

单词 debriefed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔debriefing〕The act or process of debriefing or of being debriefed.询问报告:询问、盘问或汇报执行任务的情况美国传统〔debriefing〕The information imparted during the process of being debriefed.情报:在汇报执行任务的情况过程中透露出来的信息美国传统〔debrief〕He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission.他被带到美国空军基地汇报执行使命情况。牛津高阶〔debrief〕He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.他向中央情报局汇报完任务执行情况后就去了里约热内卢。柯林斯高阶〔debrief〕He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.经中情局盘问后, 他动身去了里约。外研社新世纪〔debrief〕Police debriefed the hostages upon their return.警方在人质归来后向他们询问情况。韦氏高阶〔debrief〕The men have been debriefed by British and Saudi officials.英国和沙特阿拉伯的官员听取了他们的情况汇报。柯林斯高阶〔debrief〕The men have been debriefed by British and Saudi officials.这些人受到了英国和沙特官员的盘问。外研社新世纪〔debrief〕The officers debriefed the pilot after he had flown back from the warfront.飞行员从战争前线飞回之后,军官们听取了他执行任务的情况汇报。21世纪英汉〔debrief〕The pilot was debriefed after his flight.飞行员返回后被要求汇报飞行情况。韦氏高阶〔debrief〕The pilots were thoroughly debriefed after every mission.每次执行完任务飞行员都要接受详细盘问。剑桥高阶〔debrief〕The political and economic experts debriefed the defector about conditions in his home country.政治和经济方面的专家向这名叛逃者盘问有关他所在国的各种情况。21世纪英汉〔debrief〕The returning bomber crews were debriefed.询问了返回的轰炸机机组人员以了解情况。朗文当代〔debrief〕They were debriefed by intelligence officers.他们受到情报官员的盘问。英汉大词典The pilots were thoroughly debriefed after every mission.飞行员每次执行任务后都要接受详尽的询问。剑桥国际




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