

单词 decoration
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACH〕The children are hanging up the decorations for the party. 孩子们正在挂装饰品为聚会作准备。朗文写作活用〔Air Medal〕A decoration awarded by the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Navy for meritorious airborne conduct.空军奖章:由美国陆军、空军或海军颁发的因飞行出色而授予的奖章美国传统〔BEAUTIFUL〕I love your Christmas decorations - they're very artistic. 我喜欢你圣诞节的装饰——很有艺术性。朗文写作活用〔Blue Lodge〕A Freemasonry lodge in which the first three degrees, bearing blue decorations, are conferred.蓝色旅馆:一种共济旅馆。最上面三层呈蓝色装饰,作共济用美国传统〔COLOUR〕I didn't like the decorations - they looked rather gaudy. 我不喜欢那种装饰—看上去相当俗艳。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕You can make Christmas decorations from almost anything -- beads, colored ribbons, sea shells -- anything. 你几乎可以用任何东西来做圣诞装饰品—珠子、彩带、海贝壳—什么都行。朗文写作活用〔Christmassy〕It looks very Christmassy in here with the tree and all the decorations.这棵树和所有这些装饰让这里看起来很有圣诞气氛。剑桥高阶〔Christmassy〕The house looks more Christmassy now that the decorations are up.房间装饰起来后就更具有圣诞节气氛了。韦氏高阶〔Churrigueresque〕Of or relating to a style of baroque architecture of Spain and its Latin-American colonies, characterized by elaborate and extravagant decoration.西班牙巴洛克建筑的:西班牙和其拉丁美洲殖民地的巴洛克建筑方式或与之相关的,以精细的和过分的装饰为特点美国传统〔DECORATE〕Have you put up your Christmas decorations yet? 你把圣诞装饰品都挂出来了吗?朗文写作活用〔DECORATE〕The building was very plain with hardly any decoration at all. 这幢建筑相当简朴,几乎没有什么装饰。朗文写作活用〔DECORATE〕The only decoration in the room was a picture above the fireplace. 这房间里唯一的装饰品是壁炉上方的一幅画。朗文写作活用〔Distinguished Conduct Medal〕A British military decoration for distinguished conduct in the field.英国陆军的特等军功章美国传统〔Distinguished Flying Cross〕A British military decoration awarded to officers of the Royal Air Force for extraordinary achievement.(英国的)优异飞行十字勋章:(英国)授予在皇家空军中有杰出成就者的特等军功章美国传统〔Distinguished Flying Cross〕A U.S. military decoration awarded for heroism or extraordinary achievement in aerial combat.(美国的)空战有功十字勋章:美国对在空战中表现英勇或有杰出贡献者授予的一种特等军功章美国传统〔Distinguished Service Cross〕A British military decoration awarded to officers of the Royal Navy for gallantry in action.(英国将军的)优异服务十字勋章:英国海军中对皇家海军中表现英勇的军官授予的军功章美国传统〔Distinguished Service Cross〕A U.S. Army decoration awarded for exceptional heroism in combat.(美国陆军的)优异服务十字勋章:因在战斗中特别英勇而被授予的军功章美国传统〔Distinguished Service Medal〕A British military decoration awarded to noncommissioned officers and men in the Royal Navy and Royal Marines for distinguished conduct in war.(英国的)战时优异战功勋章:英国军队的勋章,授予在战争中表现突出但未受任命的英国皇家海军及皇家海军陆战队的军官和战士美国传统〔Distinguished Service Medal〕A U.S. military decoration awarded for distinguished performance in a duty of great responsibility.(美国的)战时优异服务勋章:美国军队荣誉奖,授予在有巨大责任的任务中的表现突出者美国传统〔Louis Quatorze〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the baroque style in architecture, furniture, and decoration of the reign of Louis XIV.