

单词 corporation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BBC〕British Broadcasting Corporation.英国广播公司美国传统〔BUSINESS〕Our corporation has an annual turnover of $3.2 billion. 我们公司每年的营业额达32亿美元。朗文写作活用〔BUY〕The statue was acquired at great expense by the City Corporation. 该塑像被城市公司以高价收购。朗文写作活用〔CBC〕Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.加拿大广播公司美国传统〔CCC〕Commodity Credit Corporation.商品信贷公司美国传统〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The bank has moved from private client work to banking for large corporations. 这家银行已经从为个人提供服务转向为大型企业提供服务。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕The biotech corporations argue that genetically modified crops will put an end to food shortages in the developing world. 生物工程公司辩称,转基因作物将会结束发展中国家粮食短缺的状况。朗文写作活用〔COMPANY〕IBM is one of the biggest corporations in the world. 国际商业机器公司是世界最大的公司之一。朗文写作活用〔COMPANY〕Sharp Electronics is the U.S. subsidiary of Japan's Sharp Corporation. 夏普电子公司是日本夏普集团的美国分公司。朗文写作活用〔COMPANY〕The recording business is now controlled by multinational corporations. 唱片业现在由跨国公司控制。朗文写作活用〔COMPANY〕U.S. corporations sold nearly $6.2 billion in new stock in May -- the highest monthly volume in history. 5月份美国的大公司发行了价值62亿美元的新股——创月发行量历史新高。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕The government is attempting to stimulate the economy by attracting multinational corporations. 政府试图通过吸引跨国公司来刺激经济。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕A small company like ours just doesn't have the resources to compete with the big corporations. 像我们这样的小公司根本就没有资源和大公司竞争。朗文写作活用〔FSLIC〕Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation.(美)联邦储蓄贷款保险公司美国传统〔Freddie Mac〕A security issued by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation and secured by a pool of conventional home mortgages.美国联邦住房贷款有限公司:联邦企业以各家抵押品为基金架构安全系统,由传统的家庭抵押品而成立的共同基金为支出美国传统〔GIVE〕The corporation has donated nearly $70 million to children's charities over the past 17 years. 这家公司在过去的17年里向儿童福利机构捐献了将近七千万美元。朗文写作活用〔LESS〕In the boardrooms of most big corporations, women are in the minority. 在多数大公司的董事会里,女性都是占少数。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕The company is a multi-national corporation, which has branches all over the world. 这是一家跨国公司,世界各地都有分公司。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕The federal government is offering attractive tax breaks to corporations that relocate in areas of high unemployment. 联邦政府向搬迁到高失业率地区的公司提供诱人的减税优惠。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The corporation is still suffering from $350 million in losses and write-offs. 公司还有3.5亿美元的亏损和注销的债项。朗文写作活用〔SELFISH/NOT SELFISH〕You can't expect a large corporation to be altruistic. 大公司不可能没有私心。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕I worked for a while as a salesman for a big computer corporation. 我给一家大型电脑公司当过一会儿推销员。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕BBC is an abbreviation for British Broadcasting Corporation. BBC是British Broadcasting Corporation〔英国广播公司〕的缩写。朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕We help corporations to relocate, and give them advice on how to maximize office space. 我们帮助公司搬迁,并为他们如何最有效地利用办公室空间提供咨询。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕What are the features that characterized the successful corporations of the past? 