

单词 curse
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔black〕a black curse 诅咒语英汉大词典〔blaspheme〕to curse and blaspheme someone咒骂某人21世纪英汉〔curse〕curse and swear 恶言辱骂 英汉大词典〔curse〕curse out one's treacherous ally 诅咒背信弃义的同伙 英汉大词典〔curse〕curse sb / sth for (doing) sth Elsa cursed herself for believing his lies.埃尔莎骂自己相信了他的谎言。朗文当代〔curse〕curse the wretched weather 咒骂恶劣的天气英汉大词典〔curse〕a witch putting a curse on sb.念咒诅咒某人的女巫英汉大词典〔curse〕be under a curse 受诅咒而遭殃英汉大词典〔curse〕bewailed the curse of ill health.因身体不好而悲叹美国传统〔curse〕get the curse 来月经英汉大词典〔curse〕lay sb. under a curse 诅咒某人英汉大词典〔curse〕make a curse of life to sb.使某人受苦受难英汉大词典〔curse〕the curse of drug addiction 吸毒成瘾的祸害牛津高阶〔curse〕the curse of the Pharaohs 法老的诅咒麦克米伦高阶〔curse〕the curse of unemployment 失业之灾麦克米伦高阶〔inwardly〕curse inwardly 暗中咒骂英汉大词典〔muffle〕a muffled curse 低声的诅咒英汉大词典〔rip〕rip out with a curse 气愤地咒骂英汉大词典〔roundly〕curse sb. roundly 痛斥某人英汉大词典




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