路易十四世式样的:属于,或具有路易十四统治时期建筑,家具,装饰方面的巴洛克式风格特点的,或与之有关的美国传统〔Louis Treize〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the heavy late-Renaissance style in architecture, furniture, and decoration of the reign of Louis XIII.路易十三世式样的:属于,或具有路易十三世统治时建筑,家具和装饰方面的冗长乏味的后文艺复兴风格特点的,或与之有关的美国传统〔Medal for Merit〕A decoration awarded by the United States to civilians for outstanding service in peace or war.功绩勋章:美国政府授予和平时期或战争时期作出突出贡献的公民的奖章美国传统〔Medal of Freedom〕A decoration awarded by the United States to civilians for outstanding achievement in various fields of endeavor.自由勋章:美国政府授予在各个领域中取得杰出成就的公民的奖章美国传统〔Moresque〕An ornament or a decoration in Moorish style.摩尔式风格的装饰或摆设美国传统〔Navy Cross〕A decoration awarded by the U.S. Navy for exceptional heroism in action.海军十字勋章:一种装饰品,由美国海军奖给在行动中表现出特殊的英雄主义的人美国传统〔ONLY〕Most plants are planted purely for decoration. 大多数植物都是为了装饰才种的。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Gang members wear clothes or decorations that show the member's rank. 帮派成员穿戴显示级别的服装或饰物。朗文写作活用〔PRETEND〕She put Christmas decorations in the window just to keep up appearances. 她把圣诞饰品放在橱窗里只是为了装点门面。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Christmas decorations were withdrawn from sale yesterday following a fire-risk warning. 昨天发出了火灾隐患警告之后,圣诞节装饰品都停止销售了。朗文写作活用〔SIDE〕Look at the beautiful decorations on this side of the coin. 你看硬币的这一面,装饰图案很漂亮。朗文写作活用〔Silver Star〕A U.S. military decoration awarded for gallantry in action.银星奖章:美国军队奖给作战勇敢者的奖章美国传统〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕It was an ugly room with tasteless decorations and shabby furniture. 这个房间很难看—装潢没有品味,家具也很破旧。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕The Christmas decorations looked somehow out of place in Waikiki. 不知为什么圣诞装饰看上去与怀基基海滩格格不入。朗文写作活用〔Xmas〕The sign read “Xmas decorations on sale.” 牌子上写着“圣诞装饰品打折销售”。韦氏高阶〔adornment〕It was a building without any adornment or decoration.这是一幢没有任何装潢或粉饰的大楼。柯林斯高阶〔appliqué〕A decoration or ornament, as in needlework, made by cutting pieces of one material and applying them to the surface of another.缝饰,镶饰:缝纫刺绣中的装饰,将一块材料切成小片贴到另一块的表面上美国传统〔arrest〕The most arresting feature is the painted wall decoration.最醒目的特点是绘有图画的墙面装饰。柯林斯高阶〔barren〕The room was austere, nearly barren of furniture or decoration.房间很朴素, 几乎没有家具和装饰。外研社新世纪〔belt〕A flexible band, as of leather or cloth, worn around the waist to support clothing, secure tools or weapons, or serve as decoration.腰带:柔韧灵活的带子,用皮革或布制造,围在腰间用以扎系衣服、稳固工具或武器,或用作装饰物美国传统〔bestow〕The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed upon/on British civilians for acts of great bravery.乔治十字勋章是为了表彰英国平民的英勇行为而颁发的。剑桥高阶〔bijouterie〕Decoration.装饰美国传统〔breast〕The soldier wore a decoration on his left breast.这名士兵在左胸佩一枚勋章。