过去成功的公司都有些什么特点?朗文写作活用〔Trojan horse〕They may be using the other corporation as a Trojan horse.他们也许会用另一家公司来掩人耳目。韦氏高阶〔WORK FOR SB〕We are a multi-national corporation with 140,000 employees worldwide. 我们是一家跨国公司,全球共有14万名雇员。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕For nineteen years, my father worked for the General Electric Corporation. 我父亲在通用电气公司干了19年。朗文写作活用〔able〕The troupe was able to get a grant for the project from a large corporation.军队可以从一个大公司里获得这个项目的赞助。美国传统〔agribusiness〕Many of the old agricultural collectives are now being turned into agribusiness corporations.许多老式的农业合作群体现在正在转型为农业综合经营公司。柯林斯高阶〔aim〕Blair aimed his criticism at corporations promoting and distributing offensive materials.布莱尔的批评是针对那些推销和销售进攻性物资的公司。麦克米伦高阶〔amalgamate〕Three companies were amalgamated into a corporation.三家商号被合并成一家公司。21世纪英汉〔amalgamation〕A consolidation or merger, as of several corporations.合并,联合:几家企业的合并或联合美国传统〔antibusiness〕Hostile to business, especially to big corporations.反商业的:敌视商业的,尤指大企业的美国传统〔anti〕She's anti big corporations.她反对太大规模的企业。韦氏高阶〔apply〕The rule applies where a person owns stock in a corporation.该规定适用于持有公司股票的人。柯林斯高阶〔back office〕I worked for several years as an administrator in the back office of a large corporation.我曾在一家大型公司的事务部门做行政做了好几年。剑桥高阶〔bargaining〕The larger corporation has more bargaining power.大公司的议价能力更强。韦氏高阶〔beginning〕The company was very small in the beginning [=when it began], but it eventually became a giant corporation.这家公司成立时规模很小,但最后发展为巨头公司。韦氏高阶〔bleed〕The big corporations are bleeding some of these small countries dry.一些大企业正在把这些小国家榨干。牛津高阶〔board of directors〕She's on the board of directors [=a group of people who make decisions] for a large corporation.她是一家大公司董事会的成员。韦氏高阶〔body〕A group of individuals regarded as an entity; a corporation.一群,团体:一批视作整体的一群;社团美国传统〔bondholder〕One that owns a bond certificate of a government or corporation.债券持有人:拥有政府或公司债券的人美国传统〔bond〕A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date.债券:由政府或公司发行的,保证到一将来明确的日期归还本金和利息的债务凭证美国传统〔bonus〕A premium, as of stock, that is given by a corporation to another party, such as a purchaser of its securities.余利:由公司给另一些人(比如购买本公司的证券者)的股息余利美国传统〔bonus〕A sum of money that is paid by a corporation in excess of interest or royalties charged for the granting of a privilege or a loan to that corporation.红包:由公司付给因授予特权或贷款给本公司的利息或版税以外的一笔钱美国传统〔borough〕A town having a municipal corporation and certain rights, such as self-government.自治城镇:拥有市自治体或一定权利,如自治权的城镇美国传统〔brain-trust〕He has brain-trusted the major corporation.他一直充当这家大公司的智囊。21世纪英汉〔break〕Their goal was to break the monopoly of the state telecoms corporation.他们的目标是打破国营电信公司的垄断。麦克米伦高阶〔brush〕The corporation is fighting to survive its second brush with bankruptcy.公司正在努力摆脱自身遭遇的第二次破产危机。柯林斯高阶〔cahoot〕The multinational corporation is in cahoot with local firms.这家跨国公司和当地商号合营。英汉大词典〔capital stock〕The total amount of stock authorized for issue by a corporation, including common and preferred stock.股本总额:由一个公司授权发行的股票的总数额,包括普通股和优先股美国传统〔capital stock〕The total stated or par value of the permanently invested capital of a corporation.股本:一个公司所申报的或票面永久性投资的总价值美国传统〔capital〕Wealth in the form of money or property, used or accumulated in a business by a person, partnership, or corporation.