

单词 continuous
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔WATER〕a continuous movement of water 不断流动的水朗文写作活用〔ache〕an ache in my heart(= a continuous sad feeling) 我心中的隐痛牛津高阶〔agitate〕continuous agitation of the mixture 混合液的不断搅动韦氏高阶〔blend into〕a continuous pale neutral grey, almost blending into the sky一片不浓不淡的浅灰色, 几乎与天空融成一体外研社新世纪〔blend in〕a continuous pale neutral grey, almost blending into the sky.几乎和天空融为一体的一片绵延不绝的浅灰色柯林斯高阶〔continual〕a continuous fall in unemployment since 1998 自1998 年以来失业率的持续下降朗文当代〔continual〕a continuous line of trees 连绵不断的一排树木朗文当代〔continuous wave〕a continuous wave laser; continuous wave radar.连续波激光器;连续波雷达美国传统〔continuously〕a continuous line of boats.一排船只柯林斯高阶〔continuously〕all employees who had a record of five years' continuous employment with the firm.所有在公司连续任职达5年的员工柯林斯高阶〔continuously〕the continuous frieze of sculpted figures.一条人物雕像构成的檐壁柯林斯高阶〔continuous〕continuous bad weather.连续的恶劣天气。牛津同义词〔continuous〕continuous economic growth 持续的经济增长朗文当代〔continuous〕continuous pain 持续的疼痛剑桥高阶〔continuous〕continuous rain 淫雨英汉大词典〔continuous〕a continuous flow of information 源源不断的信息朗文当代〔continuous〕a continuous flow of water 汩汩流水麦克米伦高阶〔continuous〕a continuous form fed into a printer.源源不断输入打印机的一系列表格美国传统〔continuous〕a continuous function 连续函数英汉大词典〔continuous〕a continuous hum from the air conditioner 空调持续不断的嗡嗡声麦克米伦高阶〔continuous〕a continuous line of cars 络绎不绝的车流英汉大词典〔continuous〕a continuous line of traffic 持续不断的车流韦氏高阶〔continuous〕a continuous line of traffic 络绎不绝的车辆牛津高阶〔continuous〕a continuous plain 茫茫大平原英汉大词典〔continuous〕all employees who had a record of five years' continuous employment with the firm在该公司连续工作五年的所有员工外研社新世纪〔continuous〕coughing not sporadic but continuous 非阵发性而是持续不停的咳嗽英汉大词典〔continuous〕exhausted by continuous effort.不停地使劲以致筋疲力尽。牛津同义词〔continuous〕the continuous frieze of sculpted figures雕像做成的连续横饰带外研社新世纪〔continuous〕the continuous tenses 进行时态牛津高阶〔coverage〕a ward which has continuous nursing coverage 一个有24小时护理的病房英汉大词典〔drone〕the continuous drone of the engine 发动机连续不断的嗡嗡声牛津搭配〔emanate〕the continuous emanation of new ideas 新想法的不断产生韦氏高阶〔frost〕three continuous nights of hard frost 一连三晚的酷寒朗文当代〔interchange〕a continuous interchange of ideas 不断的思想交流牛津高阶〔mapping〕a one-to-one continuous mapping 一对一的连续映射英汉大词典〔piecewise〕piecewise continuous functions 分段连续函数英汉大词典〔play〕a continuous play of light and shade 不断交替的明暗英汉大词典〔series〕my train of thought. Astring is a continuous series or succession of similar or uniform elements likened to objects threaded on a long cord: 我的一系列想法。 String 是连续的一系列或一连串或是串在一根长线上的相似的或相同的要素: 美国传统〔sick bay〕a free 16-bed sick bay for students needing continuous care.免费向需要长期照料的学生提供治疗的配有16张病床的医务室柯林斯高阶〔weary〕be extremely weary with 30 days continuous fighting 连续作战30天而筋疲力尽英汉大词典a system of staff appraisal and development that is subject to continuous audit 取决于连续审计的员工考核与发展制度牛津商务organizations engaging in self-assessment and continuous improvement 开展自我评估并持续改进的组织牛津商务two years' continuous employment 两年的连续就业牛津商务




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