英汉大词典〔brutalism〕A style of architecture characterized by massive or monolithic forms typically unrelieved by exterior decoration.野兽派:一种建筑风格,特点是展示未经装饰的巨大构件美国传统〔bunting〕Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially as drapery or streamers for festive decoration.彩色布条:国旗颜色的布条或其它布料,用来作为节日装饰的彩旗或飘带美国传统〔burlap〕A strong, coarsely woven cloth made of fibers of jute, flax, or hemp and used to make bags, to reinforce linoleum, and in interior decoration.粗麻布:一种黄麻、亚麻或大麻纤维制成的结实的粗厚织物,用于打包、加固大油布的承接力和用于室内装饰美国传统〔chestful〕His father was a military man all the way and had a chestful of decorations to prove it.他父亲是个十足的军人,满胸勋章可资证明。英汉大词典〔chimneypiece〕A decoration over a fireplace.壁炉外表的装饰美国传统〔chinoiserie〕A style in art reflecting Chinese influence through use of elaborate decoration and intricate patterns.中国式装饰风格:一种用精美装饰和复杂图案表现出中国影响的艺术风格美国传统〔christmassy〕We put up the decorations and the tree and started to feel Christmassy at last.我们布置好了装饰品和圣诞树,这才开始感受到圣诞节的气氛。牛津高阶〔clock〕An embroidered or woven decoration on the side of a stocking or sock.绣花边花,袜子侧边的织花:位于长袜或短袜一侧的刺绣或编织的装饰图案美国传统〔cloisonné〕Enamelware in which the surface decoration is formed by different colors of enamel separated by thin strips of metal.景泰蓝:一种搪瓷器,表面装饰是由被薄金属条分隔的不同颜色的瓷釉形成的美国传统〔confine〕His genius was not confined to the decoration of buildings.他的天赋不单体现在建筑物的装饰上。柯林斯高阶〔corbel table〕A row or course of corbels used for decoration or to provide support, as for a parapet.挑檐:一排或一串支柱,用来做装饰物或提供支撑,就像在栏杆上面的美国传统〔cordon〕A ribbon usually worn diagonally across the breast as a badge of honor or a decoration.绶带:常以对角线方向佩带在胸前做为一种荣誉勋章或装饰的一种缎带美国传统〔correctitude〕He has an eye for correctitude in dress and decorations.他对穿戴打扮是否得当很有鉴赏力。英汉大词典〔could use sth〕I could use some help putting these decorations up if you're not too busy.你如果不太忙的话,我想请你帮忙把这些装饰品挂起来。剑桥高阶〔cover all the bases〕I think I’ve covered all the bases – I called everyone, ordered the food , and bought some decorations .我想我已经面面俱到,尽我所能了¬¬——我给每个人打了电话,定了餐,还买了一些装饰品。剑桥高阶〔crepe paper〕Crinkled tissue paper, resembling the fabric crepe, used for decorations.绉纸:一种装饰用的象绉织物的有皱纹薄纸美国传统〔crest〕A plume used as decoration on top of a helmet.羽饰:头盔顶部用作装饰的羽毛美国传统〔crystallize〕It only took a week for her to crystallize her design for the decorations.她只花了一个星期就为装璜确定了设计方案美国传统〔curtain〕Material that hangs in a window or other opening as a decoration, shade, or screen.窗帘,门帘:挂在窗户或其它开口处作为装饰物、遮光物或遮蔽物的织物美国传统〔day〕Interior decoration by careful coordination seems to have had its day.精心搭配的室内装饰似乎已不再受欢迎了。柯林斯高阶〔decoration〕An Oscar was given for the art direction and set decoration.有一项奥斯卡奖是为艺术指导和布景而设的。牛津搭配〔decoration〕Christmas decorations 圣诞节用装饰品英汉大词典〔decoration〕Christmas decorations 圣诞节装饰品牛津高阶〔decoration〕Christmas decorations hung from every corner.每个角落都挂着圣诞装饰品。