

单词 defense lawyer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COURT/TRIAL〕Defense lawyer Charles Grieshammer said he was not surprised by the verdict. 辩护律师查尔斯·格里沙默尔称他对该判决不感到惊奇。朗文写作活用〔bait〕The defense lawyers tried to bait him and get him to act aggressively.辩护律师企图让他恼火, 使他做出侵犯性的行为。外研社新世纪〔impeach〕The defense lawyers tried to impeach the witness's testimony by forcing him to admit that he had changed his story.辩护律师力图通过迫使证人承认自己改变了对事情的描述,来使人怀疑其证言的真实性。韦氏高阶〔lawyer〕Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.下周控辩双方律师将进行结案陈词。柯林斯高阶〔lawyer〕Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.下周控辩双方律师将进行结案陈词。外研社新世纪〔maneuvering〕It took a lot of legal maneuvering for the defense lawyer to keep her client out of jail.辩护律师采取了许多法律手段才使她的委托人免于坐牢。韦氏高阶〔maneuver〕Through a series of legal maneuvers, the defense lawyer kept her client out of jail.通过一系列法律手段,辩护律师使她的委托人免于坐牢。韦氏高阶〔mouthpiece〕Slang A defense lawyer.【俚语】 辩护律师美国传统Defense lawyers requested a change of venue, claiming that they wouldn't be able to find unbiased jurors in the town where the crime took place.辩护律师要求改变审判地点,声称在罪案发生的那个镇上他们不可能找到没有偏见的陪审员。剑桥国际In his summary statement, the defense lawyer rebutted all the accusations against his client. 在最后的陈述中,辩方律师举出证据反驳了所有对他当事者的指控。译典通




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