

单词 cringe
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TALK〕Dad can be so long-winded sometimes, I cringe when he starts talking to someone new. 爸爸有时真是啰唆,他和新认识的人开始说话时我就感到难为情。朗文写作活用〔cower〕To cringe in fear.畏缩美国传统〔cringe〕Chris had cringed at the thought of using her own family for publicity.一想到要拿自己的家庭作宣传,克丽丝就感到厌烦。柯林斯高阶〔cringe〕Chris had cringed at the thought of using her own family for publicity.克丽丝一想到要拿自己的家人来做宣传就打退堂鼓了。外研社新世纪〔cringe〕He cringed from the cold.他冷得蜷缩起来。英汉大词典〔cringe〕I cringe when I think of the poems I wrote then.每当我想起我那时写的诗歌就感到很难堪。牛津高阶〔cringe〕I cringed at the sight of my dad dancing.看到爸爸跳舞我觉得很难为情。剑桥高阶〔cringe〕I cringed in horror.我吓得往后缩。柯林斯高阶〔cringe〕I cringed in horror.我吓得直往后缩。外研社新世纪〔cringe〕I always cringe when I hear that song.听到那首歌总会让我感到难以忍受。韦氏高阶〔cringe〕I used to cringe with embarrassment whenever my name was read out.过去只要有人叫到我的名字, 我就尴尬得想找个地缝钻进去。外研社新世纪〔cringe〕It makes me cringe when I think how stupid I was.我想到自己的愚蠢就感到尴尬。朗文当代〔cringe〕Just the thought of eating broccoli makes me cringe.单是想到吃西蓝花就会让我反感。韦氏高阶〔cringe〕Many English teachers cringe when their students use the word “ain't.” 许多英语教师很反感他们的学生使用ain't这个词。韦氏高阶〔cringe〕Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.安开始弹吉他时,莫莉感到有些难堪。柯林斯高阶〔cringe〕Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar.当安开始拿起吉他演奏时, 莫莉感到无地自容。外研社新世纪〔cringe〕She cringed at the sound of her own voice.她对自己的声音感到难为情。朗文当代〔cringe〕She cringed away from him.她退缩着躲开他。朗文当代〔cringe〕She cringes with each strike and wails in pain.每次击打她都往后一缩并痛苦地哀号。外研社新世纪〔cringe〕The child cringed every time the father raised his voice.每当父亲一提高嗓门,那孩子就吓得往后退缩。英汉大词典〔cringe〕The dog cringed at the noise.狗听到那声音,吓得猛往后缩。韦氏高阶〔cringe〕The dog cringed at the sight of a snake.那条狗看见了一条蛇便畏缩不前。21世纪英汉〔cringe〕They cringed before the queen.他们在女王面前卑躬屈膝。21世纪英汉〔crouch〕To bend servilely or timidly; cringe.卑躬屈膝,献媚奉承:卑贱地或胆怯地弯腰;卑躬屈膝美国传统〔grovel〕To behave in a servile or demeaning manner; cringe.低声下气,卑从:表现出卑躬曲膝或自甘下贱的态度;阿谀奉承美国传统〔shrink〕Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall.西格弗里德畏缩了,退避到墙根。柯林斯高阶〔smarm over〕She cringed when he smarmed over people.当他奉承众人时她感到难堪。外研社新世纪〔speak〕I cringed as I spoke these idiotic words.我在说那些蠢话的时候感到很难堪。外研社新世纪〔well〕If you like to cringe to your superiors, well and good.如果你喜欢巴结上司,那就去巴结好了。英汉大词典He always cringes before the boss. 他在老板面前总是卑躬屈膝。译典通He knows when he's about to be hit and just cringes back in terror.他知道自己要挨打了,便惊恐地退缩回去。剑桥国际The cultural cringe has faded over the past few decades as Australia has been rethinking its role in the world.澳大利亚原有的文化落后恐惧感在过去的几十年中逐渐减弱了,因为它已重新审视自己在世界上的地位。剑桥国际The dog cringed at the sight of the whip. 那条狗见了鞭子畏缩不前。译典通The sight of my dad kissing my mom makes me cringe. 我父亲亲吻我母亲的景象让我觉得尴尬。译典通




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