牛津搭配〔decoration〕Christmas/party/table/cake decorations 圣诞/聚会/餐桌/蛋糕装饰剑桥高阶〔decoration〕Dad was putting up the Christmas decorations.爸爸正在布置圣诞装饰品。麦克米伦高阶〔decoration〕Festive paper decorations had been hung from the ceiling.喜庆的彩纸已经挂在天花板上。柯林斯高阶〔decoration〕He is an expert on Islamic decoration.他是伊斯兰装饰风格的专家。朗文当代〔decoration〕He received a decoration from the President.他获得了总统颁发的奖章。韦氏高阶〔decoration〕He was awarded several military decorations.他被授予了多枚军功勋章。外研社新世纪〔decoration〕He was awarded several military decorations.他被授予了多枚军功章。柯林斯高阶〔decoration〕He's a genius at home decoration.在居家装饰方面,他是个天才。韦氏高阶〔decoration〕He's good at cake decoration.他擅长做蛋糕装饰。剑桥高阶〔decoration〕It doesn't actually do anything, it's just there for decoration.事实上它在那里起不了任何作用, 只是一种装饰。外研社新世纪〔decoration〕It's time for the decorations to come down.该把装饰拿下来了。牛津搭配〔decoration〕Sean had received numerous decorations, including the Purple Heart.肖恩获得过很多奖章,包括紫心勋章。牛津搭配〔decoration〕The decoration and furnishings had to be practical enough for a family home.房子的装潢和家具都必须很实用,适合家居生活。柯林斯高阶〔decoration〕The decorations were taken down and put away for another year.装饰品被取下收起来,留作来年使用。牛津搭配〔decoration〕The Victoria Cross and George Cross are British decorations for bravery.维多利亚十字勋章和乔治十字勋章是英国对英勇行为的嘉奖。剑桥高阶〔decoration〕The interior decoration was designed by Pernassi.内部装饰由珀纳西设计。牛津搭配〔decoration〕The only wall decorations are candles and a single mirror.墙上唯一的装饰是几支蜡烛和一面镜子。柯林斯高阶〔decoration〕The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate.栽种冬春季节开花的鳞茎植物可以在大多数花园看上去还比较萧索的时候提供多彩的装点。柯林斯高阶〔decoration〕The vase has a fancy decoration on one side.这个花瓶的一面有一个精美的装饰。韦氏高阶〔decoration〕This place is badly in need of decoration.这个地方急需粉刷一下。剑桥高阶〔decoration〕With its simple decoration, the main bedroom is a peaceful haven.主卧室装饰简单,像一处宁静的港湾。柯林斯高阶〔decorous〕It is decorous to wear all one's decorations on an occasion like this.在这样的场合佩戴全部勋章是得体的。英汉大词典〔deserve for〕They deserved being recommended for a decoration.他们有资格得到提名受奖。21世纪英汉〔distemper〕A process of painting in which pigments are mixed with water and a glue-size or casein binder, used for flat wall decoration or scenic and poster painting.胶画法:用胶画颜料涂的过程,将颜料和水以及胶粘颜料或酪蛋白粒结剂混合,用以装饰墙壁或画风景画或招帖画美国传统〔décor〕Decoration.装饰,装璜美国传统〔edible〕All of the decorations on the gingerbread house were edible.姜饼屋上的所有装饰都是可以吃的。韦氏高阶〔elegance〕Tasteful opulence in form, decoration, or presentation.讲究,精美:图样、装饰或陈设的丰富多彩美国传统〔emblazonry〕Colorful or prominent decoration, especially heraldic decoration.装饰物:鲜艳的或醒目的饰物,尤指纹章的装饰美国传统〔eye〕To my eye, the decorations are excellent.就我的观点,这些装饰品都很好美国传统〔facing〕A piece of material sewn to the edge of a garment, such as a dress or coat, as lining or decoration.贴边,镶边:作为陪衬或装饰缝在衣服,如裙子或大衣边上的一块材料美国传统〔facing〕An outer layer or coating applied to a surface for protection or decoration.饰面,保护面:装在外面的外层或薄层,为了保护或装饰美国传统〔facing〕Material used for such a lining or decoration.