资本:以货币或财产形式存在的财富,被一个人、一群合伙人或一个公司在其商业活动中使用或聚集美国传统〔case study〕A detailed, intensive study of a unit, such as a corporation or a division within a corporation, that stresses factors contributing to its success or failure.例案研究:对一个单位如一个公司内部的单元或部门的详细、深入的研究,重点研究促使其成功或失败的因素美国传统〔catch-up〕The two corporations have been growing rapidly. It has been catch-up ball all the way.两家公司发展迅速,一直在你追我赶。英汉大词典〔change〕A changing world has put pressures on the corporation.一个变化的世界给这家大公司带来了压力。外研社新世纪〔change〕A changing world has put pressures on the corporation.日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。柯林斯高阶〔collective〕Many of the old agricultural collectives are now being turned into corporations similar to those found in the United States.许多老式集体农庄现如今都正在向与美国类似的企业化农场转型。外研社新世纪〔commonalty〕A body corporate; a corporation.共同团体;集团美国传统〔commune〕A municipal corporation in the Middle Ages.中世纪的市自治体美国传统〔concern〕The tax changes will concern large corporations rather than small businesses.税收上的变化影响到的是大公司而不是小企业。朗文当代〔conglomerate〕A corporation made up of a number of different companies that operate in diversified fields.联合企业:由许多不同行业的公司组成的有不同经营范围的大企业美国传统〔consolidation〕The merger of two or more commercial interests or corporations.合并:两个或多个商业上的利益集团或法人团体的合并美国传统〔corporate anorexia〕A condition in which a corporation does not have enough employees to meet its goals or needs, especially as a consequence of downsizing.企业厌食症:公司没有足够员工来满足其目标或需求的情形,尤其是因为裁员的结果美国传统〔corporation〕American tobacco corporations 美国烟草公司麦克米伦高阶〔corporation〕He works as a consultant for/to several large corporations.他为几家大公司担当顾问。韦氏高阶〔corporation〕He works for a large American corporation.他在一家美国大公司工作。朗文当代〔corporation〕She didn't want to work for a big corporation where everything was so impersonal.她不想在大公司工作,那儿一点人情味儿都没有。剑桥高阶〔corporative〕Of, relating to, or associated with a corporation.法人的:法人的,与法人有关的美国传统〔corporator〕A member of a corporation.公司成员美国传统〔cost〕The corporation will pay all costs and expenses incurred.公司将支付产生的所有费用。牛津搭配〔court〕The body of directors of an organization, especially of a corporation.董事会,理事会:一个组织董事们的全体,尤指公司的理事会美国传统〔crack〕Their mission was to crack into the computer system of a major corporation.他们的任务是侵入一家大公司的计算机系统。21世纪英汉〔debenture〕An unsecured bond issued by a civil or governmental corporation or agency and backed only by the credit standing of the issuer.公司债券:由国家或政府的公司或机构发行的无担保的债券,以发行者的信誉做保障美国传统〔default〕The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government.公司可能因不履行政府合同而受到起诉。外研社新世纪〔default〕The corporation may be charged with default on its contract with the government.该公司可能会因未履行与政府签订的合同而受到控告。柯林斯高阶〔directorate〕A board of directors, as of a corporation.董事会:如公司的董事会美国传统〔director〕A member of a group of persons chosen to control or govern the affairs of an institution or a corporation.院长;经理:选出来控制或管理一个机构或公司的一组人中的一员美国传统〔disband〕The president disbanded the corporation.总裁解散了公司。21世纪英汉〔disband〕To dissolve the organization of (a corporation, for example).解散,遣散:解散组织(如公司)美国传统〔disfranchise〕To deprive (a corporation, for example) of a privilege or franchise.剥夺(如公司的)特许权或选举权美国传统〔disincorporate〕To remove or become removed from the status of a corporation.解散法人团体:取消或使取消法人团体的法律地位美国传统〔distinction〕No legal distinction existed between cities and other corporations.城市和其他法人之间并不存在法律上的差别。牛津搭配〔divest〕The corporation divested itself of its subsidiaries.