

单词 a fall
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PREDICT〕Property analysts forecast a fall in house prices. 房地产分析人士预测房价会下跌。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕A big price increase led to a fall in sales. 大幅涨价使销量下滑。朗文写作活用〔anticipate〕The directors anticipated a fall in demand (或that demand would fall).董事们预料市场需求将下降。英汉大词典〔be riding for a fall〕She spends far more than she earns and she's riding for a fall.她入不敷出,早晚会有麻烦。剑桥高阶〔bouldering〕Basic or intermediate climbing carried out on relatively small rocks that can be traversed without great risk of bodily harm in case of a fall.攀登运动:一种在可跨越的小岩石中进行的初级或中级的攀登运动,在发生摔倒的情况下也不会冒太大身体伤害的危险美国传统〔city〕The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.金融界对英镑下跌的消息迅速作出反应。剑桥高阶〔confidence〕A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.失业人数的下降会有助于恢复消费者的信心。牛津高阶〔establish〕They have established that his injuries were caused by a fall.他们已经证实他是摔伤的。牛津高阶〔fall guy〕Browne claims that the company was simply looking for a fall guy.布朗称公司只是在找个替死鬼。朗文当代〔fall〕A fall of rocks blocked the entrance to the cave.落下的岩石阻塞了洞口。英汉大词典〔fall〕Both companies reported a fall in profits in the first quarter of this year.两家公司都报告说今年第一季度利润有所下降。牛津搭配〔fall〕He was hurt in a fall at his home yesterday.昨天他在家摔了一跤,受伤了。牛津搭配〔fall〕She was killed in a fall from a horse.她从马背上掉下来摔死了。牛津高阶〔fall〕She was taken to hospital after a fall.她跌倒后被送往医院。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕The chances of surviving a fall under a train are almost nil.掉到火车下面而幸免于难的可能性几乎为零。牛津搭配〔fall〕Their industrial output went down again in December, which meant a fall of 2.2% over the year.12月,他们的工业产量再次下降,那就意味着全年减少了 2.2%。朗文当代〔fall〕There had been a fall of rocks on the road.路上有岩石坠落。麦克米伦高阶〔fall〕There has been a fall in oil prices.油价下跌了。朗文当代〔fall〕We have seen a fall of 5% in sales this month.我们这个月的销售额下降了5%。麦克米伦高阶〔go before〕Pride goes before a fall.骄傲必败。21世纪英汉〔height〕Her injuries are consistent with a fall from a great height.她的伤情与从高处坠落的情况相符。麦克米伦高阶〔labour market〕There's been a fall in the number of young people entering the labour market.进入劳动力市场的年轻人数量有所下降。麦克米伦高阶〔pin〕Sports To win a fall from in wrestling.【体育运动】 摔倒在地:摔跤中,将对方摔在地而获胜美国传统〔potential〕Many potential customers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying.很多潜在的顾客都在等着降价再购买。剑桥高阶〔quarter〕There was a fall in unemployment in the second quarter of the year.今年第二季度的失业率有所下降。剑桥高阶〔rain〕A fall of such water; a rainstorm.骤雨:这种水的下降;暴雨美国传统〔rate〕There has been a fall in the rate of inflation.通货膨胀速度有所下降。韦氏高阶〔ride〕I had a feeling he was riding for a fall, and tried to tell him so.我感觉他在蛮干,于是设法告诉他这一点。朗文当代〔rockfall〕A fall of rocks, as from a cliff.坠岩:岩石从峭壁上坠落美国传统〔safety〕The built-in safety device compensates for a fall in water pressure.该内置式安全装置在水压下降时能提供保护。柯林斯高阶〔short〕Not owning the stocks or commodities one is selling in anticipation of a fall in prices.卖空的:预计到价格可能下跌而出卖自己并不拥有股票或商品美国传统〔slide〕A fall of a mass of rock, earth, or snow down a slope; an avalanche or a landslide.土崩:一片岩石、泥土或雪从斜坡上的落下;雪崩或滑坡美国传统〔spill〕A fall, as from a horse.摔下:如从马上摔下美国传统〔swell〕Last year's profits were swelled by a fall in production costs.去年因生产成本下降,利润有所增加。牛津高阶〔unconscious〕He was knocked unconscious by a fall.他摔了一跤,晕了过去。韦氏高阶〔wipeout〕Sports A fall from a surfboard.【体育运动】 从冲浪板上跌落美国传统A fall in interest rates might undermine sterling.利息率的降低可能会削弱英国货币。剑桥国际He spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair after a fall which left him paralysed from the waist down.一次摔倒使他从腰部以下瘫痪,这以后他在轮椅上度过了一生中的最后10年。剑桥国际If this generation of young women don't start reproducing soon there will be a fall in the population.如果这一代的年轻妇女不赶快开始繁育后代,人口将会下降。剑桥国际In his book he claims that President Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy and that Lee Harvey Oswald was set up as a fall guy.在他的书中,他声称肯尼迪总统是一个阴谋的受害者,而李·哈维·奥斯瓦德只是替罪羊。剑桥国际Lack of confidence in the company manifested itself in a fall in the share price.对公司信心的缺乏表现在股价的下跌上。剑桥国际The City acted swiftly to the news of a fall in the value of sterling.金融界对英镑下跌的消息作出了迅速的反应。剑桥国际The governor is looking for a fall guy to take the blame for the corruption scandal.州长正为腐败丑闻寻找替罪羊。剑桥国际The police arrested a fall guy. The real crooks are still free. 警察逮到一个替死鬼。真正的歹徒仍逍遥法外。译典通The stock markets were riding for a fall.股票市场要出事。牛津商务There has been an overproduction of oil this month, which has led to a fall in prices.这个月石油生产过剩,导致了价格的降低。剑桥国际There was a fall in support for the Republican party at the last election.上一次大选中,支持共和党的人数减少了。剑桥国际There was a fall in unemployment in the second quarter of the year.第二季度的失业率下降了。剑桥国际Tom had a fall and his under lip began to swell up. 汤姆跌了一跤,下唇开始肿起。译典通We are expecting a fall in stock prices. 我们预料股市价格将要下跌。译典通




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