贴边材料:用于陪衬或装饰的材料美国传统〔fancy〕The decorations were a little too fancy for my tastes.这种装饰风格过于繁复,不合我的喜好。剑桥高阶〔feel〕I like the decoration - it's got a Spanish feel to it.我喜欢这种装饰,有西班牙风情。剑桥高阶〔festivity〕The decorations give the hall an air of festivity.这些装饰物给大厅增添了喜庆气氛。韦氏高阶〔foliation〕Architecture Decoration of an opening with cusps and foils, as in Gothic tracery.【建筑学】 叶状饰:开口处装饰以尖叶或叶箔,象哥特建式筑中的花饰窗格子美国传统〔garland〕A wreath or festoon, especially one of plaited flowers or leaves, worn on the body or draped as a decoration.花环:一种花冠或花圈,尤其是一种由花或树叶编成的,戴在身上或挂着的装饰品美国传统〔garnish〕An embellishment added to a prepared food or drink for decoration or added flavor.装饰菜:一种加于已准备好的食物或饮料中的为了装饰或增加香味的点缀美国传统〔gay〕The shops were gay with Christmas decorations.圣诞装饰使商店色彩斑斓。麦克米伦高阶〔geometric〕Geometric designs were popular wall decorations in the 14th century.几何图案是14世纪流行的墙壁装饰。外研社新世纪〔geometric〕Using simple geometric forms such as circles and squares in design and decoration.几何装饰的:用简单的几何图形如曲线或方块来设计或装饰的美国传统〔go to town〕She really went to town on the decorations for the party.她为聚会的装饰费尽了心思。韦氏高阶〔greenery〕Such foliage used for decoration.青枝绿叶,叶饰:用作装饰的绿叶美国传统〔green〕The branches and leaves of plants used for decoration.装饰用的植物枝叶美国传统〔half〕Putting up the decorations is half the fun of Christmas.过圣诞节的一大乐趣来自悬挂装饰品。麦克米伦高阶〔hang〕Party decorations hung (down) from the ceiling.聚会装饰物从天花板上垂下来。剑桥高阶〔have left (over)〕We have many decorations left over from the party.聚会之后,我们留下了许多装饰品。韦氏高阶〔high tech〕A style of interior decoration marked by the use of industrial materials, equipment, or design.高技术室内装饰:以使用工业材料、设备或设计为特点的房屋内部装饰美国传统〔holly〕Branches of these plants, traditionally used for Christmas decoration.冬青枝:通常用于圣诞装饰的过冬植物的枝干美国传统〔honor〕A military decoration.军队勋章美国传统〔inset〕A piece of material set into a garment as decoration or trim.装饰或点缀:镶在衣物中作为装饰或点缀的材料美国传统〔keep〕Keep back some strawberries for decoration.留些草莓作装饰用吧。麦克米伦高阶〔landscape gardener〕One whose occupation is the decoration of land by planting trees and shrubs and designing gardens.造园师:用种植乔木和灌木并设计花园来装饰一处地方且以此为职业的人美国传统〔lash out〕He lashed out half a small fortune on the interior decoration.他在室内装饰上花了很多钱。21世纪英汉〔medallion〕An oval or circular design used as decoration.团花图案:椭圆形或圆形的装饰图案美国传统〔mistletoe〕A sprig of mistletoe, often used as a Christmas decoration.槲寄生枝:槲寄生树枝,通常用作圣诞节装饰物美国传统〔mix〕We worked on finding the right mix of food, music, and decorations for the wedding.我们努力为这场婚礼寻找食物、音乐和装饰品的完美组合。韦氏高阶〔ornamental〕Of, relating to, or serving as an ornament or a decoration.装饰的:属于、有关或作为一种装饰品或装饰物的美国传统〔ornamental〕The handles on each side of the box are purely ornamental (= they are for decoration only).盒子两边的把手纯粹是装饰性的。剑桥高阶〔otherwise〕The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city.为运动会所作的装扮给原本毫无生气的城市增添了一抹亮色。