该公司把它的所有子公司都卖掉了。21世纪英汉〔drop〕Some of these corporations threaten to sue at the drop of a hat.这些大公司中有几家威胁说要马上提出诉讼。朗文当代〔dry〕The big corporations are bleeding some of these small countries dry (= taking all their money).这些大企业把小国都榨干了。牛津搭配〔entity〕Persons and corporations are equivalent entities under the law.个人和企业是依法存在的对等的独立实体美国传统〔equal〕She was determined that she would be equal to any test the corporation put to them.她下定决心要成功应对公司对他们的任何考验。柯林斯高阶〔equal〕This law will help small businesses to compete on equal terms with large multinational corporations.这项法规有助于小公司与跨国大公司展开平等的竞争。朗文当代〔example〕He gave several examples of the ways that big corporations can influence government policy.他举了几个大公司如何影响政府决策的例子。麦克米伦高阶〔eye〕This latest judgement will definitely be one in the eye for the fast food corporations.这最新的裁决肯定对快餐公司不利。朗文当代〔faceless〕The meetings served as a reminder that Pepsi wasn't the typical, faceless corporation.这些会议提醒人们, 百事可乐并非那种通常意义上的不知名的公司。外研社新世纪〔financial〕Many computer software corporations are experiencing financial reverses.许多计算机软件公司在经济上遇到了挫折。美国传统〔franchise〕The granting of certain rights and powers to a corporation.公司权:赋予公司一定的权利和权力美国传统〔glass ceiling〕An unacknowledged discriminatory barrier that prevents women and minorities from rising to positions of power or responsibility, as within a corporation.玻璃天花板:不被公开承认的歧视藩篱,不让女性或是弱势少数族群晋升至权力或者责任核心位置,例如在一家公司中美国传统〔go under〕His business went under because of competition from the large corporations.由于大公司的竞争,他的生意陷入了困境。21世纪英汉〔government-chartered〕Overseas Private Investment Corp. is a US government-chartered corporation that provides guarantees and insurance to US companies investing in developing countries.海外私人投资公司是一家由美国政府批准建立的公司,为在发展中国家投资经营的美国公司提供担保和保险。剑桥高阶〔grow into〕His small company has grown into a huge international corporation.他的小公司发展成为一家大型国际化企业。韦氏高阶〔guarantor〕One, such as a person or corporation, that makes or gives a promise, assurance, or pledge typically relating to quality, durability, or performance.保证人:一个人或一个公司,对与质量、耐用性或性能相关的方面提供担保、保证或誓约美国传统〔hack〕Young kids are finding they can hack the computers of large corporations.孩子们发现他们能够侵入大公司的电脑系统。麦克米伦高阶〔head-hunting〕Corporations often use headhunters to find candidates for executive positions.公司常常会利用猎头公司帮助其寻找高级管理职位的候选人。韦氏高阶〔headhunting〕The business of recruiting personnel, especially executive personnel, as for a corporation.猎头公司:为(如公司)招募人员(尤指行政人员)的业务美国传统〔headquartered〕News Corporation is headquartered in New York.新闻集团的总部设在纽约。牛津高阶〔herd〕He was herded into state-owned corporations.他被派在国营企业里工作。英汉大词典〔high roller〕An organization, such as a large corporation, that spends or invests liberally or rashly.大投资的组织:随意地大量开销或大笔投资的组织,如一家大公司美国传统〔identity crisis〕An analogous state of confusion occurring in a social structure, such as an institution or a corporation.危机意识:发生在机关或公司等社会组织间的类似混乱状况美国传统〔incorporated〕Abbr. inc.,Inc.Formed into or organized and maintained as a legal corporation.缩写 inc.,Inc.组成公司的:作为合法公司而建立或组成美国传统〔incorporate〕To admit as a member to a corporation or similar organization.收编,加入:把某人收编入一公司或类似的组织中美国传统〔independence〕The broadcasting corporation is proud of its independence of Government.这家广播公司以其不受政府控制的独立自主而骄傲。英汉大词典〔independent〕There are plans to split the corporation into a number of smaller independent companies.