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释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-lined〕details from Lesbian Line.女同性恋热线传来的详情柯林斯高阶〔DETAIL〕not containing enough details 不包含足够的细节的朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕not containing many details 不包含许多细节的朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕to add details to what you have said 对所说的话添加细节朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕too concerned with small details 对小的细节过于关注朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕with a lot of details 带有许多细节的朗文写作活用〔arcane〕a theory filled with arcane details 充满晦涩难懂的细节的理论韦氏高阶〔arrange〕to arrange the details of a meeting准备会议的各项细节21世纪英汉〔biographic〕biographic details (data) 关于一个人生平的细节(资料)英汉大词典〔boggeddown〕bogged down by small details 被小细节所束缚牛津搭配〔clinical〕the clinical details of an accident 关于一次事故的客观而详尽的描述英汉大词典〔database〕customer details held on a database 数据库内的客户详细信息朗文当代〔detail〕further / more details For further details, contact the personnel department.欲知详情,请与人事部联系。朗文当代〔detail〕skipped the details to get to the main point.舍细节,抓重点美国传统〔detail〕the mundane details of his daily life 他日常生活中繁琐的细节牛津搭配〔disclose〕to disclose the details of something透露某事的详细情况21世纪英汉〔document〕details of internal UN documents 联合国内部文件的详细资料牛津搭配〔fiddling〕fiddling little details 无足轻重的小细节剑桥高阶〔freeze-out〕a total freeze-out on details for sb.把详细情况对某人彻底的封锁英汉大词典〔free〕a free brochure with details of gift vouchers.内有礼券详情的免费宣传册柯林斯高阶〔go〕go into details 叙述细节英汉大词典〔grubby〕the grubby details of his financial dealings 他那些金融交易中肮脏的细节朗文当代〔gruesome〕the gruesome details of how she was murdered 关于她如何被谋杀的骇人细节麦克米伦高阶〔important〕details important to a fair decision 对作出公平决定关系重大的细节英汉大词典〔inconsequential〕inconsequential details 无关紧要的细节牛津高阶〔inessential〕inessential details 不必要的细节朗文当代〔inessential〕inessential details 细枝末节韦氏高阶〔infancy〕minute details of Deborah's infancy.德博拉幼年生活的详尽细节柯林斯高阶〔infancy〕minute details of Deborah's infancy德博拉幼年生活的详尽细节外研社新世纪〔insignificant〕insignificant details 细枝末节韦氏高阶〔intimate〕the publication of intimate details of their affair 公开他们暧昧关系的隐密细节朗文当代〔item〕discussed all the details of their trip; 讨论了他们旅行的所有细节;美国传统〔locality〕details of the drinking-water quality in your locality你们所在地区饮用水质量的详细情况外研社新世纪〔map〕maps depicting details such as mountain ranges and shorelines 描绘了山脉及海岸线之类细节的地图牛津搭配〔mean〕mean details 细枝末节英汉大词典〔minor〕minor details 次要的细节英汉大词典〔minute〕the minute details 细枝末节英汉大词典〔muscular〕muscular religion; muscular reasoning that does not take the details into account.苦修的宗教;不考虑细节的自然推理法美国传统〔peripheral〕peripheral details 细枝末节英汉大词典〔perspective〕keep the minor details strictly in perspective 严格摆正枝节问题的位置英汉大词典〔pesky〕pesky details 烦人的细节英汉大词典〔petty〕petty details 细枝末节英汉大词典〔piddling〕piddling details 微不足道的细节韦氏高阶〔pro forma〕a pro forma invoice(= a document that gives details of the goods being sent to a customer) 形式发票牛津高阶〔quicken〕quicken sb.'s interest with vivid details 以生动的细节描写激起某人的兴趣英汉大词典〔register〕a register containing details of four million cars 包含 400 万辆汽车详细资料的登记簿牛津搭配〔retentive〕a memory that is retentive of details 能记住细节的记忆力英汉大词典〔simplicity〕fussy details that ruin the simplicity of the design破坏了设计简洁风格的繁杂细节外研社新世纪〔sketchy〕be sketchy about some important details 对一些重要细节粗粗涉及英汉大词典〔skip〕skipped the minor details of the story.略去了故事的琐碎细节美国传统〔spicy〕spicy details 粗俗的细节描写剑桥高阶〔tour〕details of the band's tour dates 乐队巡演的具体日程安排牛津搭配〔trifling〕trifling details 琐屑细节英汉大词典〔trifling〕trifling details 琐碎的细节韦氏高阶〔unimportant〕unimportant details 无关紧要的细枝末节朗文当代〔unimportant〕unimportant details 细枝末节牛津高阶〔wallow〕wallow in details 纠缠于细节英汉大词典〔way〕some details to get out of the way first.一些首先要处理好的细节美国传统〔welter〕a welter of details 一大堆杂乱的细节文馨英汉details of the company's shareholdings at the end of last year 公司去年年底的持股明细牛津商务




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