柯林斯高阶〔over the top〕I thought the decorations were way (= very) over the top.我觉得这些装饰太过头了。剑桥高阶〔overglaze〕A painted or printed decoration applied over a glaze.釉上彩绘:画在或印在釉上的装饰物美国传统〔overhead〕The operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials.管理费用,经常费用:企业的管理费用,包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的花销,但不包括工资和购买原料的费用美国传统〔overlay〕A layer of decoration, such as gold leaf or wood veneer, applied to a surface.饰面:一层修饰,如金箔或木镶板,铺于表层上美国传统〔pack away〕We're taking down the tree and packing away the decorations for another year.我们正在拆圣诞树, 将树上挂的饰品收起来以便来年再用。外研社新世纪〔pack〕Christmas was over and the decorations packed away.圣诞节过后,装饰品都被收了起来。朗文当代〔palm〕A small metallic representation of a palm leaf added to a military decoration that has been awarded more than one time.棕榈叶徽章:棕榈叶型小勋章,军事荣誉勋章的附加装饰,已不止一次地授予过此勋章美国传统〔par〕We will have Christmas decorations on a par with anything on show at the MetroCentre.我们要让自己的圣诞装饰品能和地铁购物中心的相媲美。朗文当代〔patch〕A small cloth badge affixed to a garment as a decoration or an insignia, as of a military unit.臂章:缝缀在衣服上用作装饰或标记的小布条,如军服上的臂章美国传统〔pectoral〕An ornament or a decoration worn on the chest.胸饰,胸铠,胸章,胸针:佩于胸前的装饰品或勋章美国传统〔photomural〕A greatly enlarged photograph or series of photographs placed on a wall especially as decoration.壁画式照片,(装饰性)大幅照片:挂在墙上、特别是用来装饰的一张放大照片或一系列照片美国传统〔pillar〕Such a structure or one similar to it used for decoration.台柱:用于装饰的类似柱子结构或支柱美国传统〔pinking shears〕Shears with notched blades, used to finish edges of cloth with a zigzag cut for decoration or to prevent raveling or fraying.齿边布样剪刀:带齿边的剪刀,用来完成布边齿状装饰或防止脱线或松弛美国传统〔plain〕Marked by little or no ornamentation or decoration.朴素的,简朴的:具有无装饰品或装饰的特征的美国传统〔plaque〕A flat plate, slab, or disk that is ornamented or engraved for mounting, as on a wall for decoration or on a monument for information.匾额,铭碑,饰板:被装饰或雕刻的平的薄板、厚板或圆板,用来镶嵌在墙上装饰或安在纪念碑上记载资料美国传统〔polychromy〕The use of many colors in decoration, especially in architecture and sculpture.多色法:在装饰中对多种颜色的运用,尤指用在建筑和雕塑中美国传统〔pompon〕A tuft or ball of wool, feathers, or other material used as a decoration, especially on shoes, caps, and curtains.绒球,丝球:一簇或一团毛、羽毛或其它材料,尤用于鞋、帽和窗帘等的装饰物美国传统〔puritan〕During the 17th century the Puritans destroyed many decorations in English churches.17世纪,清教徒破坏了英格兰教堂中的许多装饰。剑桥高阶〔restrained〕The interior decoration is quite restrained.室内装修很素雅。朗文当代〔riband〕A ribbon, especially one used as a decoration.缎带,丝带:丝带,尤指做为装饰用的美国传统〔ribbon〕A strip of colored cloth worn on the left breast of a uniform to indicate the award of a medal or decoration.勋带:戴在制服左胸上的一条有色布带,有以表示奖章或作装饰美国传统〔run〕Mary never runs out of ideas for clever party decorations.玛丽对如何巧妙地布置社交聚会会场有用之不尽的主意。英汉大词典〔sense〕The decorations, flowers, and crowds gave the town a real sense of occasion.灯彩、鲜花和人群给小镇带来了一种十足的节庆氛围。