有计划要把大企业分割成一些独立的小公司。朗文当代〔indicate〕The two corporations were already indicating interest.这两家公司已表示有兴趣。英汉大词典〔insubordinate〕To be insubordinate is to invite dismissal from a corporation.不服从将会被公司解雇。美国传统〔jump〕Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation.一些公众会迫不及待地想要抓住机会成为这家公司的持股人。柯林斯高阶〔large cap〕A large cap corporation.巨头:大的股份有限公司美国传统〔large cap〕Of or relating to mutual funds that invest in the stock of such corporation.大型股的:与投资巨头公司股票的共同基金有关的美国传统〔lead〕She took over the lead of the corporation after her father's death.父亲去世后她接任了该公司的领导职位。麦克米伦高阶〔level playing field〕He wants the government to break up large corporations so that there is a level playing field for smaller companies.他希望政府拆分大型公司以建立一个公平的竞争环境,让小公司参与竞争。韦氏高阶〔level the playing field〕He wants the government to level the playing field by breaking up large corporations so that smaller companies can compete.他希望政府拆分大型公司以建立一个公平的竞争环境,让小公司参与竞争。韦氏高阶〔leveraged〕The committee voted to limit tax refunds for corporations involved in leveraged buyouts.委员会投票决定限制参与杠杆收购的企业的退税额度。柯林斯高阶〔liquidate〕They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month.他们已经决定在下月底之前对公司进行清理。21世纪英汉〔loophole〕The new law has closed a loophole that enabled rich corporations to pay no tax.堵塞某事物的漏洞麦克米伦高阶〔management〕The managements of several top corporations met yesterday.几家顶尖公司的管理层于昨天会面。韦氏高阶〔market〕This left the market largely to corporations and individual investors.这就使得市场主要为大公司和个体投资者所占据。外研社新世纪〔mayor〕The head of government of a city, town, borough, or municipal corporation.市长:一个城市、城镇、自治市或城市联合体的政府首脑美国传统〔mercenary〕Six years ago, he became a mercenary for a private military corporation.6 年前,他成为一家私人军事公司的雇佣兵。牛津搭配〔merger〕Proposed merger of our corporation into theirs is under study.将本公司并入他们公司的建议正在研究中。英汉大词典〔merger〕The union of two or more commercial interests or corporations.联合体:两个或两个以上商业团体或利益的联合美国传统〔misuser〕Law Unlawful use of an authorized privilege, right, or form of empowerment, as that of a franchise by a corporation.【法律】 滥用权力:特权、权利或授权形式的非法使用,如一个公司特许权之滥用美国传统〔multinational〕A company or corporation operating in more than two countries.跨国公司:在两个以上国家运营的公司美国传统〔nerve center〕Our Boston office is the nerve center of the corporation.我们的波士顿办事处是集团的控制中心美国传统〔noncommittally〕Mr Hall is non-committal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created.霍尔先生并未明确说明开发公司已创造的岗位数量。柯林斯高阶〔noncommittal〕Mr Hall is noncommittal about the number of jobs that the development corporation has created.霍尔先生并未明确说明开发公司已创造的岗位数量。外研社新世纪〔octopus〕Something, such as a multinational corporation, that has many powerful, centrally controlled branches.章鱼式的东西:如跨国公司这样有许多强大的、由中心控制的分支的事物美国传统〔official〕One who holds an office or a position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency.公务员,职员:一个供职的人,尤指在如公司或政府机构的下属机构工作的人美国传统〔oligarchy〕The corporation is ruled by oligarchy.这家公司由寡头组织统治。韦氏高阶〔partnership〕The company has gone into partnership with Swiss Bank Corporation.这家公司已经和瑞士银行公司建立了合作关系。牛津搭配〔peek〕The film peeks behind the scenes of a multinational corporation.该影片揭示了一家跨国公司的内幕。剑桥高阶〔president〕The chief officer of a branch of government, a corporation, a board of trustees, a university, or a similar body.主管人:政府机关、公司、董事会、学校或相似组织的负责人美国传统〔profit〕Trade corporations would be run at a profit.经营贸易公司一般要有利可图。