奔波不停的感觉就是压力的典型表现。朗文当代〔sample〕The air is sampled continuously to measure changes in air pollution.会对空气持续地进行抽样检验,以检测空气污染的变化。麦克米伦高阶〔series〕A succession of usually continuously numbered issues or volumes of a publication, published with related authors or subjects and similar formats.丛书:以相关的作者或主题和相似的格式印刷,通常是连续编号的发行物或出版物的卷美国传统〔slide〕These verbs mean to move smoothly and continuously over or as if over a slippery surface.这些动词的意思是在或象在一个很滑的平面上平滑、连续地移动。美国传统〔spiral〕A curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point.螺线:平面上逐渐远离或靠近一固定中心点时不断回旋的曲线美国传统〔spiral〕A three-dimensional curve that turns around an axis at a constant or continuously varying distance while moving parallel to the axis; a helix.螺旋:当螺旋浆沿轴转动时,形成的以等距离或不断变化之距离绕轴转动的三维曲线美国传统〔spiral〕Circling around a center at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance.螺旋的:绕一中心作逐渐靠近或远离的旋绕的美国传统〔spout〕To discharge a liquid or other substance continuously or in spurts.流出来:连续地以喷流的形式流出液体或其他物质,喷出美国传统〔stand〕These are the first machines that can stand the wear and tear of continuously crushing glass.这些就是第一批能经受住不停碾碎玻璃所造成的磨损的机器。柯林斯高阶〔stir-fry〕To fry quickly in a small amount of oil over high heat while stirring continuously.爆炒:将少量的油加高温一边搅拌一边快炒美国传统〔stutter〕At last the small battles stuttered continuously for a month.最后,小的交火时断时续地又持续了一个月。21世纪英汉〔swell〕A long wave on water that moves continuously without breaking.连续起伏的波浪美国传统〔tablet〕The programme should not be set in tablets of stone, but improved continuously.此方案不应是铁板钉钉,而应可以不断改进。朗文当代〔tapered〕If you take these drugs continuously, withdrawal must be tapered.如果你一直在服用这些药,停药时一定要逐渐停。柯林斯高阶〔that〕They farm 85 hectares, and that continuously.他们耕种85公顷地,而且是连片的地。英汉大词典〔tolerance〕The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect; diminution in the response to a drug after prolonged use.耐药量:连续或大量吞服药物后不发生任何副作用的能力;长时间服药后对药品反应的减弱美国传统〔tradition〕A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.惯例:某民族一代代人一直遵守的一种思想或行为方式;习惯或习俗美国传统〔unnerving〕She had the unnerving habit of continuously touching people she was speaking to.她说话时会不停地触碰对方, 这习惯让人觉得不自在。外研社新世纪〔update〕The files are continuously updated with new information.这些文件不断加入新信息。牛津搭配〔whirligig〕Something that continuously whirls.陀螺:不停地旋转的东西美国传统After not eating for three days, we felt an agonizing, gnawing (= continuously painful) hunger.三天没吃东西后,我们有一种痛苦难熬的饥饿感。剑桥国际Dennis always gets the job done, but he's a real plodder (= someone who works slowly and continuously, without showing any imagination or enthusiasm).丹尼斯总能完成任务,但他只是一个埋头苦干的人。剑桥国际Ever since she started her new job (= continuously from then up to the present), she has been much happier.自从她开始了新工作,她变得快乐多了。剑桥国际He used to lock himself in his bedroom for hours on end (= continuously for several hours) and refuse to talk to anyone.他过去常把自己一连几小时地锁在卧室里,拒绝跟任何人讲话。剑桥国际He's been depressed ever since (= continuously since) he got divorced two years ago.自从两年前他离婚之后,他一直都很抑郁。剑桥国际I have a gnawing (= continuously uncomfortable) pain in my leg.我一直腿疼。剑桥国际I've had gnawing (= continuously uncomfortable or worrying) doubts about the viability of this project for some time.我对这项工程的可行性疑虑了好久。剑桥国际Stir the sauce continuously, so that it doesn't stick to the pan.不断搅拌果酱,使它不会粘在锅上。剑桥国际The taxi-driver blasted the horn continuously. 计程车司机不停地按喇叭。译典通We saw a glimmer of light (= a weak, not continuously shining light) from their campfire a long way off.我们看见很远处他们生起的营火闪着微光。剑桥国际You can't work continuously for six hours without a single break--it's impossible! 你不能连续工作六小时而不休息片刻----这不可能!剑桥国际Your blood flows continuously through your veins.血液在你的血管里永不停息地流动。剑桥国际




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