剑桥高阶〔setoff〕Something, such as a decoration, that sets off something else by contrast.衬托物:通过对比衬托他物的东西,如装饰品美国传统〔sgraffito〕Decoration produced on pottery or ceramic by scratching through a surface of plaster or glazing to reveal a different color underneath.五彩釉雕:通过刻划灰泥表面或上釉以显示不同底色的陶器或瓷器上的装饰美国传统〔smocking〕Needlework decoration of small, regularly spaced gathers stitched into a honeycomb pattern.正面刺锈迹:规律性出现于某地方的小褶裥上的织成蜜蜂巢状的刺绣饰品美国传统〔sniff at〕Snobbish visitors sniffed at the decorations.附庸风雅的访客们对这些装饰物根本看不上眼。外研社新世纪〔spangle〕A small, often circular piece of sparkling metal or plastic sewn especially on garments for decoration.装饰片:一种小的通常是圆形的金属亮片,被缝在衣服上作装饰用美国传统〔spell〕It requires some pains to spell out those decorations.琢磨出那些勋章表彰的是什么要花很大的力气。英汉大词典〔stencil〕You could use a stencil to add decoration to plain painted walls.你可以用模版给素面墙上加一些装饰。外研社新世纪〔stitch〕You can use embroidery stitches for further decoration.你可以用刺绣来作进一步的装饰。柯林斯高阶〔streamer〕A long narrow strip of material used for ornament or decoration.飘带:用于装饰或点缀的长而狭窄的条带美国传统〔string up〕People were stringing up decorations on the fronts of their homes.人们正在自家门口挂装饰物。外研社新世纪〔string〕People were stringing up decorations on the fronts of their homes.人们正在各家门口挂起装饰物。柯林斯高阶〔style〕His office is very utilitarian in style, with no decoration.他的办公室在风格上讲究实用,没有任何装饰。剑桥高阶〔tapestry〕A heavy cloth woven with rich, often varicolored designs or scenes, usually hung on walls for decoration and sometimes used to cover furniture.挂毯:一种上面织有颜色鲜艳,经常是有各种颜色的图案或风景的毯布,通常被挂在墙壁上作为装饰,有时也用来覆盖家俱美国传统〔throw pillow〕A small pillow used chiefly for decoration, as on a couch.如长沙发椅上主要用作装饰的小枕头美国传统〔tinsel〕Very thin sheets, strips, or threads of a glittering material used as a decoration.金属丝,金属箔:用于装饰的非常薄的闪光金属制成片状、条状物、线状物美国传统〔town〕They really went to town on the Christmas decorations.他们确实为圣诞节装饰花了很多钱。麦克米伦高阶〔trimming〕Something added as decoration or ornament, especially a band of lace or embroidery on clothing.装饰品,点缀:作为装饰或点缀加上的东西,尤指一条花边或衣服上的刺绣美国传统〔unappealing〕The decorations were unappealing.那些装饰毫无吸引力。韦氏高阶〔underglaze〕Coloring or decoration applied to pottery before glazing.釉底色彩(画):上釉前上在陶瓷上的色彩或装饰画美国传统〔veil〕A length of netting attached to a woman's hat or headdress, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face.面罩:附于妇女的帽子或头巾上的一段网状物,穿戴起来用作装饰或保护头部或脸部美国传统〔verd antique〕A dull green, mottled or veined serpentine used in interior decoration.古绿石,杂蛇纹石:用于内部装饰的暗绿色有杂色花纹的蛇纹石美国传统〔vernacular〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the style of architecture and decoration common in a particular region, culture, or period.民间风格的:属于、关于建筑和装饰风格的,或者具有此特征的,通常在某个具体的地区、文化或时期内美国传统〔work〕You can work miracles with very little money if you follow our home decoration tips.你要是按照我们的家居装饰诀窍行事,可以用很少的钱就产生奇妙的效果。牛津高阶〔wreathe〕The inside of the hall was wreathed in holiday decoration.大厅里装饰着节日的花环。