英汉大词典〔public-service corporation〕A corporation providing essential services, such as water or electricity, to the public.公共服务公司:为公众提供水或电等基本服务的公司美国传统〔purvey〕He would, for a hefty fee, purvey strategic advice to private corporations.他会为了巨额酬金把战略性建议透露给私营公司。外研社新世纪〔recapture〕The lawful taking by a government of a fixed amount of the profits of a public-service corporation in excess of a stipulated rate of return.依法征收:政府用超用规定的比率对公众服务企业的利润征收一定数量的钱的合法行为美国传统〔registrar〕An officer of a corporation responsible for maintaining records of ownership of its securities.政券登记员:负证保留证券所有权情况的公司官员美国传统〔relocate〕The corporation relocated 1450 employees upstate.公司将1450名雇员安置到本州北部的边远区去了。英汉大词典〔reorganization〕A thorough alteration of the structure of a business corporation.整顿:某一企业的结构的彻底转变美国传统〔reorganize〕The company is reorganizing as a corporation.公司正在进行股份有限公司重组。韦氏高阶〔reschedule〕The Commonwealth Development Corporation has agreed to reschedule Tanzania's debt.英联邦开发公司已经同意推迟坦桑尼亚的债务偿还时间。柯林斯高阶〔residence〕The official home or location of a corporation.驻地:某个公司的正式处所美国传统〔return〕Companies seek higher returns by investing in other corporations.各公司通过向其他股份公司投资谋求更高的利润。英汉大词典〔right〕A stockholder's privilege of buying additional stock in a corporation at a special price, usually at par or at a price below the current market value.优惠权:通常以票面价值或低于市场价格的特殊价格在公司中购买增资股票的优惠认股权美国传统〔royalty〕The granting of a right by a monarch to a corporation or an individual to exploit specified natural resources.特许开采权:由君主特许公司或个人开采一特定自然资源的权利美国传统〔seat〕He has a firm seat in the corporation.他在公司里的职位很巩固。英汉大词典〔shakeout〕There has been a shakeout of inefficient corporations.一些效率低下的公司倒闭了。剑桥高阶〔share〕Abbr. sh.,shr.Any of the equal parts into which the capital stock of a corporation or company is divided.缩写 sh.,shr.股份:一个合作公司或公司的股票资金被分成相等部分的任一份美国传统〔sponsorship〕The corporation has dropped its sponsorship of this television program.这家公司已不再赞助这一电视节目。英汉大词典〔stake〕The corporation staked billions of dollars on the deal.这家公司在这桩交易上押了数十亿美元。韦氏高阶〔standard〕A long, tapering flag bearing heraldic devices distinctive of a person or corporation.旗:有区别个人或组织的徽章的长长的尖旗美国传统〔stock company〕A company or corporation whose capital is divided into shares.股份公司:其资本被分成许多份额的公司或团体美国传统〔suitor〕PJH Corporation said it had been approached by two possible suitors who had submitted bids to buy the company.PJH公司称,递交了收购该公司标书的两家潜在的收购者已主动与之接洽。剑桥高阶〔surtax〕A tax levied on corporations or individuals after net income has exceeded a certain level.超额累进所得税:对收入超过一定水平的公司或个人所征的税美国传统〔syndic〕One appointed to represent a corporation, a university, or another organization in business transactions; a business agent.公司代理人,大学代表:在商业交易中被指定代表某公司、大学或其它组织的人;商业代理美国传统〔tax〕The Bonn government taxes profits of corporations at a rate that is among the highest in Europe.波恩政府对公司所得税的征收税率之高在欧洲处于前列。柯林斯高阶〔teeter〕The country's largest corporation is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.该国最大的公司正濒临破产。英汉大词典〔tie〕The firm has close ties with an American corporation.这家商行与一家美国公司关系密切。牛津高阶〔tool〕He claims the government has become a tool of giant corporations.他断言政府已经沦为巨头公司操纵利用的工具。韦氏高阶〔topology〕Globalization and the rise of information technology have changed the topology of the corporation.全球化和信息技术的崛起改变了公司的构造。剑桥高阶〔transformation〕The Minister said the Urban Development Corporation was now transforming the area.部长声称城市开发公司如今正使该地区改头换面。