

单词 crackling
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SOUND〕In the living-room, a huge fire was crackling away. 客厅里噼里啪啦烧着一炉子熊熊的火。朗文写作活用〔brush discharge〕A faintly visible, relatively slow crackling discharge of electricity without sparking.刷形放电:微弱可见的,缓慢地发出噼啪声的放电,但不冒火花美国传统〔crackle〕The act or sound of crackling.爆裂:爆裂的声音或行为美国传统〔crackle〕The air waves are crackling with invective.无线电波中充斥着谩骂声。英汉大词典〔crackling〕He could hear the crackling of burning trees.他可以听见树木燃烧发出的劈啪声。牛津高阶〔crackling〕The crackling became louder and louder.哔啪的声音变得越来越大。文馨英汉〔crackling〕There was silence except for the crackling of the fire.除了火的噼啪声,一片沉寂。朗文当代〔crackling〕We could hear the crackling of a fire.我们能听到炉火中噼噼啪啪的声音。剑桥高阶〔crackling〕We heard a crackling of leaves behind us.我们听到身后树叶沙沙作响。韦氏高阶〔crepitate〕To make a crackling or popping sound; crackle.爆裂:发出劈啪声或爆裂声;爆裂美国传统〔crinkle〕To make a soft, crackling sound; rustle.沙沙作响:发出轻柔的劈啪声;沙沙作响美国传统〔crunch〕To chew with a noisy crackling sound.嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼美国传统〔decrepitate〕To make a crackling sound when roasted.被煅烧时发出爆裂的声音美国传统〔decrepitate〕To roast or calcine (crystals or salts) until they emit a crackling sound or until crackling stops.煅烧:炙烤或煅烧(水晶石或盐)直到发出毕毕剥剥的声音或停止爆裂的声音美国传统〔mofongo〕A Puerto Rican dish made of mashed plantains, garlic, and pork cracklings.摩坊哥菜:一道波多黎各菜,由捣碎的大蕉、大蒜和烤猪肉的脆皮组成美国传统〔rustle〕To move with soft fluttering or crackling sounds.发出瑟瑟声:沙沙作响的或发出辟啪声的移动美国传统〔set〕The thunderstorm set the radio crackling.雷雨使收音机发出噼噼啪啪的声音。剑桥高阶〔spit〕A log fire was crackling and spitting in the hearth.柴火在壁炉里烧得噼啪作响,迸溅出火星。朗文当代〔static〕Random noise, such as crackling in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.随机噪声:随机噪声,如接收器中的碎啪声或电视屏幕上的光斑,是由信号的大气干扰造成的美国传统〔trance〕The crackling of a radio broke my trance.收音机喀喀的噪声打断了我的出神冥想。英汉大词典The thunderstorm set the radio crackling.雷雨使收音机发出劈噼啪啪的声音。剑桥国际There's a lot of crackling on the radio/telephone.收音机/电话机里传出阵阵噼噼啪啪的声音。剑桥国际They listened to the daily bulletin on their crackling radio.他们用那台噼啪作响的收音机收听每日简讯。剑桥国际We could hear the crackling of a fire.我们听得到火中传来的噼啪声。剑桥国际




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