21世纪英汉〔wreathe〕The inside of the house was wreathed in holiday decoration.屋内装饰着节日的花环。英汉大词典〔wreath〕A ring or circlet of flowers, boughs, or leaves worn on the head, placed on a memorial, or hung as a decoration.花冠,花圈,花环:用鲜花、树枝或树叶缠绕而成的环或圈,戴于头上、放于纪念碑前或挂起来作装饰物美国传统〔wreath〕Dried roses make stunning Christmas wreaths and decorations.干玫瑰可制作成漂亮的圣诞花环和装饰。外研社新世纪During the seventeenth century, the Puritans destroyed many decorations in English churches.在17世纪,清教徒们摧毁了英国教堂中的许多装饰。剑桥国际Gravestone decorations included bas-reliefs (= works of art) showing the dead man and his dog.墓碑装饰包括浅浮雕,雕刻着死者和他的狗。剑桥国际He advises on home decoration.他为家庭装潢提供建议。剑桥国际He's good at cake decoration.他擅长裱饰蛋糕。剑桥国际His military decorations included the Bronze Star and four awards of the Purple Heart.他的军人勋章包括一个铜星勋章和四个紫心勋章。剑桥国际His office is very utilitarian in style, with no decoration.他的办公室没有丝毫装饰品,具有一种非常实用的风格。剑桥国际I thought the decorations were way (= very) over the top.我觉得装饰得太过头了。剑桥国际In the shops Xmas trees and decorations were on sale.商店里正在出售圣诞树和装饰品。剑桥国际Pick over the strawberries and keep a few big ones to one side for decoration.挑一下草莓,放几个大的在一边作装饰。剑桥国际Rococo is a delicate style of interior decoration that is characterized by the use of scrolls and the asymmetrical arrangements of curves.洛可可式是内部装饰的一种精美风格,其特点是使用卷形及曲线的不对称排列。剑桥国际Stained glass is most commonly used in the decoration of church windows.彩色玻璃最普遍地被用来装饰教堂的窗户。剑桥国际The decorations were beautiful and what's more, the children made them themselves.这些装饰品很漂亮,更重要的是,是孩子们自己做的。剑桥国际The decorations, flowers and crowds gave the town a real sense of occasion.灯彩、鲜花和人群给小镇带来了一种节庆的氛围。剑桥国际The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed on British civilians for acts of great bravery.乔治十字勋章是为表现勇敢的英国平民颁发的。剑桥国际The Victoria Cross and George Cross are British decorations for bravery.维多利亚十字勋章和乔治十字勋章是英国为奖励英勇事迹而授予的勋章。剑桥国际The children were cutting stars out of paper to make decorations.孩子们用纸剪出星星来作装饰。剑桥国际The dancers at the Folies-Berg弐e wore plumed headdresses (= with a decoration which looked like several large feathers tied together).在舞蹈《牧羊女之恋》中演员们都戴着羽毛头饰。剑桥国际The general wore a uniform dripping with decorations. 将军穿著缀满勋章的制服。译典通The handles on each side of the box are purely ornamental (= They are for decoration only).这个盒子两边的把手纯粹是装饰性的。剑桥国际The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles. 这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折衷物。译典通The mosque's decoration was a work of art.这个清真寺的装饰是艺术品。剑桥国际The plating may be intended for decoration, or to provide resistance to corrosion.电镀可用于装饰或防腐。剑桥国际They are putting up decorations for the festival. 他们在为节日布置装饰品。译典通While she was in Japan Susan did classes in flower arranging (=making beautiful decorations with flowers).苏珊在日本时学的课程是插花。剑桥国际




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