柯林斯高阶〔treasurer〕One who has charge of funds or revenues, especially the chief financial officer of a government, a corporation, or an association.司库:一个掌管资金或收入的人,尤指一个政府、公司或协会的财务总管美国传统〔trend〕Larger corporations are setting the trend for better maternity benefits.较大的公司在开创新风,提供更好的生育福利。朗文当代〔trickle down〕They believe that the benefits of the tax cut for corporations should eventually trickle down to the average consumer.他们相信减税给企业带来的利益最终会向下渗透,惠及普通消费者。韦氏高阶〔trick〕The corporation was tricked out of $20 million.公司被骗走两千万美元。朗文当代〔trust company〕A commercial bank or other corporation that manages trusts.信托公司,信托银行:管理信托财产的商业银行或其他公司美国传统〔trust〕A combination of firms or corporations for the purpose of reducing competition and controlling prices throughout a business or an industry.企业联合:为在一商业或工业内部减少竞争及价格垄断而形成的商行或公司联合美国传统〔turn away from〕Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance.日本企业一直在从生产制造转移, 转向了金融。外研社新世纪〔turn away〕Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate.日本公司已经由生产型企业转而从事金融和房地产业。柯林斯高阶〔tussle〕They found themselves in a legal tussle with a big corporation.他们发现自己与一家大公司产生了法律纠纷。牛津搭配〔walk〕We can't let these big corporations just walk in and take over the town! 我们不能让这些大公司闯进来占据这个小城!韦氏高阶〔worth〕The corporation is worth billions of dollars.这家公司价值数十亿美元。韦氏高阶Charities are not subject to corporation tax.慈善机构不用缴纳公司税。牛津商务Coventry corporation 考文垂市政当局剑桥国际Do corporations have a constitutional right to tell untruths? 企业有说假话的宪法权吗?牛津商务For a corporation, the residual is corporate profits.对公司而言,剔除成本之后剩余的钱就是公司利润。牛津商务He landed a job in a large American corporation. 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。译典通It takes brains to administer a large corporation. 管理大公司要有头脑。译典通It's better to reinvest in the corporation than pay out a dividend.最好将利润再投资于公司而不是派发股息。牛津商务Many large corporations use intranet to exchange inside information. 许多大公司内部使用局域网来交流资讯。译典通PJH Corporation said it had been approached by two possible suitors who had submitted bids to buy the company. PJH 公司声称有两家公司向他们递交了收购投标方案从而成为可能的收购者。剑桥国际She didn't want to work for a big corporation where everything was so impersonal.她不想在大公司工作,那儿缺乏人情味。剑桥国际Some corporations engage in restrictive business practices.某些公司实施限制性商业惯例。牛津商务The corporation failed to meet its self-declared target of completing the deal by the end of this week.公司没有达到公开宣称的要在本星期末完成交易的目标。剑桥国际The corporation has a capital stock of $500 million.公司拥有 5 亿元的股本。牛津商务The corporation has enough capital to build another factory. 这家公司有足够的资金来兴建另一家工厂。译典通The corporation is rather awkwardly situated. 公司处境相当尴尬。译典通The Vice President occupies an important position within the corporation.副总裁在这家大公司中占有重要的地位。剑桥国际The company has joined with two others in its industry to form a new corporation.公司与另外两家同业公司联合组建了一家新公司。牛津商务The pop group is bringing a law suit against John Doe Corporation, a record company which prefers to keep its identity secret.这个流行乐队正在控告某个不愿透露身份的唱片公司。剑桥国际The rate of corporation tax was cut from 35% to 34%.公司税率从 35% 削减到 34%。牛津商务They formed a corporation to buy and develop the property.他们成立了一家公司做房地产开发和购买业务。牛津商务We have signed a master franchise agreement with an international corporation to develop stores in 8 African countries.我们与一家国际公司签订了特许总经销协议,在八个非洲国家开设分店。牛津商务




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